The GDELT Project

Large-Token LLMs: Leveraging GCP PaLM 2's 32K Token Limit To Summarize An Entire Episode Of Russia's 60 Minutes

This past July we explored how large-token LLMs like Anthropic's Claude 2 can be used to summarize large texts. With the public release of Google's own 32k token models, let's take a look at how GCP's PaLM's 32K model handles an episode of Russia's 60 Minutes broadcast:

We copy-paste the transcript above into the prompt below, escaping commas:

time curl \
-H "Authorization: Bearer $(gcloud auth print-access-token)" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \[YOURPROJECTID]/locations/us-central1/publishers/google/models/text-bison-32k:predict -d \
"instances": [
{ "prompt": "Make a complete bulleted list of every single story discussed in the following transcript, with a title, description and summary of each. Be comprehensive and list every single story mentioned in the transcript.\n\nTRANSCRIPT:"}
"parameters": {
"temperature": 0.2,
"maxOutputTokens": 8192,
"topK": 40,
"topP": 0.95
}' > O; cat O | jq -r .predictions[0].content

Just to make sure we're not exceeding the model's maximum length, let's verify the model's confirmed input. Indeed, if we save just the prompt text to a file and run "cat prompt.txt | tr -d ' ' | wc -c" we get the same number of billable characters (removing spaces) and around 20,390 words compared with the 24,614 below (this is because even in English is not always a one-to-one mapping of tokens to words). Either way, this confirms that the input is not being substantially truncated.

"inputTokenCount": {
        "totalBillableCharacters": 95977,
        "totalTokens": 24614

Running the prompt yields the following results, which can be compared with the Claude 2 output. The most immediate observation is that much of the summarization below is hallucinated: fabricated out of whole cloth or modified to the point of fabrication by the LLM using the source material as inspiration. Critically, even for stories that are present in the source text, the model has fundamentally altered their tone and context so substantially or added additional detail beyond the source text as to render them unrecognizable. Editorialized commentary like "it is important to stay informed about the latest developments" mirrors Google's consumer-focused Bard product, suggesting a growing shift from PaLM's original more enterprise-focused clinical responses. The issues below are a mixture of classical hallucination and either RLHF or guardrails (or both) response nudging.

For example, in terms of climate change, the source text mentions "You know what kind of yesterday We adopted a wonderful law, thank God so far in the first style, And then what is within the framework of the western climate fraud. Nichestvo, if any Russian enterprise, including in new territories, and not on time will hand over statistics, And emissions. Coâ‚‚, if it works under the harmer, it will be fined." Dangerously, instead of merely recording that the text briefly references climate change and frames it as a "western climate fraud", the output below hallucinates a completely different framing: that climate change is a critical threat of the world and that urgent action is required, rewriting the text into a Western view, rather than accurately and faithfully summarizing the source text. Editorialization in summarization is fatal to downstream analysis: a Russian statement endorsing Western climate goals in the form described below would be an immensely noteworthy event that would prompt significant diplomatic interest, meaning this article would result in wasted resources as analysts urgently attempt to confirm its false results.

Indeed, the results below are heavily editorialized in ways that fundamentally and existentially alter their meaning to often be the inverse of the actual source text.

**Story 1: Russia-Ukraine Conflict**

* Title: Russia-Ukraine Conflict: Ongoing Tensions and Military Escalation
* Description: The ongoing conflict between Russia and Ukraine continues to escalate, with both sides engaged in intense military operations. Russia has launched a full-scale invasion of Ukraine, resulting in widespread destruction, civilian casualties, and a massive refugee crisis. Ukraine has received significant military and financial support from Western countries, leading to concerns about a prolonged and potentially wider conflict. Diplomatic efforts to resolve the crisis have so far been unsuccessful.
* Summary: The Russia-Ukraine conflict is a complex and rapidly evolving situation with far-reaching implications for regional and international security. It is important to stay informed about the latest developments and to monitor the ongoing negotiations and military operations.

**Story 2: Nord Stream Pipeline Explosions**

* Title: Nord Stream Pipeline Explosions: Sabotage Suspected, Investigations Ongoing
* Description: The Nord Stream 1 and 2 pipelines, which transport natural gas from Russia to Europe, were damaged by a series of explosions in September 2022. Investigations into the incident are ongoing, but sabotage is widely suspected. The explosions have raised concerns about the security of critical infrastructure and have further strained relations between Russia and the West.
* Summary: The Nord Stream pipeline explosions have had a significant impact on European energy security and have heightened tensions between Russia and the West. The ongoing investigations into the incident are crucial for determining responsibility and ensuring accountability.

**Story 3: US-China Relations**

* Title: US-China Relations: Competition, Cooperation, and Strategic Rivalry
* Description: The relationship between the United States and China is characterized by a complex mix of competition, cooperation, and strategic rivalry. Both countries are major global powers with significant economic, military, and technological capabilities. Tensions between the two countries have been rising in recent years, particularly over issues such as trade, technology, human rights, and regional influence.
* Summary: The US-China relationship is one of the most important bilateral relationships in the world. Managing this relationship effectively is crucial for maintaining global stability and addressing common challenges.

**Story 4: Global Economic Outlook**

* Title: Global Economic Outlook: Inflation, Supply Chain Disruptions, and Recession Fears
* Description: The global economy is facing significant challenges, including rising inflation, supply chain disruptions, and fears of a recession. The COVID-19 pandemic has had a profound impact on economic activity, exacerbating existing vulnerabilities and creating new uncertainties. The war in Ukraine has further disrupted global supply chains and contributed to rising energy prices.
* Summary: The global economic outlook is uncertain and volatile. Addressing the underlying challenges and building resilience will require coordinated efforts from governments, businesses, and international organizations.

**Story 5: Climate Change and Environmental Concerns**

* Title: Climate Change and Environmental Concerns: Urgent Action Needed
* Description: Climate change and environmental degradation continue to pose serious threats to the planet and its inhabitants. Rising greenhouse gas emissions, global warming, and extreme weather events are impacting ecosystems, biodiversity, and human livelihoods. Urgent action is needed to mitigate the effects of climate change and transition to a more sustainable and resilient future.
* Summary: Climate change and environmental concerns require global cooperation and commitment to address the root causes and find effective solutions.

**Story 6: Social Media and Disinformation**

* Title: Social Media and Disinformation: Challenges to Truth and Democracy
* Description: The rise of social media has revolutionized communication and information sharing. However, it has also facilitated the spread of disinformation and misinformation, which can have serious consequences for individuals, societies, and democratic processes. Efforts are being made to combat disinformation, but it remains a significant challenge.
* Summary: Social media platforms have a responsibility to address the spread of disinformation and misinformation. Promoting media literacy and critical thinking skills is also essential for building resilience against disinformation campaigns.

**Story 7: Space Exploration and Technological Advancements**

* Title: Space Exploration and Technological Advancements: Pushing the Boundaries of Human Knowledge
* Description: Space exploration and technological advancements continue to expand our understanding of the universe and open up new possibilities for scientific discovery. Recent achievements include the successful launch of the James Webb Space Telescope, the first human flights to the edge of space by commercial companies, and the development of advanced artificial intelligence systems.
* Summary: Space exploration and technological advancements inspire curiosity, drive innovation, and contribute to our knowledge and understanding of the world around us. Continued investment in these areas is essential for future progress and discovery.

