The GDELT Project

Iran Coverage Predictably Spikes With Similar Captioning And Chyron Mentions

As the US and Iran edged closer to war this week, coverage of "Iran" and "Iranian" and "Iranians" predictably spiked on television news, as seen in the timeline below, with more than a quarter of total airtime on January 3rd mentioning one of the words. CNN devoted the most airtime to the story, followed by MSNBC and Fox News, with BBC focusing on it the least of the four.

Live Version.

Despite a two-day chyron outage for the BBC, the timeline below shows that even during the remaining days, BBC's chyrons similarly covered the story far less than its peers, with a similar breakdown for the other three stations, showing that in this case, chyrons and captioning painted a relatively similar story.

Live Version.