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WashPost: Once Again, Fox News Stokes A Protest Against A Democratic President

The Washington Post's Philip Bump examines television news coverage of the Ottawa "Free

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GCP Timeseries API Explorations: Time Horizons & Trending Versus Breaking News

Using Google Cloud’s Natural Language AI and its new Timeseries Insights API, we can can perform realtime entity-level trend detection…

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GCP Timeseries API Explorations: Detecting Distinctive Television News Chyron Framing Through The GCP Timeseries API

Last June we explored how Google Cloud’s new Timeseries Insights API, coupled with the GCP Cloud Video AI API, could be…

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How Are Evictions Being Covered On Television News?

How are evictions being covered on television news? The timeline below shows total mentions of the word "eviction(s)" across CNN, MSNBC and…

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How Has Black Lives Matter Been Covered On Television News?

How has Black Lives Matter been covered on television news? The timeline below shows total mentions of the phrase across CNN, MSNBC…

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How Is "Imminent" Being Used To Describe Events In Ukraine?

How is the word "imminent" being used to describe events in Ukraine as the White House pivots away from the term? The timeline below…

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WashPost: The American Right Uses Truckers To Import Right-Wing Fury Into Canada

The Washington Post's Philip Bump examines television news coverage of the Ottawa truck protest. Read The Full Article.

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How Was CNN President Jeff Zucker's Resignation Covered On Television News?

How has CNN President Jeff Zucker's resignation been covered on television news? The timeline below shows total mentions of his name across CNN, MSNBC…

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CNN's Reliable Sources Newsletter: Covid Coverage Trickles Off

CNN's Reliable Sources newsletter today featured a timeline of Covid-19 coverage on television news using the TV Explorer. View The…

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How Were Obama's, Trump's and Biden's First Years Covered On Television News?

How much television news coverage did Obama, Trump and Biden receive in their first year in office? The timeline below shows the…

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Editor & Publisher: New Forms Of Advertising Raise Questions About Integrity

An article by Michelle Amazeen in Editor & Publisher explores the implications of paid content in journalism. Read The Full…

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GEN4: GCE, Jupiter & Andromeda

GDELT has been running on GCP's Compute Engine platform since GCE's earliest prerelease days. Over the years, GDELT's internal architecture…

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VGKG & GEN4: HTTP Versus HTTPS Benchmarking

While the online news landscape has largely transitioned to HTTPS in much of the world, this evolution brings with it…

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The Conversation: New Forms Of Advertising Raise Questions About Journalism Integrity

An article by Michelle Amazeen in The Conversation explores the implications of paid content in journalism. Read The Full Article.

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How Is "Wokeness" Being Covered On Television News?

How are the terms "woke" and "wokeness" being covered on television news? The timeline below shows total monthly mentions of the terms…

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VGKG & GEN4: Execution Speed Versus Computational Overhead

Building massively scalable infrastructure entails myriad technical tradeoffs. One of the most basic involves the tradeoff between raw execution speed…

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How Are Medical Professionals Being Covered On Television News?

How have medical professionals been covered on television news? The timeline below shows total daily mentions of doctors, nurses and "medical professionals"…

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VGKG & Image Processing: Extreme Optimization Versus Generalized Pipelines

The Visual Global Knowledge Graph computes a range of characteristics about each image, from perceptual hashes to visual entropy, which…

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How Was The Texas Synagogue Attack Covered On Television News?

How was the Texas synagogue attack covered on television news? The timeline below shows total mentions of the event across CNN, MSNBC…

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Adopting Big Data To Create An "Outside-In" Global Perspective Of Guanxi

Previous research on the Chinese notion of guanxi has tended to use descriptive approaches to study its prevalence and influence…

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LGBTQ Mentions On Television News Don't Increase Under Biden

How are LGBTQ issues being covered on television news? The timeline below shows total mentions of LGBTQ issues across CNN, MSNBC and…

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Television News Is Still Talking About Donald Trump

One year after Joe Biden's inauguration, television news is still captivated by Donald Trump. The timeline below shows the total monthly mentions…

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VGKG & GEN4: Massive Threading Versus Massive Process Parallelism

GDELT's original GEN1 crawling infrastructure relied heavily on process parallelism, with each machine running a set of processes overseen by…

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Sohu: Searching History, Reasoning About The Future: Two-Stage Reasoning On Time Series Knowledge Graphs

This post on Sohu discusses knowledge reasoning over time series datasets. Read The Full Article.