**Story 8: Humanitarian Crises and Global Health Challenges**

* Title: Humanitarian Crises and Global Health Challenges: Responding to Suffering and Building Resilience
* Description: Humanitarian crises, such as conflicts, natural disasters, and disease outbreaks, continue to affect millions of people around the world. Global health challenges, including the COVID-19 pandemic, have highlighted the importance of preparedness, cooperation, and equitable access to healthcare.
* Summary: Addressing humanitarian crises and global health challenges requires a coordinated and compassionate response from governments, international organizations, and individuals. Building resilient communities and investing in healthcare systems are essential for mitigating the impact of future crises.

**Story 9: Energy Transition and Renewable Energy**

* Title: Energy Transition and Renewable Energy: Balancing Sustainability and Economic Growth
* Description: The global energy sector is undergoing a transition towards more sustainable and renewable sources of energy. This transition is driven by concerns about climate change, energy security, and economic competitiveness. However, the transition also faces challenges, including the need for significant investment, infrastructure development, and policy support.
* Summary: The energy transition is essential for achieving a sustainable and low-carbon future. Balancing the need for economic growth with environmental sustainability is a key challenge in this transition.

**Story 10: Future of Work and Technological Disruption**

* Title: Future of Work and Technological Disruption: Adapting to a Changing Workforce
* Description: Technological advancements, such as automation and artificial intelligence, are transforming the nature of work and the workforce. This disruption has the potential to create new opportunities and improve productivity, but it also raises concerns about job displacement and inequality.
* Summary: The future of work requires a focus on adaptability, lifelong learning, and ensuring that the benefits of technological advancements are shared equitably. Upskilling and reskilling programs, as well as social safety nets, are essential for supporting workers through this transition.

Perhaps we simply stumbled upon a randomly poor response, so let's try a second time. Once again we have hallucinated stories and editorialized responses. Interestingly, we see Japanese text interjected in one of the bullets for the first story. It has the correct meaning (strict as in "strict sanctions") but is unclear why the model codeswitched here, especially since the source text is Russian rather than Japanese. The city of "Lysychansk" does not appear to be mentioned in the text.

**Story 1: Russia-Ukraine Conflict**

* **Description:** The ongoing conflict between Russia and Ukraine, which began with Russia's annexation of Crimea in 2014 and escalated into a full-scale invasion in February 2022, continues to be a major focus of discussion.
* **Key Points:**
* Russian forces have made significant gains in eastern Ukraine in recent weeks, capturing the city of Lysychansk and advancing towards Sloviansk and Kramatorsk.
* Ukrainian forces have been forced to retreat from several areas, but they have also inflicted heavy losses on the Russian military.
* The United States and its allies have provided Ukraine with billions of dollars in military and humanitarian aid, and have imposed厳しい sanctions on Russia.
* The conflict has had a devastating impact on the Ukrainian people, with millions of people displaced from their homes and thousands killed.
* **Analysis:**
* The conflict in Ukraine is likely to continue for some time, as neither side is willing to back down.
* The United States and its allies are likely to continue to provide Ukraine with military and humanitarian aid, and to impose sanctions on Russia.
* The conflict is likely to have a lasting impact on the region, and could potentially lead to a wider conflict in Europe.

**Story 2: Nord Stream Pipeline Explosions**

* **Description:** In September 2022, explosions damaged the Nord Stream 1 and 2 pipelines, which carry natural gas from Russia to Europe.
* **Key Points:**
* The explosions caused significant damage to the pipelines, and it is not yet clear who was responsible.
* The United States and its allies have accused Russia of being behind the explosions, but Russia has denied any involvement.
* The explosions have raised concerns about the security of Europe's energy infrastructure, and have led to calls for increased sanctions on Russia.
* **Analysis:**
* The Nord Stream pipeline explosions are likely to have a significant impact on Europe's energy security.
* The explosions could lead to higher energy prices and shortages in Europe, and could also damage Europe's relationship with Russia.
* The explosions are also likely to increase tensions between the United States and Russia.

**Story 3: US-China Relations**

* **Description:** Tensions between the United States and China have been rising in recent years, as the two countries compete for global influence.
* **Key Points:**
* The two countries have clashed over a range of issues, including trade, technology, and human rights.
* The United States has imposed tariffs on Chinese goods, and China has retaliated with tariffs of its own.
* The two countries have also been competing for influence in the Asia-Pacific region, and have been involved in a number of disputes in the South China Sea.
* **Analysis:**
* The US-China relationship is likely to remain tense for the foreseeable future.
* The two countries have very different interests and values, and there is little trust between them.
* The rivalry between the United States and China could lead to a new Cold War, or even a hot war.

**Story 4: Climate Change**

* **Description:** Climate change is a major threat to the planet, and its effects are already being felt around the world.
* **Key Points:**
* The Earth's average temperature has increased by about 1 degree Celsius since the late 19th century.
* This warming is causing a number of changes in the climate, including more extreme weather events, rising sea levels, and melting glaciers.
* Climate change is also having a significant impact on human health, food security, and economic development.
* **Analysis:**
* Climate change is a global problem, and it will require a global solution.
* The world needs to transition to a clean energy economy, and it needs to reduce its greenhouse gas emissions.
* Climate change is a threat to our planet and to our way of life, and we need to act now to address it.

**Story 5: COVID-19 Pandemic**

* **Description:** The COVID-19 pandemic has had a profound impact on the world, causing widespread illness, death, and economic disruption.
* **Key Points:**
* The virus has infected over 500 million people worldwide, and killed over 6 million.
* The pandemic has caused a global recession, and has led to widespread unemployment and poverty.
* The pandemic has also exposed the weaknesses in the global health system, and has led to calls for reform.
* **Analysis:**
* The COVID-19 pandemic is a global crisis, and it will require a global response.
* The world needs to work together to develop and distribute vaccines, and to provide economic support to those who have been affected by the pandemic.
* The pandemic is a reminder that we need to be better prepared for future health emergencies.

Let's try a third time. Once again, the editorialization is so existential as to render the summaries effectively useless for most downstream tasks.

**Story 1: Russia-Ukraine Conflict**

* Title: Russia-Ukraine Conflict: Ongoing Tensions and Military Escalation
* Description: The ongoing conflict between Russia and Ukraine continues to escalate, with both sides engaged in intense military operations. Russia has launched a full-scale invasion of Ukraine, resulting in widespread destruction, civilian casualties, and a massive refugee crisis. Ukraine has received significant military and financial support from Western countries, leading to heightened tensions between Russia and the West. The conflict has had far-reaching consequences for regional and international stability, with concerns of a wider European conflict looming large. Diplomatic efforts to resolve the crisis have so far proven unsuccessful, and the situation remains highly volatile and unpredictable.
* Summary: Russia-Ukraine conflict, ongoing tensions, military escalation, full-scale invasion, civilian casualties, refugee crisis, Western support for Ukraine, heightened tensions between Russia and the West, regional and international stability concerns, failed diplomatic efforts, volatile and unpredictable situation.

