The GDELT Project

Spanish Edition of ANEW Now Available in GCAM

We're tremendously excited to announce our first foray into scoring the emotional undercurrents of the non-English world.  While it might surprise some, English is not the primary language spoken across much of the globe and focusing exclusively on English means missing very important events throughout the world.  Thus far, all of the 2,300 emotions and themes available in GCAM were designed and calibrated for English text.  We are therefore highly excited to announce the inclusion of the Spanish adaptation of the Affective Norms for English Words (ANEW) in GCAM.  We already have the English edition of ANEW in GCAM and now for Spanish-language material ingested by GDELT, we will automatically apply the Spanish adaptation of ANEW.  The Spanish adaptation includes several additional dimensions beyond the English ANEW, including "Familiarity," "Concreteness," and "Imaginability."

This is the first of what we hope will be a vast array of non-English sentiment resources to assess the emotions of the world's languages.

For more information, read the full paper describing the lexicon.  When using the Spanish adaptation of ANEW's dimensions, cite them as "Redondo, Jaime, Isabel Fraga, Isabel Padrón, and Montserrat Comesaña. "The Spanish adaptation of ANEW (affective norms for English words)." Behavior Research Methods, vol. 39, no. 3 (2007): 600-605."