Author: Kalev Leetaru
Announcing The Covid-19 Media Dashboard
We're tremendously excited to announce the first iteration of the new Covid-19 Media Dashboard! This inaugural dashboard is a very…
Visualizing The Global Covid-19 "Infodemic": Using Maps, Charts And Timelines To Visualize The Global Media Narrative
Through the Media-Data Research Consortium (M-DRC)'s Google Cloud COVID-19 Research Grant “Quantifying the COVID-19 Public Health Media Narrative Through TV…
Video: RCP's Kalev Leetaru: CNN And MSNBC Largely Ignoring Cuomo's Nursing Home Story
The timeline below shows the total number of mentions of "Cuomo" within 15 seconds of "nursing home" on television news since the…
Global Public Health: A Tale Of Two City-States: A Comparison Of The State-Led Vs Civil Society-Led Responses To COVID-19 In Singapore And Hong Kong
This fascinating study uses the GKG to explore how Singapore and Hong Kong responded to the Covid-19 pandemic: The East…
Video: RCP's Kalev Leetaru: TV News Coverage Of Capitol Police Officer Brian Sicknick: The Different Stories Of Spoken Versus Onscreen Mentions
How was the death of slain Capitol Police Officer Brian Sicknick covered on television news? What can we learn about…
Using The New Television News Advertising Inventory Files To Study The Language And Visuals Of Television Advertising
With the debut of our new Television News Advertising Inventory Files, we're tremendously excited to see how scholars of advertising…
Television News Advertising Inventory Files (AIF) Video Time ASR-Aligned Dataset Now Live Updating!
We're tremendously excited to announce today that the new Television News Advertising Inventory Files (AIF) Video Time ASR-Aligned Dataset is…
Trump Tweets Aired For 97 Minutes On Television News During Impeachment Coverage
The timeline below shows the total seconds of airtime since January 9th, 2021 (the day after Trump was banned from Twitter) in…
Video: RCP's Kalev Leetaru: Since Trump's Twitter Ban His Tweets Have Appeared On Television News 98 Minutes And Counting
Twitter's permanent ban of @realDonaldTrump was supposed to bring to a close Donald Trump's Twitter-fueled media stardom in which he…
Video: RCP's Kalev Leetaru: Capitol Storming Received Fraction Of The Television News Airtime Devoted To George Floyd Protests
How can we compare the television news airtime devoted to the January 6, 2021 Capitol storming with that of the…
Video: RCP's Kalev Leetaru: MSNBC Stops Talking About Lincoln Project In Aftermath Of Allegations As Fox News Ramps Up Coverage
The timeline below shows the smoothed number of daily mentions of the Lincoln Project since November 2019 across television news. MSNBC…
Video: RCP's Kalev Leetaru: How Often Have Doctors Been Interviewed On Television Evening News Broadcasts 2010-2021?
The timeline below shows the total monthly seconds of airtime in which the title "Dr." appeared somewhere in the onscreen text of…
CNN And MSNBC Largely Ignoring Cuomo's Nursing Home Story
The timeline below shows the total number of mentions of "Cuomo" within 15 seconds of "nursing home" on television news since the…
China Times: Foreign Media Prefer To Report Negative News About The Mainland? Statistics Are Eye-Opening
An article in today's China Times references a study that used GDELT to understand the tone of coverage in select…
American Television News Devotes Little Attention To Myanmar Coup
In the two weeks since Burma's February 1, 2021 military coup, how much attention has the coup received across television…
First Draft: The Role Of Cable Television News In Amplifying Trump's Tweets About Election Integrity
First Draft published an in-depth report today diving into how television news amplified Donald Trump's Twitter claims about election integrity, showcasing…
Fox News Covers Psaki's "Personal Capacity" Walensky Comment Twice As Much As CNN And MSNBC Combined
On February 3, 2021, CDC Director Dr. Walensky stated at a press conference that schools could be safely reopened without…
Fox News Mentions Jen Psaki More Than CNN And MSNBC Combined
The graph below shows how many times White House press secretary Jen Psaki has been mentioned across CNN, MSNBC and Fox News…
MSNBC Stops Talking About Lincoln Project In Aftermath Of Allegations As Fox News Ramps Up Coverage
The timeline below shows the smoothed number of daily mentions of the Lincoln Project since November 2019 across television news. MSNBC has…
Updated Dr.'s Chronology From Television News OCR: 2020-2021
We've updated our chronology of Dr.'s from the onscreen OCR'd text of television news that we first released early last year. The latest…
A Look At Mask Imagery On Television News
The timeline below shows the total seconds of daily airtime since the start of last year that depicted some form of "personal…
How Often Have Doctors Been Interviewed On Television Evening News Broadcasts 2010-2021?
The timeline below shows the total monthly seconds of airtime in which the title "Dr." appeared somewhere in the onscreen text…
WashPost: A Year Of Election Misinformation From Trump, Visualized
The Washington Post's Philip Bump looks at how television news covered Trump's election claims. Read The Full Article.
Fox News Leads Coverage Of "Cancel Culture"
The timeline below shows the total weekly seconds of airtime across CNN, MSNBC and Fox News in which the phrase "cancel culture"…