It was a tremendous honor to speak last week at the inaugural Google Innovators Hive 2022 event, presenting "Using Google Cloud & GCP AI APIs To Watch, Visualize And Forecast The World In Realtime":
The GDELT Project is one of the largest open datasets for understanding global human society, totaling more than 8 trillion datapoints spanning 200 years in 152 languages. From mapping global conflict and modeling global narratives to providing the data behind one of the earliest alerts of the COVID-19 pandemic, from disaster response to countering wildlife crime, epidemic early warning to food security, estimating realtime global risk to mapping the global flow of ideas and narratives, GDELT explores how we can use data to let us see the world through the eyes of others and even forecast the future, capturing the realtime heartbeat of the planet we call home. What does it look like to analyze, visualize and even forecast the world in realtime through the eyes of GCP’s vast array of AI and analytic offerings?
GDELT leverages Compute Engine, BigQuery, Cloud Storage, Cloud Vision, Cloud Video, Cloud Speech, Cloud Natural Language, Cloud Translation, Timeseries Insights API, Inference API and many other GCP services to power this massive open data archive. What does it look like to harness GCP to compute at planetary scale? From traditional machine learning and statistical models transforming billions of news articles into hundreds of millions of human events, to BigQuery sifting patterns from tens of billions of hyperlinks and trillions of knowledge graph entries, deep learning approaches like Google’s Cloud Vision translating half a billion global news images totaling a quarter-trillion pixels into 300 billion datapoints recording the objects, activities, locations, words and emotions through which we see the world around us, to Cloud Video watching a decade of evening news broadcasts, to BigQuery transforming 7.1 billion location mentions and 2.3 trillion emotional assessments from 850 million news articles into an animated map of global happiness in just 2 minutes, we’ll talk about all of the technologies that power GDELT’s global realtime planetary catalog and how it leverages GCP’s full array of compute, analytic and AI offerings to watch, visualize and even forecast the world in realtime.