The GDELT Project

We're Talking Less And Less About 'Militarized' Police

Television news is mentioning the police less than it did a decade ago, while mentions of the "militarization" of police are receiving less and less attention, at least online.

The timeline below shows the total airtime on CNN, MSNBC and Fox News mentioning "police" over the past decade.

Live Version.

The timeline below shows the percentage of that coverage that mentions "militarized OR militarization OR militarizing". There is a steady state of mentions that didn't exist prior to 2014, but the percentage is so low as to be almost unmeasurable.

Live Version.

The percentage of global online news coverage mentioning "police" that also mentions "militarized OR militarization OR militarizing" since January 2017 has steadily decreased day over day as well, as seen in the timeline below.

Live Version.