We've completed the addition of the July 2010 – present Russia Today (RT) English language backfile to the Television Explorer!
Unfortunately, for those interested in the 2016 presidential election, there is a gap in coverage from September 2014 through June 2017 and some sporadic artifacts of double monitoring in some of the earlier coverage (though the Television Explorer's use of normalization corrects for this). However, even with that outage, there is a lot to learn in this new archive and we're excited to see what you're able to find! In particular, the second half of the Trump administration's first year through present is available, making it possible to explore how RT has covered the new US president.
Note that captioning for RT was produced entirely through automated speech recognition (ASR), so may contain more (or less) errors than the broadcaster-provided captioning used for most of the other stations.
The graph below shows the total number of 15 second airtime blocks monitored from RT over time, capturing the September 2014 – June 2017 outage. You can also access the live normalization timeline for RT that is continually updated.
To access the new RT backfile, just go the Television Explorer and select "Russia Today" from the "Active International" section of the Stations dropdown.