The GDELT Project

VGKG 2.0 Now Includes Full Tag Specifier With Group Family

Based on fantastic feedback we've heard from many of you, today we've released an updated version of the VGKG 2.0 system that now embeds the complete identifier for each metadata tag. Previously only the root tag name was listed, which meant that when a tag existed in multiple metadata specifications or in multiple documents or copies within an image, there was no way of determining which was which.

Today we've fixed that by specifying the complete identifier path of each tag, following the format "Information Type (EXIF/XMP/IPTC/etc):Specific Location(IFD0/XMP-dc/etc):Category(Author/Time/etc):Document Number(Main/Doc1/Doc3-2):Instance Number (Copy1/Copy2/Copy3/etc):TagName". You can see more details in the documentation of ExifTool's GetGroup command (which we are now running with option "0:1:2:3:4"). Note that if a given group family is not specified or available, it will not be specified and there will be no blank colon (ie if a tag does not have multiple copies, then the Instance Number field will not be specified).

Previously a tag might appear as simply "SaturationAdjustmentAqua", while now it will appear as "XMP:XMP-crs:Image:Main:SaturationAdjustmentAqua", indicating this tag was found in the XMP block, specifically the XMP-crs location, falls under the category of general Image tags, applies to the Main image and has no instance number.

This additional tag specificity went into effect earlier this morning and should open some tremendous new possibilities for working with this metadata!