Author: Kalev Leetaru
GDELT now available in Palantir
For those using Palantir’s data analysis and visualization platform, you can now import the complete quarter-billion-record GDELT database, along with…
Internet Archive Annual Gala: Mapping the General of American Television News
Kalev and Roger MacDonald, Director of the Internet Archive Television News Archive, spoke on their project to map the geography…
Digital Diplomacy +SocialGood Forum
Kalev spoke on the future of data-driven diplomacy at the Digital Diplomacy +SocialGood Forum at the UN Foundation in Washington DC….
Forecasting the Future of Afghanistan
Joshua Stevens, John Beieler, and Jay Yonamine created this absolutely stunning visualization of the past quarter-century of material conflict in…
Gaza Goes Viral: An Analysis of Influence – Google Ideas Summit
At the Google Ideas Conflict in a Connected World summit in New York City on October 22, 2013, GNIP presented…
Canadian Foreign Ministry Innovation Week
Kalev presented at the Canadian Foreign Ministry in Ottawa, Canada on the evolving applications of "big data" and data-driven diplomacy…
John Deere Big Data Summit 2013
In October 2013, GDELT creator Kalev Leetaru presented at the John Deere Big Data Summit 2013, designed "to bring together…
Oxford Internet Institute Maps Global Media Through GDELT
The Oxford Internet Institute produced this eye-catching visualization of the geography of the news media based on the GDELT global…
Google Constitute: Digitizing the World's Constitutions
The Google Constitute project has made headlines across the world in its efforts to digitize and make searchable the world's…
A Secure and Free Internet – United Nations General Assembly
Kalev was an invited participant in the "A Secure and Free Internet" event at the United Nations General Assembly on…
Presentation at 2013 NGA Academic Research Program Symposium
Kalev presented GDELT at the 2013 National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency (NGA) Academic Research Program (NARP) Symposium at the National Academy of…
Opening Presentation at Wolfram Data Summit 2013
Kalev gave the opening presentation at the Wolfram Data Summit 2013 on the 25th anniversary of the release of Mathematica,…
Subsetting and Aggregating GDELT Using dplyr and SQLite
This is a guest post by Andrew Halterman. Edit 17 Sept to reflect changes in dplyr‘s syntax GDELT is an incredible resource for researchers…
Mapping a Quarter Century of Protests Using GDELT
Foreign Policy ran a front-page story by Dana Stuster featuring the global and Egyptian protest maps created by John Beieler…
Lipari School on Computational Social Science
Kalev taught at the Lipari School on Computational Social Science in Italy from July 20 – July 27th, focusing on how…
USAID Workshop on Early Warning about Mass Atrocities Against Civilians
Kalev presented on how "big data" is reshaping our ability to forecast future mass atrocities as part of the USAID…
Visualizing Global GDELT Coverage
Looking at the map of global protests in 2013 as captured in GDELT that John Beieler created, I was struck…
CRL Opening Keynote: Pioneers in Mining Electronic News for Research
Kalev presented the opening keynote for the Center for Research Library's (CRL)'s Pioneers in Mining Electronic News for Research summit…
World-Wide Human Geography Data Working Group
Kalev presented today to the World-Wide Human Geography Data Working Group.
DARPA Information Science and Technology (ISAT) Economic Science Workshop
Kalev was an invited discussant at the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) Information Science and Technology (ISAT) Economic Science Workshop.
CNBC's Big Data Download Show Features GDELT
CNBC television ran a segment on GDELT for its Big Data Download program titled "An Ambitious Project to Track Global…
TEDxUIUC: What Can Big Data Do For You?
Kalev spoke at TEDxUIUC on "What Can Big Data Do For You?" in how big data is reshaping every discipline.
New Scientist Magazine Maps the Syrian Civil War
Peter Aldhous of New Scientist Magazine put together this impressive interactive map of the Syrian civil war that breaks the…
The Sphere of Influence and Declassification Engine Projects
Led by Matthew Connelly at Columbia University, the Declassification Engine project is a wide-ranging effort involving "historians, journalists, legal scholars,…