The GDELT Project

Generative AI Experiments: Using Gemini & ChatGPT To Classify A Year Of Russian Television As News/Not News Using Show Titles + Translation

Following yesterday's example of classifying as news / not news an entire year of Russian television on a single channel by using Gemini 1.5 Pro and ChatGPT-40 to analyze their show titles, we repeat the exercise on a different Russian channel, but this time also have the models provide English translations of each title to facilitate human review and spot checking of the results.

The end result is again extremely promising, though with some shortcomings, such as Bolshaya igra being classified by both models as "not news." Interestingly, both models explained that they classified it as non-news due to its debate format that focuses on commentary and discussion of the news, rather than merely news reporting. This suggests that the issue lies not with the models not understanding the broadcasts themselves, but rather in the need to further clarify the definition of "news" being used here.

Below is a list of television show titles, one per line. For each line, repeat back the title, insert a dash, then provide an English translation of the title, then another dash and then state either NEWS if it is news programming or NOT NEWS if it is not news related.

Informatsionnii kanal
Vechernie novosti
Telekanal Dobroe utro
Pereriv v veshchanii
Zhit zdorovo
Muzhskoe  Zhenskoe
Davai pozhenimsya
Bolshaya igra
Kukli naslednika Tutti
Modnii prigovor
Povara na kolesakh
Umnitsi i umniki
Slovo pastirya
Pole chudes
Chelovek i zakon s Alekseem Pimanovim
Neputevie zametki s Dmitriem Krilovim
Igrai garmon lyubimaya
Igraem svadbu
Segodnya vecherom
Videli video
Taksi pod prikritiem
Ya lyublyu moyu stranu
Nashe vsyo
Kto khochet stat millionerom
Luchshe vsekh Novii sezon
Doktor Preobrazhenskii
Po zakonam voennogo vremeni
Shou Vovana i Leksusa
Bolshaya istoriya
Zhizn svoikh
Bolshoi dom
Proekt Tsivilizatsii
Perevedi yeyo cherez Maidan
Soyuz spaseniya
Zhizn drugikh
Aleksandr Prokhanov
Ugadai melodiyu
Goryachii led
Eksklyuziv s Dmitriem Borisovim
Pod nebom Krima
Zakritii pokaz s Aleksandrom Gordonom
Obiknovennii fashizm-2
Mikhail Zadornov vsya zhizn
Tri akkorda
Klub Veselikh i Nakhodchivikh
Davai pozhenimsya v Novii god
Diana de Puate
Videli video Novogodnii vipusk
Imperiya Yekaterina II
Fenomen yakutskogo kino v Zakritom pokaze s Aleksandrom Gordonom
Chto Gde Kogda Vesennyaya seriya igr
Eekhkh Razgulyai
Zvezda po imeni Gagarin
Moi drug Zhvanetskii
Mechta Robina
Pust govoryat
Moya lyubov
Zolotoi vek
Miting-kontsert 10 let v rodnoi gavani
Russkii vizov
Samii pervii Novii god
Skhozhdenie Blagodatnogo ognya
Shchit i mech
Starik Khottabich
Ukrotitelnitsa tigrov
Priznanie v lyubvi
Den Pobedi
Novogodnyaya noch na Pervom
Rozhdestvo s Grigoriem Lepsom
Nash Novii god
Moskva slezam ne verit
Igraem svadbu Rozhdestvenskii vipusk
Put Khrista
Finist-yasnii sokol
Strasti po Matveyu
Belaya noch nezhnaya noch
Ishchite zhenshchinu
Lyubov i golubi
Anatomiya padeniya
Chelovek kotorii izmenil vse
Khram Groba Gospodnya