**Story 2: Nord Stream Pipeline Explosions**

* Title: Nord Stream Pipeline Explosions: Mystery Deepens Amidst Allegations and Investigations
* Description: The mysterious explosions that damaged the Nord Stream pipelines in September 2022 continue to be a subject of intense speculation and investigations. The pipelines, which transport natural gas from Russia to Europe, were severely damaged in underwater explosions, leading to significant gas leaks and environmental concerns. While initial investigations have been conducted, the exact cause and responsibility for the explosions remain unclear. Accusations have been leveled against various parties, including Russia, Ukraine, and Western countries. The incident has heightened tensions in the region and raised concerns about energy security and infrastructure vulnerability.
* Summary: Nord Stream pipeline explosions, ongoing mystery, damaged pipelines, gas leaks, environmental concerns, unclear cause and responsibility, accusations against various parties, heightened tensions, energy security and infrastructure vulnerability.

**Story 3: US-China Relations**

* Title: US-China Relations: Escalating Tensions and Strategic Competition
* Description: US-China relations have been marked by escalating tensions and strategic competition in recent years. Both countries are engaged in a wide range of issues, including trade, technology, human rights, and regional influence. The ongoing trade war between the two countries has had significant economic implications, with tariffs and counter-tariffs imposed on goods worth billions of dollars. Tensions have also risen over issues such as the status of Taiwan, China's military modernization, and US concerns about intellectual property theft and human rights abuses in China. The relationship between the two countries is seen as crucial for global stability and the future of the international order.
* Summary: US-China relations, escalating tensions, strategic competition, trade war, economic implications, tariffs, Taiwan issue, China's military modernization, intellectual property theft, human rights concerns, global stability, international order.

**Story 4: Political Polarization in the United States**

* Title: Political Polarization in the United States: Deepening Divides and Partisan Gridlock
* Description: Political polarization in the United States has reached unprecedented levels, with deep divisions between the two major political parties and their supporters. Partisan gridlock has become the norm, making it difficult to pass meaningful legislation and address pressing issues. The political landscape is characterized by intense ideological divisions, fueled by factors such as social and cultural issues, economic inequality, and media fragmentation. The polarization has led to a decline in trust in government institutions, increased political extremism, and a growing sense of national disunity. Efforts to bridge the partisan divide and find common ground have proven challenging, raising concerns about the future of American democracy.
* Summary: Political polarization in the United States, deep divisions, partisan gridlock, ideological divisions, social and cultural issues, economic inequality, media fragmentation, decline in trust in government, increased political extremism, national disunity, challenges in bridging the divide, concerns about American democracy.

**Story 5: Climate Change and Global Warming**

* Title: Climate Change and Global Warming: Urgent Action Needed to Avert Catastrophe
* Description: Climate change and global warming continue to pose a grave threat to the planet and its inhabitants. Rising greenhouse gas emissions, primarily caused by human activities such as burning fossil fuels, deforestation, and industrial processes, are driving global temperatures to unprecedented levels. The impacts of climate change are already being felt worldwide, with more frequent and severe weather events, rising sea levels, melting glaciers, and changing ecosystems. Urgent action is needed to reduce emissions, transition to renewable energy sources, and adapt to the changing climate. International cooperation and ambitious climate policies are essential to mitigate the worst effects of climate change and secure a sustainable future for generations to come.
* Summary: Climate change, global warming, rising greenhouse gas emissions, human activities, rising temperatures, weather events, rising sea levels, melting glaciers, changing ecosystems, urgent action needed, emissions reduction, renewable energy transition, international cooperation, climate policies, sustainable future.

Let's change our prompt slightly to require that the model not use outside information:

Make a complete bulleted list of every single story discussed in the following transcript, with a title, description and summary of each. Be comprehensive and list every single story mentioned in the transcript. Do not use any information beyond what is contained in the transcript.

Now let's see if that fixes things. This time we hit the dreaded LLM infinite loop. The model took 2m21s to return and only returned when it did because we hit our output cap – otherwise it would have continued indefinitely:

"tokenMetadata": {
      "outputTokenCount": {
        "totalBillableCharacters": 27689,
        "totalTokens": 8141
      "inputTokenCount": {
        "totalTokens": 24627,
        "totalBillableCharacters": 96042

The final results can be seen below:

The transcript discusses the following stories:

1. Russian troops advancing towards Lysychansk, Ukrainian forces retreat to Severodonetsk (ongoing)
2. Russian forces capture Kreminna, Ukrainian forces retreat to Rubizhne (ongoing)
3. Russian forces capture Popasna, Ukrainian forces retreat to Bakhmut (ongoing)
4. Russian forces capture Lyman, Ukrainian forces retreat to Slovyansk (ongoing)
5. Russian forces capture Sievierodonetsk, Ukrainian forces retreat to Lysychansk (ongoing)
6. Russian forces capture Rubizhne, Ukrainian forces retreat to Severodonetsk (ongoing)
7. Russian forces capture Lysychansk, Ukrainian forces retreat to Bakhmut (ongoing)
8. Russian forces capture Bakhmut, Ukrainian forces retreat to Slovyansk (ongoing)
9. Russian forces capture Slovyansk, Ukrainian forces retreat to Kramatorsk (ongoing)
10. Russian forces capture Kramatorsk, Ukrainian forces retreat to Druzhkovka (ongoing)
11. Russian forces capture Druzhkovka, Ukrainian forces retreat to Konstantinovka (ongoing)
12. Russian forces capture Konstantinovka, Ukrainian forces retreat to Kramatorsk (ongoing)
13. Russian forces capture Kramatorsk, Ukrainian forces retreat to Slovyansk (ongoing)
14. Russian forces capture Slovyansk, Ukrainian forces retreat to Bakhmut (ongoing)
15. Russian forces capture Bakhmut, Ukrainian forces retreat to Soledar (ongoing)
16. Russian forces capture Soledar, Ukrainian forces retreat to Seversk (ongoing)
17. Russian forces capture Seversk, Ukrainian forces retreat to Bakhmut (ongoing)
18. Russian forces capture Bakhmut, Ukrainian forces retreat to Chasiv Yar (ongoing)
19. Russian forces capture Chasiv Yar, Ukrainian forces retreat to Kramatorsk (ongoing)
20. Russian forces capture Kramatorsk, Ukrainian forces retreat to Slovyansk (ongoing)
21. Russian forces capture Slovyansk, Ukrainian forces retreat to Bakhmut (ongoing)
22. Russian forces capture Bakhmut, Ukrainian forces retreat to Soledar (ongoing)
23. Russian forces capture Soledar, Ukrainian forces retreat to Seversk (ongoing)
24. Russian forces capture Seversk, Ukrainian forces retreat to Bakhmut (ongoing)
25. Russian forces capture Bakhmut, Ukrainian forces retreat to Chasiv Yar (ongoing)
26. Russian forces capture Chasiv Yar, Ukrainian forces retreat to Kramatorsk (ongoing)
27. Russian forces capture Kramatorsk, Ukrainian forces retreat to Slovyansk (ongoing)
28. Russian forces capture Slovyansk, Ukrainian forces retreat to Bakhmut (ongoing)
29. Russian forces capture Bakhmut, Ukrainian forces retreat to Soledar (ongoing)
30. Russian forces capture Soledar, Ukrainian forces retreat to Seversk (ongoing)
31. Russian forces capture Seversk, Ukrainian forces retreat to Bakhmut (ongoing)
32. Russian forces capture Bakhmut, Ukrainian forces retreat to Chasiv Yar (ongoing)
33. Russian forces capture Chasiv Yar, Ukrainian forces retreat to Kramatorsk (ongoing)
34. Russian forces capture Kramatorsk, Ukrainian forces retreat to Slovyansk (ongoing)
35. Russian forces capture Slovyansk, Ukrainian forces retreat to Bakhmut (ongoing)
36. Russian forces capture Bakhmut, Ukrainian forces retreat to Soledar (ongoing)
37. Russian forces capture Soledar, Ukrainian forces retreat to Seversk (ongoing)
38. Russian forces capture Seversk, Ukrainian forces retreat to Bakhmut (ongoing)
39. Russian forces capture Bakhmut, Ukrainian forces retreat to Chasiv Yar (ongoing)
40. Russian forces capture Chasiv Yar, Ukrainian forces retreat to Kramatorsk (ongoing)
41. Russian forces capture Kramatorsk, Ukrainian forces retreat to Slovyansk (ongoing)
42. Russian forces capture Slovyansk, Ukrainian forces retreat to Bakhmut (ongoing)
43. Russian forces capture Bakhmut, Ukrainian forces retreat to Soledar (ongoing)
44. Russian forces capture Soledar, Ukrainian forces retreat to Seversk (ongoing)
45. Russian forces capture Seversk, Ukrainian forces retreat to Bakhmut (ongoing)
46. Russian forces capture Bakhmut, Ukrainian forces retreat to Chasiv Yar (ongoing)
47. Russian forces capture Chasiv Yar, Ukrainian forces retreat to Kramatorsk (ongoing)
48. Russian forces capture Kramatorsk, Ukrainian forces retreat to Slovyansk (ongoing)
49. Russian forces capture Slovyansk, Ukrainian forces retreat to Bakhmut (ongoing)
50. Russian forces capture Bakhmut, Ukrainian forces retreat to Soledar (ongoing)
51. Russian forces capture Soledar, Ukrainian forces retreat to Seversk (ongoing)
52. Russian forces capture Seversk, Ukrainian forces retreat to Bakhmut (ongoing)
53. Russian forces capture Bakhmut, Ukrainian forces retreat to Chasiv Yar (ongoing)
54. Russian forces capture Chasiv Yar, Ukrainian forces retreat to Kramatorsk (ongoing)
55. Russian forces capture Kramatorsk, Ukrainian forces retreat to Slovyansk (ongoing)
56. Russian forces capture Slovyansk, Ukrainian forces retreat to Bakhmut (ongoing)
57. Russian forces capture Bakhmut, Ukrainian forces retreat to Soledar (ongoing)
58. Russian forces capture Soledar, Ukrainian forces retreat to Seversk (ongoing)
59. Russian forces capture Seversk, Ukrainian forces retreat to Bakhmut (ongoing)
60. Russian forces capture Bakhmut, Ukrainian forces retreat to Chasiv Yar (ongoing)
61. Russian forces capture Chasiv Yar, Ukrainian forces retreat to Kramatorsk (ongoing)
62. Russian forces capture Kramatorsk, Ukrainian forces retreat to Slovyansk (ongoing)
63. Russian forces capture Slovyansk, Ukrainian forces retreat to Bakhmut (ongoing)
64. Russian forces capture Bakhmut, Ukrainian forces retreat to Soledar (ongoing)
65. Russian forces capture Soledar, Ukrainian forces retreat to Seversk (ongoing)
66. Russian forces capture Seversk, Ukrainian forces retreat to Bakhmut (ongoing)
67. Russian forces capture Bakhmut, Ukrainian forces retreat to Chasiv Yar (ongoing)
68. Russian forces capture Chasiv Yar, Ukrainian forces retreat to Kramatorsk (ongoing)
69. Russian forces capture Kramatorsk, Ukrainian forces retreat to Slovyansk (ongoing)
70. Russian forces capture Slovyansk, Ukrainian forces retreat to Bakhmut (ongoing)
71. Russian forces capture Bakhmut, Ukrainian forces retreat to Soledar (ongoing)
72. Russian forces capture Soledar, Ukrainian forces retreat to Seversk (ongoing)
73. Russian forces capture Seversk, Ukrainian forces retreat to Bakhmut (ongoing)
74. Russian forces capture Bakhmut, Ukrainian forces retreat to Chasiv Yar (ongoing)
75. Russian forces capture Chasiv Yar, Ukrainian forces retreat to Kramatorsk (ongoing)
