The GDELT Project

Tracking The Ad Council's Latest TV Campaign

This past March the Ad Council announced a new ad campaign targeting vaccine hesitant communities to encourage them to get vaccinated against Covid-19. Looking at the graph below we can see that it began in late February on CNN and MSNBC and took off on Fox News on March 20th, right in line with the Council's effort. Note that this graph counts only the seconds of airtime in which the final "" text is displayed at the end of the ad, so the actual airtime of the ads is much more.

We can also see in the graph below that the campaign has focused primarily on Fox News, with around half as much airtime on MSNBC. Note that this graph counts only the seconds of airtime in which the final "" text is displayed at the end of the ad, so the actual airtime of the ads is much more.

This shows how easy it is to use the TV AI Explorer to track specific ad campaigns by searching for portions of their onscreen text.