Neperevodimaya igra slov
Blagoslovite zhenshchinu
Tsvet granata
Aleksei Balabanov
Vse chto nazhito neposilnim trudom
Luchshe vsekh Rozhdestvenskii vipusk
Prazdnichnii kontsert ko Dnyu Rosgvardii
Kalina krasnaya
Zolotie roga
Meditsinskii spetsnaz
Zvezdi kino
Ya - schastlivchik K 70-letiyu Leonida Yarmolnika
Semnadtsat mgnovenii vesni
Realnost Vozdukha
Vozvrashchenie Zakritogo pokaza s Aleksandrom Gordonom
Muzhskaya rabota
Teni zabitikh predkov
Belie rosi
Gala-kontsert Vserossiiskogo muzikalnogo patrioticheskogo festivalya Svoikh...
Zelenskii i yego boevie narkomani
Banya vodka garmon Gollivud
Igri Budushchego
Rozhdestvo Khristovo
Svoya koleya
Baba Moroz i taina Novogo goda
Imperiya Anna Ioannovna
Osobennosti natsionalnoi okhoti v zimnii period
Eta bezumnaya lyubov
Mezhdu zemlei i nebom
Svetloi pamyati pavshikh v borbe protiv fashizma
Legendi Retro FM
Televidenie iznutri
Poslanie Prezidenta RF Vladimira Putina Federalnomu Sobraniyu
Letyat zhuravli
Belaya liliya
Vsyo proshlo khorosho
Rozhdestvo v Rossii
K yubileyu Nikolaya Tsiskaridze
Kontsert Polini Gagarinoi Navsegda
Drugogo takogo net K 90-letiyu Vasiliya Lanovogo
Svetloi pamyati Vyacheslava Zaitseva i Valentina Yudashkina
Kontsert k 90-letiyu Vasiliya Lanovogo v Kremle
Ledovoe shou Tatyani Navki Vechera na khutore
Spasenie v kosmose
Ivan Groznii
Viktor nauki
Tseremoniya zakritiya Vsemirnogo festivalya molodyozhi-2024
Megre i tainstvennaya devushka
Na razriv serdtsa
Yubileinoe shou Ili Averbukha
Vse zvezdi russkogo kosmosa
Proverka na dorogakh
Odin na odin
Imperiya Yelizaveta Petrovna
Goryachii sneg
Tseremoniya vrucheniya narodnoi premii Zolotoi grammofon
Fabrika zvezd
Vlyublen po sobstvennomu zhelaniyu
V boi idut odni stariki
Svoi sredi chuzhikh chuzhoi sredi svoikh
Ne strelyaite v belikh lebedei
Samaya obayatelnaya i privlekatelnaya
Dalyokie blizkie
Pirati KhKh veka
Vladimir Visotskii
Legendi razvedki
Vladimir Pozner
Karnavalnaya noch
Nagradi Rossii
Vladimir Zhirinovskii
Osvobozhdennie territorii - liniya zhizni
Beregis avtomobilya
Bolshaya raznitsa-2024
Slishish vremya gudit - BAM Bolshoi prazdnichnii kontsert
Belorusskii vokzal
Pravdivaya istoriya
Belii sneg
Ivan Lubennikov Zhizn prodolzhaetsya
Torzhestvennaya tseremoniya vstupleniya v dolzhnost Prezidenta Rossiiskoi...
Ogon voda i
Odinnadtsat molchalivikh muzhchin
Novogodnee priklyuchenie
Mazhor v Sochi
Sobache serdtse
K 135-letiyu so dnya rozhdeniya Aleksandra Vertinskogo
Anna Karenina
Neopalimaya Kupina
Bolshe solntsa menshe grusti
Spasibo za vernost potomki Prazdnichnii kontsert
Lyubo Lyube
Vesna na Zarechnoi ulitse
Vulkan Sergei Paradzhanov
Andrei Pervozvannii
Mertvii sezon
Novogodnii Mechtallion
Novogodnii kalendar
9 12 nedel
Bednaya Sasha
Mertvii sezon i vsya zhizn Donatasa Banionisa
Nichego ne boisya krome Boga
Globalnoe bolshinstvo
Nebesnii tikhokhod
Ivan Vasilevich menyaet professiyu
Davaite ponimat drug druga s poluslova
Legenda o Suramskoi kreposti
Intervyu Vladimira Putina Takeru Karlsonu
Paskha Khristova
Blokadnoe rondo
Ya shagayu po Moskve
Khleb nash nasushchnii
Prervannii polet Garri Pauersa
Yurii Lyubimov

