Author: Kalev Leetaru
Shareworthiness And Motivated Reasoning In Hyper-Partisan News Sharing Behavior On Twitter
This study examines news sharing behavior on Twitter: While news sharing by ordinary social media users has received growing attention,…
GDELT 3.0: More HTTP 451 Curiosities
We noted two weeks ago that the majority of the HTTP 451 errors our crawlers confront each day are the…
Biden's First 100 Days: Reopening The Service Economy
RealClear Opinion Research recently conducted a poll about Biden's first 100 days in office. One of the questions asked was about…
GDELT 3.0: HTTP 451 Errors Completely Disappear
In response to the rise in HTTP 451 errors we've observed since the implementation of GDPR, we've completely reimagined how…
Biden's First 100 Days: Signing The Covid Relief Package Into Law
RealClear Opinion Research recently conducted a poll about Biden's first 100 days in office. One of the questions asked was about…
GDELT 3.0's New Adaptive Geographic Routing: A First Look
The Global Difference Graph (GDG) is now using a prototype version of our new adaptive geographic routing and the results…
Global Frontpage Graph (GFG) Reaches 270 Billion Records
We're excited to announce that the Global Frontpage Graph (GFG) has reached 270 billion records since March 2018!
Biden's First 100 Days: Reopening Schools Five Days A Week
RealClear Opinion Research recently conducted a poll about Biden's first 100 days in office. One of the questions asked was about…
Biden's First 100 Days: Expanding Health Insurance Coverage
RealClear Opinion Research recently conducted a poll about Biden's first 100 days in office. One of the questions asked was about…
Biden's First 100 Days: The Border Crisis
RealClear Opinion Research recently conducted a poll about Biden's first 100 days in office. One of the questions asked was about…
Biden's First 100 Days: Administering 100 Vaccine Doses
RealClear Opinion Research recently conducted a poll about Biden's first 100 days in office. One of the questions asked was how…
New Graph Titles In TV & TV AI Explorers
As you can see in the image at the top of this page, we've added a new subtitle to the…
Biden's First 100 Days: Polling Versus Media Coverage Of Getting The Pandemic Under Control
RealClear Opinion Research recently conducted a poll about Biden's first 100 days in office. One of the questions asked was how…
How GDELT 3.0's Crawler Architecture Uses Realtime Global Network Monitoring To Learn And Adapt Its Global URL Routing
Historically, GDELT's crawlers have addressed transient errors simply by retrying a URL after a short pause or redirecting to a…
Television News Coverage Of The Suez Canal Freighter Versus The Egyptian Train Crash
This week there were two major stories involving Egypt. One involved a large cargo ship stuck in the Suez Canal. The…
How Is Television News Covering Nigerian Kidnappings?
As kidnapping for ransom is becoming a growing business in Nigeria, how is the country being covered on television news? The chart below shows…
How Are The Rohingya Covered On Television News?
The chart below shows the total number of mentions of the Rohingya across television news since October 2017 (the start of the data)….
A Look At Immigration On Television News
The timeline below counts total mentions of immigration across television news of the past decade, showing a sharp rise since Biden's inauguration,…
Fox News Mentions "Monopolies" The Most
The timeline below counts the monthly mention of the words "monopoly" and "monopolies" across television news over the past decade, showing Fox…
"Globalization" Remains Largely Absent From Television News
The Covid-19 pandemic laid bare many of the challenges of globalized supply chains, yet as the timeline below shows, mentions of globalization…
Comparing Television News Coverage Of The Boulder And Atlanta Shootings
How did television news coverage of the Boulder and Atlanta shootings compare? The timeline below shows the total number of mentions of…
The NRA Has Disappeared On Television News Since The Start Of The Pandemic
The timeline below plots monthly mentions of the National Rifle Association across television news over the past decade. The NRA was rarely…
Comparing RCP's Opinion Poll Of Biden's First 100 Days With Media Coverage
RealClear Opinion Research recently released a look at public opinion around Biden's First 100 Days. How have some of the key topics been…
Video: US Television News Barely Mentions Equatorial Guinea Explosion
In the two weeks since a massive explosion killed nearly 100 people and injured more than 600, US television news channels have barely…