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SCMP: How China Is Looking Beyond Borders

The South China Morning Post republishes data from Brussels-based think tank Bruegel mapping global media sentiment towards China's Belt and…

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American Mathematical Society Covers Math Models

The American Mathematical Society's Public Awareness Officer Mike Breen writes about Kalev's Forbes article from earlier this month titled "Scientific…

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Twitter's Changing User Metrics Remind Us How Powerful The Reality Distortion Field Is

Twitter reminds us that perhaps Silicon Valley’s greatest invention has not been any technological invention, but rather its perfection of…

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Will We Really Need Humans To Fix The Robots?

The accepted wisdom that the coming automation revolution will require an army of new human jobs to design, install and…

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A Reminder Than Social Media Platforms Are Now The Greatest Threat To Democracy

It is not foreign interference that is the greatest threat to our digital democracy, it is the social platforms themselves…

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What Is Democracy When Twitter Decides Who Speaks To The President?

One of the most overlooked elements of this brave new world of digital democracy and digital diplomacy is the degree…

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Could AI Help Us Write Better Laws?

While most of the focus of AI bias has been on algorithmic and training data modifications to mitigate these biases,…

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Is It Time To Give Up On One Set Of Social Media Rules For All?

As social media platforms grapple with the globalization of their creations, they are increasingly coming into conflict with the vast…

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What Happens When Social Media Weighs The Monetary 'Value' Of Our Posts?

As social platforms move ever more aggressively towards AI content filtering, it is critical that as a society we come…

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Algorithmic Moderation: The Algorithms That Decide What We See Now Delete Us Too

Social platforms are increasingly turning to the same silent algorithmic hand that once merely shaped our experience to cull the…

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Musk's Criticism Of Lidar And Simulation Training Belie The Correlative Nature Of Modern AI

Criticism of Lidar and simulation training belie the correlative nature of modern deep learning that lacks the causation models required…

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The Rise Of Deep Learning Has Brought A Renaissance In Accelerators

The rise of deep learning with its exponentially more complex and specialized workloads has brought us a new renaissance in…

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Twitter Follows Facebook's Dystopian Path Towards Unaccountable Automated Content Filtering

As Twitter follows quickly in the footsteps of its bigger brother Facebook to rush us towards a machine-mediated communicative future,…

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A Fading Twitter Changes Its User Metrics Once Again

The biggest question of all is why Wall Street doesn’t demand that the Valley finally provide us with transparency about…

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Could AI Replace Hollywood With Personalized Movies?

As AI increasingly helps us sort through our limitless options, might there be a day when movies and television shows,…

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As Surveys Falter Big Data Polling Narrows Our Societal Understanding

The shift of societal understanding from precision surveys to the big data revolution has led not to an incredible new…

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Facial Recognition Is Here To Stay

Facial recognition is here to stay no matter what the US attempts to do about it. Read The Full Article.

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Why Is The Public So AI-Illiterate?

Our AI-illiterate public is bombarded with a daily deluge of glowing press lavishing AI with praise focusing almost exclusively on…

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Social Media Has Taught Us To Talk Rather Than Listen

Instead of creating a place where we can all come together and engage in conversation in the global town square,…

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Today's Disinformation Research Could Learn Much From Last Century's Propaganda Research

If we as a society are serious about combatting the world of false information and foreign influence, we should spend…

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History Tells Us Social Media Regulation Is Inevitable

As policymakers around the world grapple with regulating social media, it seems increasingly likely that the question is not whether…

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Movies And The News Media Were Once The Root Of All Evil – Today It Is Social Media

As social companies have become our modern societal scapegoats and punching bags, its worth looking back to an era when…

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We See Social Media As All-Powerful Because We Can Measure It

In our metric-driven society we naturally gravitate towards the things we can most easily measure and social media’s embrace of…

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Social Media Has Become The Scapegoat For All Society's Ills Just Like TV And Movies Before

Stepping back, it is worth looking more critically at whether social media is really as all-powerful as we claim and…