Gemini 1.5 Pro:

Novosti - News - NEWS
Informatsionnii kanal - Information Channel - NEWS
Vechernie novosti - Evening News - NEWS
Vremya - Time - NEWS
Telekanal Dobroe utro - Good Morning TV Channel - NOT NEWS
Pereriv v veshchanii - Interruption in Broadcasting - NOT NEWS
Zhit zdorovo - Live Healthy - NOT NEWS
Muzhskoe Zhenskoe - Male Female - NOT NEWS
Davai pozhenimsya - Let's Get Married - NOT NEWS
Bolshaya igra - The Big Game - NOT NEWS
AntiFeik - AntiFake - NEWS
Kukli naslednika Tutti - Heir Tutti's Puppets - NOT NEWS
Modnii prigovor - Fashion Verdict - NOT NEWS
Povara na kolesakh - Chefs on Wheels - NOT NEWS
Umnitsi i umniki - Clever Men and Wise Men - NOT NEWS
Slovo pastirya - Shepherd's Word - NOT NEWS
Pole chudes - Field of Miracles - NOT NEWS
Mechtallion - Dreamallion - NOT NEWS
Chelovek i zakon s Alekseem Pimanovim - Man and Law with Alexei Pimanov - NOT NEWS
Neputevie zametki s Dmitriem Krilovim - Silly Notes with Dmitry Krylov - NOT NEWS
Chasovoi - Sentry - NOT NEWS
Zdorove - Health - NOT NEWS
Igrai garmon lyubimaya - Play, My Beloved Accordion - NOT NEWS
Igraem svadbu - Playing Wedding - NOT NEWS
Poekhali - Let's Go - NOT NEWS
Segodnya vecherom - Tonight - NOT NEWS
Videli video - Seen Video - NOT NEWS
Taksi pod prikritiem - Undercover Taxi - NOT NEWS
Golos - The Voice - NOT NEWS
Ya lyublyu moyu stranu - I Love My Country - NOT NEWS
Nashe vsyo - All of Ours - NOT NEWS
Kto khochet stat millionerom - Who Wants to Be a Millionaire - NOT NEWS
Luchshe vsekh Novii sezon - Best of All New Season - NOT NEWS
Matador - Matador - NOT NEWS
Doktor Preobrazhenskii - Doctor Preobrazhensky - NOT NEWS
Velikaya - The Great - NOT NEWS
Po zakonam voennogo vremeni - By the Laws of Wartime - NOT NEWS
ProUyut - Projut - NOT NEWS
Shou Vovana i Leksusa - Vovan and Lexus Show - NOT NEWS
Bolshaya istoriya - Big History - NOT NEWS
Zhizn svoikh - Life of Their Own - NOT NEWS
Ishcheika - The Seeker - NOT NEWS
Bolshoi dom - Big House - NOT NEWS
Proekt Tsivilizatsii - Civilization Project - NOT NEWS
Eksklyuziv - Exclusive - NOT NEWS
Perevedi yeyo cherez Maidan - Take Her Across the Maidan - NOT NEWS
Soyuz spaseniya - Union of Salvation - NOT NEWS
Zhizn drugikh - Life of Others - NOT NEWS
Aleksandr Prokhanov - Alexander Prokhanov - NOT NEWS
Ugadai melodiyu - Guess the Melody - NOT NEWS
Goryachii led - Hot Ice - NOT NEWS
Eksklyuziv s Dmitriem Borisovim - Exclusive with Dmitry Borisov - NOT NEWS
Pod nebom Krima - Under the Crimean Sky - NOT NEWS
Zakritii pokaz s Aleksandrom Gordonom - Closed Screening with Alexander Gordon - NOT NEWS
Blokada - Blockade - NOT NEWS
Abrek - Abrek - NOT NEWS
Obiknovennii fashizm-2 - Ordinary Fascism-2 - NOT NEWS
Mikhail Zadornov vsya zhizn - Mikhail Zadornov All Life - NOT NEWS
Sobor - Cathedral - NOT NEWS
Tri akkorda - Three Chords - NOT NEWS
Klub Veselikh i Nakhodchivikh - Club of the Cheerful and Resourceful - NOT NEWS
Diversant - Saboteur - NOT NEWS
Davai pozhenimsya v Novii god - Let's Get Married on New Year's Eve - NOT NEWS
Diana de Puate - Diana de Puatiers - NOT NEWS
Videli video Novogodnii vipusk - Seen Video New Year's Edition - NOT NEWS
Imperiya Yekaterina II - Catherine the Great Empire - NOT NEWS
Vibori-2024 - Elections-2024 - NEWS
Kazanova - Casanova - NOT NEWS
Konteiner - Container - NOT NEWS
Fenomen yakutskogo kino v Zakritom pokaze s Aleksandrom Gordonom - The Phenomenon of Yakut Cinema at a Closed Screening with Alexander Gordon - NOT NEWS
Chto Gde Kogda Vesennyaya seriya igr - What Where When Spring Series of Games - NOT NEWS
Eekhkh Razgulyai - Eekhkh Let's Go for a Walk - NOT NEWS
Zvezda po imeni Gagarin - A Star Called Gagarin - NOT NEWS
Marya-iskusnitsa - Marya the Artisan - NOT NEWS
Moi drug Zhvanetskii - My Friend Zhvanetsky - NOT NEWS
Morozko - Jack Frost - NOT NEWS
Mechta Robina - Robin's Dream - NOT NEWS
Pust govoryat - Let Them Talk - NOT NEWS
