Featured in Que Leer, the preeminent Spanish cultural magazine, this study was the first to quantitatively compare the Google Books and Open Content Alliance initiatives and uncover a number of unexpected similarities and differences between the projects.
The study was extensively cited and covered in the popular and academic press. A few citations are:
- Cited in Library Quarterly: Conway, Paul. (January 2010). Preservation in the Age of Google: Digitization, Digital Preservation, and Dilemmas. Volume 80, Number 1. pp. 61-79.
- Cited in portal: Libraries and the Academy: Dougan, Kirstin. (2009). Music to our Eyes: Google Books, Google Scholar, and the Open Content Alliance. Volume 10, Number 1. pp. 75-93.
- Cited in 10th International Conference on Document Analysis and Recognition: Fan, Jian. Robust Color Image Enhancement of Digitized Books. (July 26-July 29, 2009, Barcelona, Spain).