For more than a decade the Internet Archive's TV News ArchiveĀ has been archiving CSPAN and CSPAN2 (since June 4, 2009) and CSPAN3 (since January 26, 2012). This archive today encompasses more than 254,000 broadcasts across the three channels totaling 1.86 billion spoken words over 10.3GB of transcripts.
In collaboration with the TV News Archive, we have integrated the closed captioning of the more than quarter-million broadcasts across the three channels into the Visual Explorer so that now when you view a broadcast you will see the captioning overlay as the video clip plays in order to make it easier to understand what is being said. Importantly, this also makes it possible now to keyword search within a single broadcast in the Visual Explorer interface to jump directly to a specific point of a hearing where a specific topic is being discussed, for example, using the combined thumbnails + captioning to perform multimodal visual + spoken search.