The United States Institute of Peace Open Situation Room uses GDELT for its global situation maps. The Open Situation Room Exchange project seeks to empower greater collective impact in preventing or mitigating serious violent conflicts in particular arenas through collaboration and data sharing. We seek to devise an operational framework of relationships and supportive technologies that increase the sharing of actionable information, analysis and strategies of peaceful change among local and international peacebuilding organizations and host-country actors. Specifically, the OSRx will gather, visualize and share timely information about situations in conflict zones, debate and sharpen needs assessments, compare strategies for non-violent change, and share program plans and scope. OSRx uses trusted conversations around an issue in a conflict zone among local and international stakeholders. These conversations are informed with a data profile in the form of data visualizations about the situation. Through collaboration and exchange, it is hoped that better situational awareness for all stakeholders emerge, and is reflected in an updated data profile that is made available to the larger world.