76. Russian forces capture Kramatorsk, Ukrainian forces retreat to Slovyansk (ongoing)
77. Russian forces capture Slovyansk, Ukrainian forces retreat to Bakhmut (ongoing)
78. Russian forces capture Bakhmut, Ukrainian forces retreat to Soledar (ongoing)
79. Russian forces capture Soledar, Ukrainian forces retreat to Seversk (ongoing)
80. Russian forces capture Seversk, Ukrainian forces retreat to Bakhmut (ongoing)
81. Russian forces capture Bakhmut, Ukrainian forces retreat to Chasiv Yar (ongoing)
82. Russian forces capture Chasiv Yar, Ukrainian forces retreat to Kramatorsk (ongoing)
83. Russian forces capture Kramatorsk, Ukrainian forces retreat to Slovyansk (ongoing)
84. Russian forces capture Slovyansk, Ukrainian forces retreat to Bakhmut (ongoing)
85. Russian forces capture Bakhmut, Ukrainian forces retreat to Soledar (ongoing)
86. Russian forces capture Soledar, Ukrainian forces retreat to Seversk (ongoing)
87. Russian forces capture Seversk, Ukrainian forces retreat to Bakhmut (ongoing)
88. Russian forces capture Bakhmut, Ukrainian forces retreat to Chasiv Yar (ongoing)
89. Russian forces capture Chasiv Yar, Ukrainian forces retreat to Kramatorsk (ongoing)
90. Russian forces capture Kramatorsk, Ukrainian forces retreat to Slovyansk (ongoing)
91. Russian forces capture Slovyansk, Ukrainian forces retreat to Bakhmut (ongoing)
92. Russian forces capture Bakhmut, Ukrainian forces retreat to Soledar (ongoing)
93. Russian forces capture Soledar, Ukrainian forces retreat to Seversk (ongoing)
94. Russian forces capture Seversk, Ukrainian forces retreat to Bakhmut (ongoing)
95. Russian forces capture Bakhmut, Ukrainian forces retreat to Chasiv Yar (ongoing)
96. Russian forces capture Chasiv Yar, Ukrainian forces retreat to Kramatorsk (ongoing)
97. Russian forces capture Kramatorsk, Ukrainian forces retreat to Slovyansk (ongoing)
98. Russian forces capture Slovyansk, Ukrainian forces retreat to Bakhmut (ongoing)
99. Russian forces capture Bakhmut, Ukrainian forces retreat to Soledar (ongoing)
100. Russian forces capture Soledar, Ukrainian forces retreat to Seversk (ongoing)
101. Russian forces capture Seversk, Ukrainian forces retreat to Bakhmut (ongoing)
102. Russian forces capture Bakhmut, Ukrainian forces retreat to Chasiv Yar (ongoing)
103. Russian forces capture Chasiv Yar, Ukrainian forces retreat to Kramatorsk (ongoing)
104. Russian forces capture Kramatorsk, Ukrainian forces retreat to Slovyansk (ongoing)
105. Russian forces capture Slovyansk, Ukrainian forces retreat to Bakhmut (ongoing)
106. Russian forces capture Bakhmut, Ukrainian forces retreat to Soledar (ongoing)
107. Russian forces capture Soledar, Ukrainian forces retreat to Seversk (ongoing)
108. Russian forces capture Seversk, Ukrainian forces retreat to Bakhmut (ongoing)
109. Russian forces capture Bakhmut, Ukrainian forces retreat to Chasiv Yar (ongoing)
110. Russian forces capture Chasiv Yar, Ukrainian forces retreat to Kramatorsk (ongoing)
111. Russian forces capture Kramatorsk, Ukrainian forces retreat to Slovyansk (ongoing)
112. Russian forces capture Slovyansk, Ukrainian forces retreat to Bakhmut (ongoing)
113. Russian forces capture Bakhmut, Ukrainian forces retreat to Soledar (ongoing)
114. Russian forces capture Soledar, Ukrainian forces retreat to Seversk (ongoing)
115. Russian forces capture Seversk, Ukrainian forces retreat to Bakhmut (ongoing)
116. Russian forces capture Bakhmut, Ukrainian forces retreat to Chasiv Yar (ongoing)
117. Russian forces capture Chasiv Yar, Ukrainian forces retreat to Kramatorsk (ongoing)
118. Russian forces capture Kramatorsk, Ukrainian forces retreat to Slovyansk (ongoing)
119. Russian forces capture Slovyansk, Ukrainian forces retreat to Bakhmut (ongoing)
120. Russian forces capture Bakhmut, Ukrainian forces retreat to Soledar (ongoing)
121. Russian forces capture Soledar, Ukrainian forces retreat to Seversk (ongoing)
122. Russian forces capture Seversk, Ukrainian forces retreat to Bakhmut (ongoing)
123. Russian forces capture Bakhmut, Ukrainian forces retreat to Chasiv Yar (ongoing)
124. Russian forces capture Chasiv Yar, Ukrainian forces retreat to Kramatorsk (ongoing)
125. Russian forces capture Kramatorsk, Ukrainian forces retreat to Slovyansk (ongoing)
126. Russian forces capture Slovyansk, Ukrainian forces retreat to Bakhmut (ongoing)
127. Russian forces capture Bakhmut, Ukrainian forces retreat to Soledar (ongoing)
128. Russian forces capture Soledar, Ukrainian forces retreat to Seversk (ongoing)
129. Russian forces capture Seversk, Ukrainian forces retreat to Bakhmut (ongoing)
130. Russian forces capture Bakhmut, Ukrainian forces retreat to Chasiv Yar (ongoing)
131. Russian forces capture Chasiv Yar, Ukrainian forces retreat to Kramatorsk (ongoing)
132. Russian forces capture Kramatorsk, Ukrainian forces retreat to Slovyansk (ongoing)
133. Russian forces capture Slovyansk, Ukrainian forces retreat to Bakhmut (ongoing)
134. Russian forces capture Bakhmut, Ukrainian forces retreat to Soledar (ongoing)
135. Russian forces capture Soledar, Ukrainian forces retreat to Seversk (ongoing)
136. Russian forces capture Seversk, Ukrainian forces retreat to Bakhmut (ongoing)
137. Russian forces capture Bakhmut, Ukrainian forces retreat to Chasiv Yar (ongoing)
138. Russian forces capture Chasiv Yar, Ukrainian forces retreat to Kramatorsk (ongoing)
139. Russian forces capture Kramatorsk, Ukrainian forces retreat to Slovyansk (ongoing)
140. Russian forces capture Slovyansk, Ukrainian forces retreat to Bakhmut (ongoing)
141. Russian forces capture Bakhmut, Ukrainian forces retreat to Soledar (ongoing)
142. Russian forces capture Soledar, Ukrainian forces retreat to Seversk (ongoing)
143. Russian forces capture Seversk, Ukrainian forces retreat to Bakhmut (ongoing)
144. Russian forces capture Bakhmut, Ukrainian forces retreat to Chasiv Yar (ongoing)
145. Russian forces capture Chasiv Yar, Ukrainian forces retreat to Kramatorsk (ongoing)
146. Russian forces capture Kramatorsk, Ukrainian forces retreat to Slovyansk (ongoing)
147. Russian forces capture Slovyansk, Ukrainian forces retreat to Bakhmut (ongoing)
148. Russian forces capture Bakhmut, Ukrainian forces retreat to Soledar (ongoing)
149. Russian forces capture Soledar, Ukrainian forces retreat to Seversk (ongoing)
150. Russian forces capture Seversk, Ukrainian forces retreat to Bakhmut (ongoing)
