Author: Kalev Leetaru
What 76 Billion URLs Can Tell Us About The Lifespan Of A Link On A News Website Homepage
Using 76 billion URLs to study the digital ecology of online journalism, we can chart the lifespan of a link…
Vox: 3 Charts That Show How Trump And Fox News Made The Shutdown About The Border
Vox's Alvin Chang explores how the major television networks covered the 2013 and 2018-2019 US government shutdowns. Read The Full…
A Look At Frontpage Link Lifespan Through 10 Months Of The Global Frontpage Graph (GFG)
Shortly after the launch of the GDELT Global Frontpage Graph (GFG) last March we explored the average lifespan of a…
The GDELT Global Frontpage Graph (GFG) At 10 Months: 76 Billion URLs
GDELT's Global Frontpage Graph (GFG) launched in March of last year, accumulating more than 35 billion URLs in just its first five…
Preserving Online News In An Ephemeral Web: A Look At Four Months Of Global Digital Journalism
As online journalism has rapidly risen into a dominant distribution format over the past quarter century, what does its ephemeral…
Looking Back On Four Months Of The Global Difference Graph
Four months ago we launched the GDELT Global Difference Graph, which recrawls each online article we monitor after 24 hours…
GDELT DOC 2.0 API Supports JSONFeed
The GDELT DOC 2.0 API now supports JSONFeed output format in ArticleList mode. We've also made a number of enhancements to…
Media's 'Blue Wave' Morphs Into a 'Diverse' Congress
As the new Congress was sworn in Thursday, it was remarkable that the phrase “blue wave,” so ubiquitous just two…
GDELT Summary: Global Online News Comparer Launches
Last February we launched the Television Comparer service that makes it trivial to instantly compare the results of multiple queries together…
Rod Arquette Show Radio Interview On Government Shutdown Media Coverage
Kalev joined the Rod Arquette show today to discuss his RealClearPolitics analysis of how the media has been covering the…
How the Shutdown Is Being Framed in the Media
The first two government shutdowns of 2018 were brief affairs. As the third one extends into its second week, how…
Television Comparer Adds Timezones And Aggregations
The Television Comparer now supports the new timezone adjustments and time aggregations that were released yesterday in the GDELT TV…
GDELT 2.0 GEO API Now Supports RSS, JSONFeed and CSV Formats!
The GDELT GEO 2.0 API now supports RSS, JSONFeed and CSV output formats!
WashPost: The 135 Times In 2018 That Trump Specifically Wanted Us To Know What Was Airing On Fox News
The Washington Post's Philip Bump explores the interplay between Fox News' coverage on a given day and President Trump's tweets….
Television Explorer Adds Timezones, Aggregations and RSS/JSONFeed Support
All of the new updates announced today for the GDELT 2.0 TV API, including timezone support, weekly/monthly/yearly aggregations and RSS/JSONFeed…
GDELT 2.0 Television API Now Supports Timezone Adjustment
Historically the GDELT 2.0 TV API operated entirely in the UTC timezone. This simplified date operations and ensured that results could…
GDELT 2.0 Television API Now Supports Weekly/Monthly/Yearly Aggregations
For many searches, hourly and daily time resolutions are more than enough to understand precisely how coverage of a given…
GDELT 2.0 Television API Now Supports RSS and JSONFeed
The GDELT 2.0 TV API now supports RSS and JSONFeed output formats in "clipgallery" mode. When using the ClipGallery mode to…
Cybersecurity Is Providing Information And Solutions Not Selling Fear
We must be cautious that the way in which cybersecurity products are marketed to consumers focuses on improving the real…
Are We Bored With Climate Change?
Declining media and search interest in climate change across the world suggests the public and media both have become so inundated…
American Campaigning Is Already Copying Russian Influence Tactics 'For Research'
As US political campaigning launches Russian-style misinformation “for research” and as Facebook presses forward with an academic research initiative that…
FiveThirtyEight: How Cable News Covered Mueller In 2018
Oliver Roeder and Dhrumil Mehta, with Rachael Dottle creating the graphics, explored how cable television news covered Mueller in 2018….
Tracking Bitcoin/Cryptocurrencies And Blockchain Using GDELT Summary: Two Years Of Coverage
This past January we noted that GDELT Summary was a powerful way to track bitcoin and blockchain coverage across the…
No Facebook, Your Users Don't Understand How You Use Their Data
When even privacy researchers aren’t fully aware of how Facebook is tracking them and how governments and companies outsource their…