How have the global media continued to cover the Turkish earthquake at the 2.5-week mark?
Global mentions of the earthquake continue to decline linearly with a few interstitial resets.
Mentions of anger remain elevated but stable for the past week.
Mentions of President Erdogan have largely stabilized.
Mentions of building contractors and developers have stabilized.
Mentions of rescues continue to decline, accelerating since the 13th.
Mentions of death have stabilized.
Mentions of homelessness have also stabilized.
Mentions of children have stabilized.
Mentions of aid assistance continue to decline linearly.
Mentions of healthcare have stabilized.
Global media tone about the earthquake peaked on the 16th and has declined since as coverage switches from optimism of rescues and aid support to the reality of a world pivoting away.
Tone bucketing shows unsurprisingly that the majority of coverage has been negative, but also that coverage has been only slightly negative, with a center point just below neutral, suggesting that globally, coverage has balanced the story of destruction and death with a hopeful look to the future and aid support.
US-based search interest has dropped exponentially.
Global search interest has dropped even more sharply.