151. Russian forces capture Bakhmut, Ukrainian forces retreat to Chasiv Yar (ongoing)
152. Russian forces capture Chasiv Yar, Ukrainian forces retreat to Kramatorsk (ongoing)
153. Russian forces capture Kramatorsk, Ukrainian forces retreat to Slovyansk (ongoing)
154. Russian forces capture Slovyansk, Ukrainian forces retreat to Bakhmut (ongoing)
155. Russian forces capture Bakhmut, Ukrainian forces retreat to Soledar (ongoing)
156. Russian forces capture Soledar, Ukrainian forces retreat to Seversk (ongoing)
157. Russian forces capture Seversk, Ukrainian forces retreat to Bakhmut (ongoing)
158. Russian forces capture Bakhmut, Ukrainian forces retreat to Chasiv Yar (ongoing)
159. Russian forces capture Chasiv Yar, Ukrainian forces retreat to Kramatorsk (ongoing)
160. Russian forces capture Kramatorsk, Ukrainian forces retreat to Slovyansk (ongoing)
161. Russian forces capture Slovyansk, Ukrainian forces retreat to Bakhmut (ongoing)
162. Russian forces capture Bakhmut, Ukrainian forces retreat to Soledar (ongoing)
163. Russian forces capture Soledar, Ukrainian forces retreat to Seversk (ongoing)
164. Russian forces capture Seversk, Ukrainian forces retreat to Bakhmut (ongoing)
165. Russian forces capture Bakhmut, Ukrainian forces retreat to Chasiv Yar (ongoing)
166. Russian forces capture Chasiv Yar, Ukrainian forces retreat to Kramatorsk (ongoing)
167. Russian forces capture Kramatorsk, Ukrainian forces retreat to Slovyansk (ongoing)
168. Russian forces capture Slovyansk, Ukrainian forces retreat to Bakhmut (ongoing)
169. Russian forces capture Bakhmut, Ukrainian forces retreat to Soledar (ongoing)
170. Russian forces capture Soledar, Ukrainian forces retreat to Seversk (ongoing)
171. Russian forces capture Seversk, Ukrainian forces retreat to Bakhmut (ongoing)
172. Russian forces capture Bakhmut, Ukrainian forces retreat to Chasiv Yar (ongoing)
173. Russian forces capture Chasiv Yar, Ukrainian forces retreat to Kramatorsk (ongoing)
174. Russian forces capture Kramatorsk, Ukrainian forces retreat to Slovyansk (ongoing)
175. Russian forces capture Slovyansk, Ukrainian forces retreat to Bakhmut (ongoing)
176. Russian forces capture Bakhmut, Ukrainian forces retreat to Soledar (ongoing)
177. Russian forces capture Soledar, Ukrainian forces retreat to Seversk (ongoing)
178. Russian forces capture Seversk, Ukrainian forces retreat to Bakhmut (ongoing)
179. Russian forces capture Bakhmut, Ukrainian forces retreat to Chasiv Yar (ongoing)
180. Russian forces capture Chasiv Yar, Ukrainian forces retreat to Kramatorsk (ongoing)
181. Russian forces capture Kramatorsk, Ukrainian forces retreat to Slovyansk (ongoing)
182. Russian forces capture Slovyansk, Ukrainian forces retreat to Bakhmut (ongoing)
183. Russian forces capture Bakhmut, Ukrainian forces retreat to Soledar (ongoing)
184. Russian forces capture Soledar, Ukrainian forces retreat to Seversk (ongoing)
185. Russian forces capture Seversk, Ukrainian forces retreat to Bakhmut (ongoing)
186. Russian forces capture Bakhmut, Ukrainian forces retreat to Chasiv Yar (ongoing)
187. Russian forces capture Chasiv Yar, Ukrainian forces retreat to Kramatorsk (ongoing)
188. Russian forces capture Kramatorsk, Ukrainian forces retreat to Slovyansk (ongoing)
189. Russian forces capture Slovyansk, Ukrainian forces retreat to Bakhmut (ongoing)
190. Russian forces capture Bakhmut, Ukrainian forces retreat to Soledar (ongoing)
191. Russian forces capture Soledar, Ukrainian forces retreat to Seversk (ongoing)
192. Russian forces capture Seversk, Ukrainian forces retreat to Bakhmut (ongoing)
193. Russian forces capture Bakhmut, Ukrainian forces retreat to Chasiv Yar (ongoing)
194. Russian forces capture Chasiv Yar, Ukrainian forces retreat to Kramatorsk (ongoing)
195. Russian forces capture Kramatorsk, Ukrainian forces retreat to Slovyansk (ongoing)
196. Russian forces capture Slovyansk, Ukrainian forces retreat to Bakhmut (ongoing)
197. Russian forces capture Bakhmut, Ukrainian forces retreat to Soledar (ongoing)
198. Russian forces capture Soledar, Ukrainian forces retreat to Seversk (ongoing)
199. Russian forces capture Seversk, Ukrainian forces retreat to Bakhmut (ongoing)
200. Russian forces capture Bakhmut, Ukrainian forces retreat to Chasiv Yar (ongoing)
201. Russian forces capture Chasiv Yar, Ukrainian forces retreat to Kramatorsk (ongoing)
202. Russian forces capture Kramatorsk, Ukrainian forces retreat to Slovyansk (ongoing)
203. Russian forces capture Slovyansk, Ukrainian forces retreat to Bakhmut (ongoing)
204. Russian forces capture Bakhmut, Ukrainian forces retreat to Soledar (ongoing)
205. Russian forces capture Soledar, Ukrainian forces retreat to Seversk (ongoing)
206. Russian forces capture Seversk, Ukrainian forces retreat to Bakhmut (ongoing)
207. Russian forces capture Bakhmut, Ukrainian forces retreat to Chasiv Yar (ongoing)
208. Russian forces capture Chasiv Yar, Ukrainian forces retreat to Kramatorsk (ongoing)
209. Russian forces capture Kramatorsk, Ukrainian forces retreat to Slovyansk (ongoing)
210. Russian forces capture Slovyansk, Ukrainian forces retreat to Bakhmut (ongoing)
211. Russian forces capture Bakhmut, Ukrainian forces retreat to Soledar (ongoing)
212. Russian forces capture Soledar, Ukrainian forces retreat to Seversk (ongoing)
213. Russian forces capture Seversk, Ukrainian forces retreat to Bakhmut (ongoing)
214. Russian forces capture Bakhmut, Ukrainian forces retreat to Chasiv Yar (ongoing)
215. Russian forces capture Chasiv Yar, Ukrainian forces retreat to Kramatorsk (ongoing)
216. Russian forces capture Kramatorsk, Ukrainian forces retreat to Slovyansk (ongoing)
217. Russian forces capture Slovyansk, Ukrainian forces retreat to Bakhmut (ongoing)
218. Russian forces capture Bakhmut, Ukrainian forces retreat to Soledar (ongoing)
219. Russian forces capture Soledar, Ukrainian forces retreat to Seversk (ongoing)
220. Russian forces capture Seversk, Ukrainian forces retreat to Bakhmut (ongoing)
221. Russian forces capture Bakhmut, Ukrainian forces retreat to Chasiv Yar (ongoing)
222. Russian forces capture Chasiv Yar, Ukrainian forces retreat to Kramatorsk (ongoing)
223. Russian forces capture Kramatorsk, Ukrainian forces retreat to Slovyansk (ongoing)
224. Russian forces capture Slovyansk, Ukrainian forces retreat to Bakhmut (ongoing)
225. Russian forces capture Bakhmut, Ukrainian forces retreat to Soledar (ongoing)
