Author: Kalev Leetaru
VGKG & GDELT's GEN4 Crawling Infrastructure
The Visual Global Knowledge Graph was the first of GDELT's datasets to move to its GEN3 architecture and we are…
How Are SPACs Being Covered On Business Television News?
How are Special Purpose Acquisition Companies (SPACs) being covered on business television news? The timeline below shows total mentions of SPACs across Bloomberg, CNBC…
Partnership On AI: How Will AI Change Local News In The Next 5 Years?
A piece today by the Partnership on AI references GDELT and the future of using AI to understand the news….
Nature Scientific Reports: Forecasting Asylum-Related Migration Flows With Machine Learning And Data At Scale
A powerful new study in Nature Scientific Reports by researchers from the European Asylum Support Office (EASO) presents a data-driven…
How Has Brianna Kupfer Been Covered On Television News?
How has Brianna Kupfer's death been covered on television news? The timeline below shows total mentions of her name and the name of her…
Which SSL Certificate Providers Do News Outlets Use? A Global Inventory.
As the global online news landscape has increasingly made the transition to HTTPS, what are the SSL certificate providers they…
How Is "Democracy" Being Covered On Television News?
How is the word "democracy" being covered on television news? The timeline below shows total monthly mentions of it across CNN, MSNBC…
WashPost: The Murky Cause-And-Effect Of The Renewed Interest In Fraudulent Presidential Electors
The Washington Post's Philip Bump examines television news coverage of presidential electors. Read The Full Article.
How Are Covid Infections Being Covered On Television News?
As some major media outlets begin to deemphasize reporting of Covid-19 infections, with the AP telling its "editors and reporters to avoid emphasizing case…
How Are The Latest Ukraine Developments Being Covered On Television News?
How are the latest Ukraine developments being covered on television news? In remarks last week, President Biden distinguished between an…
Web NGrams 3.0 Tutorials Roundup
Over the past month we've created a series of tutorials showcasing how GDELT's massive new Web News NGrams 3.0 dataset…
Using Web NGrams 3.0 & Custom Media Catalogs To Segment By Country, State Ownership, Partisanship Or Other Attributes
Many research questions that interest media scholars involve segmenting the media by various characteristics, from country of origin to ownership…
Neural Entity Extraction, Disambiguation, Sentiment, Salience, Knowledge Graph Linking And Contextualization Via Web NGrams 3.0
Earlier this week we showed how to use the new Web NGrams 3.0 dataset to perform custom entity extraction over…
Custom Document-Level Neural Categorization Over The News Using Web NGrams 3.0
Earlier this week we showed how to perform custom thematic categorization of news coverage using keyword searches of the new…
Understanding Peace Through The World News
This study assesses global peace through the Global Peace Index: Peace is a principal dimension of well-being and is the…
Performing At-Scale Entity Extraction Over The News Using BigQuery UDFs & Web NGrams 3.0
Earlier this week we showed how to write a simple Perl script to download the latest Web NGrams 3.0 dataset…
How Is Ukraine Being Covered On Television News?
How is Ukraine being covered in the news? The timeline below shows total monthly mentions of the country across CNN, MSNBC and…
Custom Document-Level GCAM-Like Sentiment Analysis Over The News Using Web NGrams 3.0
Most traditional sentiment analysis systems use a "bag of words" approach to assessing the emotional undercurrents of texts, stripping away…
How Has Remote Learning Being Covered On Television News?
How has remote learning been covered on television news? The timeline below shows total daily mentions across BBC News London, CNN, MSNBC…
WashPost: Perhaps Dr. Seuss Wasn't A First Amendment Tipping-Point After All
The Washington Post's Philip Bump examines media coverage of free speech on television news. Read The Full Article.
Custom Entity Extraction Over The News Using Web NGrams 3.0
With the new Web NGrams 3.0 dataset it is now possible to run your own custom entity extraction algorithms over…
How Have Voting Rights Been Covered On Television News?
How have voting rights been covered on television news? The timeline below shows total monthly mentions of the phrase "voting rights" across…
Historical 2020-Present Custom Search & Thematic Scanning Using Web NGrams 3.0
With the Web NGrams 3.0's new January 1, 2020 to present historical backfile, you can now perform retroactive historical keyword…
How Has "Gain Of Function" Research Been Covered On Television News?
How has "gain of function" research been covered on television news? The timeline below shows total daily mentions of the phrase across…