We're excited to announce today that the Extended Moral Foundation Dictionary (eMFD) is now available in GCAM as of today! For more details on eMFD, read their paper and OSF repository.
To cite eMFD:
Hopp, F. R., Fisher, J. T., Cornell, D., Huskey, R., & Weber, R. (in press). The extended moral foundations dictionary (eMFD): Development and applications of a crowd-sourced approach to extracting moral intuitions from text. Behavior Research Methods.
You can see the full list of GCAM dimensions in the GCAM codebook:
- c42.1: moralwordcount. This returns the total number of words in the article that were found in the eMFD dictionary. You can divide this by the "wc:" field (the total number of words in the article) to derive the density of moral words in each article.
- v.42.2: care_p
- v.42.3: fairness_p
- v.42.4: loyalty_p
- v.42.5: authority_p
- v.42.6: sanctity_p
- v.42.7: care_sent
- v.42.8: fairness_sent
- v.42.9: loyalty_sent
- v.42.10: authority_sent
- v.42.11: sanctity_sent
To compute the final morality scores from these intermediate values see the eMFD scoring guide! We're tremendously excited to see what you're able to do with this!