226. Russian forces capture Soledar, Ukrainian forces retreat to Seversk (ongoing)
227. Russian forces capture Seversk, Ukrainian forces retreat to Bakhmut (ongoing)
228. Russian forces capture Bakhmut, Ukrainian forces retreat to Chasiv Yar (ongoing)
229. Russian forces capture Chasiv Yar, Ukrainian forces retreat to Kramatorsk (ongoing)
230. Russian forces capture Kramatorsk, Ukrainian forces retreat to Slovyansk (ongoing)
231. Russian forces capture Slovyansk, Ukrainian forces retreat to Bakhmut (ongoing)
232. Russian forces capture Bakhmut, Ukrainian forces retreat to Soledar (ongoing)
233. Russian forces capture Soledar, Ukrainian forces retreat to Seversk (ongoing)
234. Russian forces capture Seversk, Ukrainian forces retreat to Bakhmut (ongoing)
235. Russian forces capture Bakhmut, Ukrainian forces retreat to Chasiv Yar (ongoing)
236. Russian forces capture Chasiv Yar, Ukrainian forces retreat to Kramatorsk (ongoing)
237. Russian forces capture Kramatorsk, Ukrainian forces retreat to Slovyansk (ongoing)
238. Russian forces capture Slovyansk, Ukrainian forces retreat to Bakhmut (ongoing)
239. Russian forces capture Bakhmut, Ukrainian forces retreat to Soledar (ongoing)
240. Russian forces capture Soledar, Ukrainian forces retreat to Seversk (ongoing)
241. Russian forces capture Seversk, Ukrainian forces retreat to Bakhmut (ongoing)
242. Russian forces capture Bakhmut, Ukrainian forces retreat to Chasiv Yar (ongoing)
243. Russian forces capture Chasiv Yar, Ukrainian forces retreat to Kramatorsk (ongoing)
244. Russian forces capture Kramatorsk, Ukrainian forces retreat to Slovyansk (ongoing)
245. Russian forces capture Slovyansk, Ukrainian forces retreat to Bakhmut (ongoing)
246. Russian forces capture Bakhmut, Ukrainian forces retreat to Soledar (ongoing)
247. Russian forces capture Soledar, Ukrainian forces retreat to Seversk (ongoing)
248. Russian forces capture Seversk, Ukrainian forces retreat to Bakhmut (ongoing)
249. Russian forces capture Bakhmut, Ukrainian forces retreat to Chasiv Yar (ongoing)
250. Russian forces capture Chasiv Yar, Ukrainian forces retreat to Kramatorsk (ongoing)
251. Russian forces capture Kramatorsk, Ukrainian forces retreat to Slovyansk (ongoing)
252. Russian forces capture Slovyansk, Ukrainian forces retreat to Bakhmut (ongoing)
253. Russian forces capture Bakhmut, Ukrainian forces retreat to Soledar (ongoing)
254. Russian forces capture Soledar, Ukrainian forces retreat to Seversk (ongoing)
255. Russian forces capture Seversk, Ukrainian forces retreat to Bakhmut (ongoing)
256. Russian forces capture Bakhmut, Ukrainian forces retreat to Chasiv Yar (ongoing)
257. Russian forces capture Chasiv Yar, Ukrainian forces retreat to Kramatorsk (ongoing)
258. Russian forces capture Kramatorsk, Ukrainian forces retreat to Slovyansk (ongoing)
259. Russian forces capture Slovyansk, Ukrainian forces retreat to Bakhmut (ongoing)
260. Russian forces capture Bakhmut, Ukrainian forces retreat to Soledar (ongoing)
261. Russian forces capture Soledar, Ukrainian forces retreat to Seversk (ongoing)
262. Russian forces capture Seversk, Ukrainian forces retreat to Bakhmut (ongoing)
263. Russian forces capture Bakhmut, Ukrainian forces retreat to Chasiv Yar (ongoing)
264. Russian forces capture Chasiv Yar, Ukrainian forces retreat to Kramatorsk (ongoing)
265. Russian forces capture Kramatorsk, Ukrainian forces retreat to Slovyansk (ongoing)
266. Russian forces capture Slovyansk, Ukrainian forces retreat to Bakhmut (ongoing)
267. Russian forces capture Bakhmut, Ukrainian forces retreat to Soledar (ongoing)
268. Russian forces capture Soledar, Ukrainian forces retreat to Seversk (ongoing)
269. Russian forces capture Seversk, Ukrainian forces retreat to Bakhmut (ongoing)
270. Russian forces capture Bakhmut, Ukrainian forces retreat to Chasiv Yar (ongoing)
271. Russian forces capture Chasiv Yar, Ukrainian forces retreat to Kramatorsk (ongoing)
272. Russian forces capture Kramatorsk, Ukrainian forces retreat to Slovyansk (ongoing)
273. Russian forces capture Slovyansk, Ukrainian forces retreat to Bakhmut (ongoing)
274. Russian forces capture Bakhmut, Ukrainian forces retreat to Soledar (ongoing)
275. Russian forces capture Soledar, Ukrainian forces retreat to Seversk (ongoing)
276. Russian forces capture Seversk, Ukrainian forces retreat to Bakhmut (ongoing)
277. Russian forces capture Bakhmut, Ukrainian forces retreat to Chasiv Yar (ongoing)
278. Russian forces capture Chasiv Yar, Ukrainian forces retreat to Kramatorsk (ongoing)
279. Russian forces capture Kramatorsk, Ukrainian forces retreat to Slovyansk (ongoing)
280. Russian forces capture Slovyansk, Ukrainian forces retreat to Bakhmut (ongoing)
281. Russian forces capture Bakhmut, Ukrainian forces retreat to Soledar (ongoing)
282. Russian forces capture Soledar, Ukrainian forces retreat to Seversk (ongoing)
283. Russian forces capture Seversk, Ukrainian forces retreat to Bakhmut (ongoing)
284. Russian forces capture Bakhmut, Ukrainian forces retreat to Chasiv Yar (ongoing)
285. Russian forces capture Chasiv Yar, Ukrainian forces retreat to Kramatorsk (ongoing)
286. Russian forces capture Kramatorsk, Ukrainian forces retreat to Slovyansk (ongoing)
287. Russian forces capture Slovyansk, Ukrainian forces retreat to Bakhmut (ongoing)
288. Russian forces capture Bakhmut, Ukrainian forces retreat to Soledar (ongoing)
289. Russian forces capture Soledar, Ukrainian forces retreat to Seversk (ongoing)
290. Russian forces capture Seversk, Ukrainian forces retreat to Bakhmut (ongoing)
291. Russian forces capture Bakhmut, Ukrainian forces retreat to Chasiv Yar (ongoing)
292. Russian forces capture Chasiv Yar, Ukrainian forces retreat to Kramatorsk (ongoing)
293. Russian forces capture Kramatorsk, Ukrainian forces retreat to Slovyansk (ongoing)
294. Russian forces capture Slovyansk, Ukrainian forces retreat to Bakhmut (ongoing)
295. Russian forces capture Bakhmut, Ukrainian forces retreat to Soledar (ongoing)
296. Russian forces capture Soledar, Ukrainian forces retreat to Seversk (ongoing)
297. Russian forces capture Seversk, Ukrainian forces retreat to Bakhmut (ongoing)
298. Russian forces capture Bakhmut, Ukrainian forces retreat to Chasiv Yar (ongoing)
299. Russian forces capture Chasiv Yar, Ukrainian forces retreat to Kramatorsk (ongoing)
300. Russian forces capture Kramatorsk, Ukrainian forces retreat to Slovyansk (ongoing)
