Category: Uncategorized
Worldwide Test of Group Discourse in Conflict
International relations scholars have long suspected that popular support for war is structured in part by in-group reactions to out-group…
Library of Congress: Citizen Journalists and Community News: Archiving for Today and Tomorrow
Kalev presented at the Library of Congress' Citizen Journalists and Community News: Archiving for Today and Tomorrow summit on "Global News…
CCS Community Engagement Guidelines
Kalev helped guide the social media and analytics-driven components of WRI's new "Guidelines for Community Engagement in Carbon Dioxide Capture,…
Soundbite University
Featured by ACE's The Presidency, this study traced the changing role of higher education in the national news media over…
Network of Academic Corporate Relations Officers Annual Conference
Kalev presented at the 2010 Network of Academic Corporate Relations Officers Annual Conference on "Social Intelligence: The CIA Approach to Corporate…
Institutional Impact on Women in Engineering
Postsecondary studies of women in the engineering disciplines tend to treat the issues of recruitment, retention, and density of female students…
The Scope of FBIS and BBC Open Source Media Coverage 1979-2008
Kalev's latest study, published in the CIA's journal Studies in Intelligence, is titled "The Scope of FBIS and BBC Open…
Carbon Capture Report Featured in New York Times
The Carbon Capture Report was featured in today's New York Times. See Article.
First International Crisis Mapping Conference (ICCM2009)
Kalev presented a number of talks at the First International Crisis Mapping Conference (ICCM2009), held at John Carrol University, including "Automated…
New Media vs Old Media: The Drudge Report
Twice featured by Columbia Journalism Review and covered by a wide range of national press, this study traces the evolution…
UC Berkeley: Soul of the New Machine: Human Rights, Technology, and New Media
Kalev was an invited discussant at the UC Berkeley conference "Soul of the New Machine: Human Rights, Technology, and New…
Interview with Que Leer: What will the world of the library look like in 2020? Six experts predict the future
The influential Spanish cultural magazine Que Leer ("What to Read") recently interviewed Kalev for his thoughts on where the future of the…
Interview with Que Leer Magazine
The influential Spanish cultural magazine Que Leer ("What to Read") recently interviewed Kalev for his thoughts on where the future of the…
Airbrushing History: American Style
Featured in the New York Times and international media, this study traced how key White House press releases were constantly…
The Deeper Story of Google Books and the Open Content Alliance
Featured in Que Leer, the preeminent Spanish cultural magazine, this study was the first to quantitatively compare the Google Books…
Harvard University Conflict Early Warning Workshop
Kalev spoke at Harvard University's Conflict Early Warning Workshop, focusing on how automated coding of the world's open information streams will…
Invited Participant at 2008 DNI OSINT Conference
Kalev was an invited participant at the 2008 United States Director of National Intelligence Open Source Intelligence Conference.
An OSINT Study of Media Coverage of WorldCom
Just three years into the new millennium, two of the greatest symbols of American capitalism had imploded in a display of…
Instant Messaging as a Hypermedium in the Making
The recent rise of Instant Messaging systems as a centerpiece of online communication has brought with it many questions about the…
Opening of Columbia University's Human Rights Archive
Kalev spoke at Columbia University's Center for Human Rights Documentation and Research Conference before an audience of more than "240 scholars,…
Invited Participant at 2007 DNI OSINT Conference
Kalev was an invited participant at the 2007 United States Director of National Intelligence Open Source Intelligence Conference.
Office of Naval Research: Federal Funding Exploration System
Together with Alan Craig, Kalev developed this advanced platform which combines a range of open data streams on federal funding…
Funding Location Technology for Emergency Preparedness
Kalev and Alan Craig presented at the 2006 NCSA Private Sector Program Annual Meeting on their TRECC-supported system for mass-scale…
Apple Executive Briefing: Data Mining and Interface for the Digital Humanities
Kalev presented on "Data Mining and Interface for the Digital Humanities" at Apple Computer headquarters in Cupertino as part of…