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How Has Justice Sotomayor's "100,000 Children" Statement Been Covered On Television News?

How has Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor's incorrect statement that "we have over 100,000 children, which we’ve never had before, in serious condition…

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Web News NGrams 3.0 Dataset Reaches 4.7 Billion Entries

The new Web News NGrams 3.0 Dataset that runs December 15, 2021 to present has reached 4.7 billion entries! Learn More.

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Radio News Ngram Dataset Reaches 29.8 Billion Words

The Radio News NGram dataset now covers more than 29.8 billion words of spoken word broadcast news programming! Learn More.

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CNN Is Winding Down Its Covid-19 Dashboard Again

Since March 20, 2020, CNN has displayed a live Covid-19 dashboard in the upper-right of its daily news programming tracking…

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Embracing The Principles for Digital Development: Leveraging Big Data Sources For Policy Evaluation In Crisis Settings

A post by Data-Pop Alliance summarizes some of its work on data-driven policymaking during crises that includes using GDELT for…

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How Shareholders React To Sustainable Narratives About Leading European Energy Companies? An Event Study Using Sentiment Data From GDELT

A new study examines the impact of sustainability narratives on shareholder value using GDELT: This study aims to investigate how…

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How Have Essential Workers Been Covered On Television News?

How have essential workers been covered on television news during the pandemic? The timeline below shows total mentions of the phrase "essential…

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How Has January 6th Been Covered On Television News?

How has January 6th been covered on television news? The timeline below shows total mentions of the phrase "January 6" across CNN,…

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How Has Covid-19 Testing Been Covered On Television News?

How has Covid-19 testing been covered on television news? The timeline below shows total mentions of testing across CNN, MSNBC, Fox News…

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How Has Biden's "No Federal Solution" Statement Been Covered On Television News?

During a December 27, 2021 call with the National Governors Association, in response to Governor Hutchinson's request that "as you look towards…

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New Timeseries Insights API Explorations Coming Soon

Last year we showed how Google Cloud’s new Timeseries Insights API could surface the earliest glimmers of tomorrow's biggest stories from…

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Translingual 2.0 Debuting This Month

We are tremendously excited to announce that the long-awaited Translingual 2.0, with its new in-house language detector that supports 440…

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Integrating Digital And Field Surveillance As Complementary Efforts To Manage Epidemic Diseases Of Livestock: African Swine Fever As A Case Study

This study incorporates GDELT in scanning for global news mentions of African Swine Fever: SARS-CoV-2 has clearly shown that efficient…

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An Application Of Sentiment Analysis With Transformer Models On Online News Articles Covering The Covid-19 Pandemic

This masters thesis by Prakul Asthana at the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) uses GDELT as a news index…

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Visual Global Entity Graph 2.0 Reaches 474 Million Seconds Of Television News 2009-Present

The Visual Global Entity Graph 2.0 (VGEG 2.0) has reached 474 million seconds of television news airtime spanning 2009 to present!…

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How Has "Flattening The Curve" Been Covered On Television News?

How has the phrase "flatten the curve" been covered on television news? The timeline below shows total mentions of the phrase across…

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How Have Covid-19 Lockdowns Been Covered On Television News?

How have Covid-19 lockdowns been covered on television news? The timeline below shows total daily mentions of the words "lockdown" and "lockdowns" across CNN,…

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How Have Masks Been Covered On Television News?

How have masks been covered on television news? The timeline below shows total mentions of masks since the start of the…

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How Has Senator Manchin Been Covered On Television News?

How has Senator Manchin been covered on television news? The timeline below shows total mentions of him since the start of this…

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Global Quotation Graph Reaches 245 Million Records

The Global Quotation Graph, running January 1, 2020 through present, has reached 245 million extracted quotes from worldwide news coverage in…

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Web News NGrams 3.0 Dataset 2020-Present Backfile Coming Soon!

Based on the phenomenal interest we've gotten in the new Web News NGrams 3.0 Dataset, we are working to immediately…

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Web News NGrams 3.0 Dataset Reaches 3 Billion Entries

The new Web News NGrams 3.0 Dataset that runs December 15, 2021 to present has reached 3 billion entries! Learn…

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How Has Russia Been Covered On Television News?

How has Russia been covered on television news? The timeline below shows total mentions of Russia across CNN, MSNBC and Fox News…

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WashPost: Partisanship Is Making Views Of The Economy Worse

The Washington Post's Philip Bump examines television news coverage of economic issues. Read The Full Article.