The GDELT Project

We're Talking Less About Wealth And Inequality Than We Did During The Recession

For all the political discussion today about inequality and the widening income disparity between the rich and the rest of society, it turns out we're actually talking a lot less about inequality than we did during the recession.

The timeline below shows the total airtime devoted to "inequality" on CNN, MSNBC and Fox News. While there has been a slight increase starting in January 2019, the total volume does not begin to compare to that during the 2011-2016 period, which actually represents the period after the recession.

Live Version.

Expanding the query to include wealth-related terms, the timeline below shows coverage of "inequality OR wealth OR wealthy OR wealthiest OR rich OR richest", showing that the majority of coverage was during the recession and largely died down ever since, though Fox News has been covering it more in 2019 than the other two channels.

Live Version.

The once-ubiquitous Occupy Wall Street movement has completely faded from view and is seen to have lasted only a few short months in the spotlight:

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