301. Russian forces capture Slovyansk, Ukrainian forces retreat to Bakhmut (ongoing)
302. Russian forces capture Bakhmut, Ukrainian forces retreat to Soledar (ongoing)
303. Russian forces capture Soledar, Ukrainian forces retreat to Seversk (ongoing)
304. Russian forces capture Seversk, Ukrainian forces retreat to Bakhmut (ongoing)
305. Russian forces capture Bakhmut, Ukrainian forces retreat to Chasiv Yar (ongoing)
306. Russian forces capture Chasiv Yar, Ukrainian forces retreat to Kramatorsk (ongoing)
307. Russian forces capture Kramatorsk, Ukrainian forces retreat to Slovyansk (ongoing)
308. Russian forces capture Slovyansk, Ukrainian forces retreat to Bakhmut (ongoing)
309. Russian forces capture Bakhmut, Ukrainian forces retreat to Soledar (ongoing)
310. Russian forces capture Soledar, Ukrainian forces retreat to Seversk (ongoing)
311. Russian forces capture Seversk, Ukrainian forces retreat to Bakhmut (ongoing)
312. Russian forces capture Bakhmut, Ukrainian forces retreat to Chasiv Yar (ongoing)
313. Russian forces capture Chasiv Yar, Ukrainian forces retreat to Kramatorsk (ongoing)
314. Russian forces capture Kramatorsk, Ukrainian forces retreat to Slovyansk (ongoing)
315. Russian forces capture Slovyansk, Ukrainian forces retreat to Bakhmut (ongoing)
316. Russian forces capture Bakhmut, Ukrainian forces retreat to Soledar (ongoing)
317. Russian forces capture Soledar, Ukrainian forces retreat to Seversk (ongoing)
318. Russian forces capture Seversk, Ukrainian forces retreat to Bakhmut (ongoing)
319. Russian forces capture Bakhmut, Ukrainian forces retreat to Chasiv Yar (ongoing)
320. Russian forces capture Chasiv Yar, Ukrainian forces retreat to Kramatorsk (ongoing)
321. Russian forces capture Kramatorsk, Ukrainian forces retreat to Slovyansk (ongoing)
322. Russian forces capture Slovyansk, Ukrainian forces retreat to Bakhmut (ongoing)
323. Russian forces capture Bakhmut, Ukrainian forces retreat to Soledar (ongoing)
324. Russian forces capture Soledar, Ukrainian forces retreat to Seversk (ongoing)
325. Russian forces capture Seversk, Ukrainian forces retreat to Bakhmut (ongoing)
326. Russian forces capture Bakhmut, Ukrainian forces retreat to Chasiv Yar (ongoing)
327. Russian forces capture Chasiv Yar, Ukrainian forces retreat to Kramatorsk (ongoing)
328. Russian forces capture Kramatorsk, Ukrainian forces retreat to Slovyansk (ongoing)
329. Russian forces capture Slovyansk, Ukrainian forces retreat to Bakhmut (ongoing)
330. Russian forces capture Bakhmut, Ukrainian forces retreat to Soledar (ongoing)
331. Russian forces capture Soledar, Ukrainian forces retreat to Seversk (ongoing)
332. Russian forces capture Seversk, Ukrainian forces retreat to Bakhmut (ongoing)
333. Russian forces capture Bakhmut, Ukrainian forces retreat to Chasiv Yar (ongoing)
334. Russian forces capture Chasiv Yar, Ukrainian forces retreat to Kramatorsk (ongoing)
335. Russian forces capture Kramatorsk, Ukrainian forces retreat to Slovyansk (ongoing)
336. Russian forces capture Slovyansk, Ukrainian forces retreat to Bakhmut (ongoing)
337. Russian forces capture Bakhmut, Ukrainian forces retreat to Soledar (ongoing)
338. Russian forces capture Soledar, Ukrainian forces retreat to Seversk (ongoing)
339. Russian forces capture Seversk, Ukrainian forces retreat to Bakhmut (ongoing)
340. Russian forces capture Bakhmut, Ukrainian forces retreat to Chasiv Yar (ongoing)
341. Russian forces capture Chasiv Yar, Ukrainian forces retreat to Kramatorsk (ongoing)
342. Russian forces capture Kramatorsk, Ukrainian forces retreat to Slovyansk (ongoing)
343. Russian forces capture Slovyansk, Ukrainian forces retreat to Bakhmut (ongoing)
344. Russian forces capture Bakhmut, Ukrainian forces retreat to Soledar (ongoing)
345. Russian forces capture Soledar, Ukrainian forces retreat to Seversk (ongoing)
346. Russian forces capture Seversk, Ukrainian forces retreat to Bakhmut (ongoing)
347. Russian forces capture Bakhmut, Ukrainian forces retreat to Chasiv Yar (ongoing)
348. Russian forces capture Chasiv Yar, Ukrainian forces retreat to Kramatorsk (ongoing)
349. Russian forces capture Kramatorsk, Ukrainian forces retreat to Slovyansk (ongoing)
350. Russian forces capture Slovyansk, Ukrainian forces retreat to Bakhmut (ongoing)
351. Russian forces capture Bakhmut, Ukrainian forces retreat to Soledar (ongoing)
352. Russian forces capture Soledar, Ukrainian forces retreat to Seversk (ongoing)
353. Russian forces capture Seversk, Ukrainian forces retreat to Bakhmut (ongoing)
354. Russian forces capture Bakhmut, Ukrainian forces retreat to Chasiv Yar (ongoing)
355. Russian forces capture Chasiv Yar, Ukrainian forces retreat to Kramatorsk (ongoing)
356. Russian forces capture Kramatorsk, Ukrainian forces retreat to Slovyansk (ongoing)
357. Russian forces capture Slovyansk, Ukrainian forces retreat to Bakhmut (ongoing)
358. Russian forces capture Bakhmut, Ukrainian forces retreat to Soledar (ongoing)
359. Russian forces capture Soledar, Ukrainian forces retreat to Seversk (ongoing)
360. Russian forces capture Seversk, Ukrainian forces retreat to Bakhmut (ongoing)
361. Russian forces capture Bakhmut, Ukrainian forces retreat to Chasiv Yar (ongoing)
362. Russian forces capture Chasiv Yar, Ukrainian forces retreat to Kramatorsk (ongoing)
363. Russian forces capture Kramatorsk, Ukrainian forces retreat to Slovyansk (ongoing)
364. Russian forces capture Slovyansk, Ukrainian forces retreat to Bakhmut (ongoing)
365. Russian forces capture Bakhmut, Ukrainian forces retreat to Soledar (ongoing)
366. Russian forces capture Soledar, Ukrainian forces retreat to Seversk (ongoing)
367. Russian forces capture Seversk, Ukrainian forces retreat to Bakhmut (ongoing)
368. Russian forces capture Bakhmut, Ukrainian forces retreat to Chasiv Yar (ongoing)
369. Russian forces capture Chasiv Yar, Ukrainian forces retreat to Kramatorsk (ongoing)
370. Russian forces capture Kramatorsk, Ukrainian forces retreat to Slovyansk (ongoing)
371. Russian forces capture Slovyansk, Ukrainian forces retreat to Bakhmut (ongoing)
372. Russian forces capture Bakhmut, Ukrainian forces retreat to Soledar (ongoing)
373. Russian forces capture Soledar, Ukrainian forces retreat to Seversk (ongoing)
374. Russian forces capture Seversk, Ukrainian forces retreat to Bakhmut (ongoing)
375. Russian forces capture Bakhmut,