The GDELT Project

Visual Explorer: New Navigation Interface Enhancements

You will notice several new navigation-related interface enhancements in the Visual Explorer as of this evening. In the main table of contents inventory listing, when you click on a channel whose first or last broadcast is before/after the current date, instead of simply landing on the Visual Explorer inventory page for that date, the page will now jump directly to that channel's country list in the main inventory display. Similarly, the link to each channel's show list is now a true hyperlink, meaning you can right-click and open multiple channels in different tabs for bookmarking, etc. When viewing the show list for a given channel, now when you click the forward/backward navigation icons at the top of the page, you will jump back down to that channel's show list for the new date, allowing you to far more easily review the list of shows available for a given channel over a period of time.

We hope these new interface enhancements make it easier to navigate the Visual Explorer's growing assortment of channels.

Launch Visual Explorer.