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WashPost: Cable News Doesn't Talk About The Debt As Much As It Used To

The Washington Post's Philip Bump uses the Television Explorer to track changing coverage of the national debt. Read The Full…

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Vox: #ReleaseTheMemo Succeeded. Here's How The Mainstream Media Helped

Vox covers how domestic television news coverage helped advance the #ReleaseTheMemo agenda. Read The Full Article.

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Building dictionaries for Word Encodings using BigQuery SQL

Google's Sergei Sokolenko demonstrates how to convert the GKG's themes, names and locations fields into a numeric BOW vector suitable…

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Television Explorer: New Inventory Tables

With the forthcoming release of the Television Explorer 2.0 platform, we are excited to announce the availability of our new…

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GDELT Analysis Emails Working Again

We rely on a major third party email infrastructure vendor to send outgoing emails from the GDELT Analysis site and…

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Global News Broadcasting in the Pre-Television Era: A Cross-National Comparative Analysis of World War II Newsreel Coverage

This study examines historical newsreels: Although largely forgotten, the newsreel industry was the first news broadcasting system to convey visual…

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Without Transparency, Democracy Dies In The Darkness Of Social Media

As Facebook explores its role in democracy, perhaps it could start with building transparency and democracy within its own walled…

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Could The Cloud Save Government Websites From Going Dark In The Next Shutdown?

US Government agency websites hosted in the commercial cloud largely remained online during the government shutdown, while some agencies like…

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BBVA: China | One Belt One Road – What's In It For Latin America?

BBVA's latest report explores China-Latin America economic ties and interactions under the One Belt One Road initiative. Read The Full…

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Using AI For Good: A New Data Challenge To Use AI To Triage Natural Disaster Aerial Imagery

A new collaboration of the World Bank, WeRobotics and OpenAerialMap yields an open data challenge to create AI tools to…

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The Straits Times: Facebook Reacts To Pressure On Propaganda

The Straits Times covers Facebook's struggle to respond to propaganda on its platform, using a number of quotes from Kalev…

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Facebook's Continued Quest To Make 1984 A Reality: Deciding What News Is 'Trustworthy'

Facebook's new "trustworthy" news initiative seems at first glance to at long last democratize the decisions affecting its two billion…

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From Predictive Analytics To Mining Virtual Markets: The Tech That Offers Hope For Wildlife

The World Economic Forum surveys the state of counter-trafficking technology, mentioning GDELT. Read The Full Article.

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Google's Cloud AutoML And Its Push To Democratize Point And Click AI For All

The dearth of top AI researchers and training data has precluded most companies from fully leveraging deep learning. Google's new…

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WashPost: American's Think Trump Doesn't Work As Hard As Most Presidents

The Washington Post's Philip Bump used the Television Explorer to report how often President Trump was mentioned in the context…

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Facebook's News Feed Changes: Audience Access Fee And Escapism?

Facebook is finally starting to charge brands an access fee for the right to step foot in its walled garden…

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Silicon Valley Business Journal: Weekend Reading List

Silicon Valley Business Journal's Editor-in-Chief J. Jennings Moss included Kalev's Forbes column on its failed fake news initiative in his…

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Is Twitter Really Censoring Free Speech?

The new year has given rise once again to claims that social media sites censor certain views. The truth is…

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The Remarkable Reversal: How Companies Now Censor Governments

The digital revolution has both upended the traditional balance of power, granting private companies the power to censor governments, and…

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Towns Fight Back Against Navigation Apps: Are Machines Making Us Too Efficient?

Whether by air or by land, the data-driven navigational revolution made possible by GPS is confronting a public increasingly adverse…

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Will Virtual AI Assistants Create Real Relationship Troubles?

A colleague’s offhanded remark about spousal jealously over an AI home assistant raises fascinating questions about how these new devices…

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In A Meltdown And Spectre World Is Digital Privacy Truly Dead?

Hardware vulnerabilities lurking in plain sight for 20 years, military chip compromises, software backdoors, misconfigured cloud storage, breaches galore and…

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CJR: We Can Probably Measure Media Bias. But Do We Want To?

An article in Columbia Journalism Review mentions how the Television Explorer is being used to understand media bias. Read The…

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Facebook's 'Fake News' Backfire: Why Silicon Valley Must Grow Up From Neverland

Last month Facebook quietly pivoted its “fake news” initiative, acknowledging the “backfire effect” the academic community had warned it about….