Author: Kalev Leetaru
New York City In 1993: An HD Look At Life Before Cell Phones
Kalev's latest piece for Forbes explores how much cell phones have changed daily life. Read the Full Article.
The Future Of Open Access In Academic Publishing
Kalev's latest piece for Forbes, "The Future Of Open Access: Why Has Academia Not Embraced The Internet Revolution?" explores the…
Yahoo News Uses Candidate Television Tracker
Yahoo News used GDELT's 2016 Candidate Television Tracker, which uses data from the Internet Archive's Television News Archive, to comment on Trump's…
AEI: Liberal Vs Conservative Television News Coverage Of Trump
The American Enterprise Institution (AEI) recently published a study in the April 25, 2016 issue of National Review exploring liberal versus…
Visual Global Knowledge Graph (VGKG) April 2016 Snapshot Dataset
Following in the footsteps of our February snapshot, we're releasing an April 2016 snapshot of the Visual Global Knowledge Graph…
FiveThirtyEight's Nate Silver Uses Candidate Television Tracker
Nate Silver, the founder of FiveThirtyEight, used GDELT's 2016 Candidate Television Tracker, which uses data from the Internet Archive's Television News…
The Big Data Viz Challenge Sponsored By Google And Tableau
We're enormously excited by the Big Data Viz Challenge, sponsored by Google and Tableau, and can't wait to see what some…
Webs of Influence: National Stakeholder Networks and Corporate Social Performance
This study by Kate Odziemkowska and Witold J. Henisz of the Wharton School use GDELT to explore dyadic stakeholder networks. Read the…
GDELT Visual Knowledge Graph Reaches 46 Million Images
We are tremendously excited to announce that as of this afternoon, the GDELT Visual Knowledge Graph (VGKG) has reached 46…
Using BigQuery Table Decorators To Lower Query Cost
As GDELT has grown at an exponential rate, the size and complexity of its data archives means it takes ever…
New GKG 2.0 Article Metadata Fields
With the debut this week of our massive new document extraction platform, we are tremendously excited to unveil several new…
Announcing Our Newest Generation Document Extraction Platform
We are enormously excited to announce that over the last several days we have gradually phased in the newest generation of our…
IRIN News: The Alan Kurdi Effect And Media Coverage Of Refugees
Ben Parker of IRIN News put out a fascinating graph showing the positive/negative emotional tone of UK news coverage of…
Washington Post Cites Forbes Reader Comments Discussion
Today's Washington Post features an article by David Lat that cites Kalev's November 2015 Forbes piece on the dying future…
US News & World Report Features Candidate Television Tracker
Marilyn Thompson and Andrew Levine write for US News & World Report about Trump's television dominance and use GDELT's 2016 Candidate Television…
The Guardian Features Candidate Television Tracker
Lauren Gambino writes for The Guardian about Megyn Kelly's interview with Katie Couric about Trump's campaign and uses GDELT's 2016 Candidate Television…
Salon Features Candidate Television Tracker
Eric Boehlert writes for Salon about Trump's campaign and uses GDELT's 2016 Candidate Television Tracker, which uses data from the Internet Archive's…
Iraq99 Features Candidate Television Tracker
Aqeel Mohammed Ghlim writes for Iraq99 about Donald Trump's rise to media fame and Megyn Kelly's interview and uses GDELT's 2016 Candidate Television Tracker,…
LA Times Features Candidate Television Tracker: Bernie Blackout
David Lauter of the LA Times used GDELT's 2016 Candidate Television Tracker, which uses data from the Internet Archive's Television…
Politico Magazine Uses Candidate Television Tracker
Politico Magazine used GDELT's 2016 Candidate Television Tracker, which uses data from the Internet Archive's Television News Archive, to comment on…
WJLA Interviews Kalev About Cyber Security Trends
Washington DC ABC affiliate WJLA interviewed Kalev about the evolving landscape of cybersecurity and future trends. Read the Full Article.
Wall Street Journal's CIO Journal Morning Download Covers MasterCard Patent
Today's Wall Street Journal's CIO Journal Morning Download features an excerpt about MasterCard's patent application forecasting political events from event data…
Automatic Results Translation Added To Fulltext Search API
Given that GDELT currently monitors and translates news from 65 languages in realtime, when you use the Full Text Search…
GDELT Part Of Inaugural Google BigQuery Public Datasets
We're tremendously excited that GDELT is part of the inaugural set of Google BigQuery Public Datasets unveiled earlier this month!…