Zharkie - The Hot Ones - NOT NEWS
Moya lyubov - My Love - NOT NEWS
Zolotoi vek - Golden Age - NOT NEWS
Miting-kontsert 10 let v rodnoi gavani - Rally-Concert 10 Years in Native Harbor - NOT NEWS
Russkii vizov - Russian Visa - NOT NEWS
Samii pervii Novii god - The Very First New Year - NOT NEWS
Shirli-mirli - Shirl-Myrl - NOT NEWS
Krim - Crimea - NOT NEWS
Skhozhdenie Blagodatnogo ognya - Descent of the Holy Fire - NOT NEWS
Vizov - The Challenge - NOT NEWS
Shchit i mech - Shield and Sword - NOT NEWS
Starik Khottabich - Old Man Hottabych - NOT NEWS
Ukrotitelnitsa tigrov - The Tigress Tamer - NOT NEWS
Priznanie v lyubvi - Declaration of Love - NOT NEWS
Den Pobedi - Victory Day - NOT NEWS
2022 - 2022 - NOT NEWS
Ennio - Ennio - NOT NEWS
Novogodnyaya noch na Pervom - New Year's Eve on Channel One - NOT NEWS
Dzhilda - Gilda - NOT NEWS
Rozhdestvo s Grigoriem Lepsom - Christmas with Grigory Leps - NOT NEWS
Nash Novii god - Our New Year - NOT NEWS
Moskva slezam ne verit - Moscow Does Not Believe in Tears - NOT NEWS
Igraem svadbu Rozhdestvenskii vipusk - Playing Wedding Christmas Edition - NOT NEWS
Put Khrista - The Way of Christ - NOT NEWS
Sibiriada - Siberiade - NOT NEWS
Eralash - Jumble - NOT NEWS
Finist-yasnii sokol - Finist the Bright Falcon - NOT NEWS
Strasti po Matveyu - The Passion According to Matthew - NOT NEWS
Belaya noch nezhnaya noch - White Night Tender Night - NOT NEWS
Ishchite zhenshchinu - Look for a Woman - NOT NEWS
Zolushka - Cinderella - NOT NEWS
Lyubov i golubi - Love and Pigeons - NOT NEWS
Gagarin - Gagarin - NOT NEWS
Lyotchik - Pilot - NOT NEWS
Anatomiya padeniya - Anatomy of a Fall - NOT NEWS
Chelovek kotorii izmenil vse - The Man Who Changed Everything - NOT NEWS
Khram Groba Gospodnya - Church of the Holy Sepulchre - NOT NEWS
Neperevodimaya igra slov - Untranslatable Pun - NOT NEWS
Blagoslovite zhenshchinu - Bless the Woman - NOT NEWS
Tsvet granata - The Color of Pomegranates - NOT NEWS
Aleksei Balabanov - Alexei Balabanov - NOT NEWS
Vse chto nazhito neposilnim trudom - All That Is Acquired by Back-Breaking Labor - NOT NEWS
Luchshe vsekh Rozhdestvenskii vipusk - Best of All Christmas Edition - NOT NEWS
Prazdnichnii kontsert ko Dnyu Rosgvardii - Festive Concert for the Day of the National Guard - NOT NEWS
Kalina krasnaya - Red Kalina - NOT NEWS
Iisus - Jesus - NOT NEWS
Zolotie roga - Golden Horns - NOT NEWS
Meditsinskii spetsnaz - Medical Special Forces - NOT NEWS
Zvezdi kino - Movie Stars - NOT NEWS
Ya - schastlivchik K 70-letiyu Leonida Yarmolnika - I Am Lucky To the 70th Anniversary of Leonid Yarmolnik - NOT NEWS
Semnadtsat mgnovenii vesni - Seventeen Moments of Spring - NOT NEWS
Olive - Olive - NOT NEWS
Realnost Vozdukha - Air Reality - NOT NEWS
Vozvrashchenie Zakritogo pokaza s Aleksandrom Gordonom - Return of the Closed Screening with Alexander Gordon - NOT NEWS
Muzhskaya rabota - Men's Work - NOT NEWS
Teni zabitikh predkov - Shadows of Forgotten Ancestors - NOT NEWS
Belie rosi - White Dews - NOT NEWS
Gala-kontsert Vserossiiskogo muzikalnogo patrioticheskogo festivalya Svoikh... - Gala concert of the All-Russian Musical Patriotic Festival Our Own... - NOT NEWS
Burunovbezraznitsi - Burunov Without Difference - NOT NEWS
Zelenskii i yego boevie narkomani - Zelensky and His Combat Drug Addicts - NOT NEWS
Banya vodka garmon Gollivud - Bath Vodka Accordion Hollywood - NOT NEWS
Igri Budushchego - Games of the Future - NOT NEWS
Rozhdestvo Khristovo - Nativity of Christ - NOT NEWS
Svoya koleya - Own Path - NOT NEWS
Baba Moroz i taina Novogo goda - Ded Moroz and the Secret of the New Year - NOT NEWS
Imperiya Anna Ioannovna - Empress Anna Ioannovna - NOT NEWS
Osobennosti natsionalnoi okhoti v zimnii period - Peculiarities of National Hunting in Winter - NOT NEWS
Visota - Height - NOT NEWS
Shturmoviki - Stormtroopers - NOT NEWS
Eta bezumnaya lyubov - This Mad Love - NOT NEWS
Ekipazh - Crew - NOT NEWS
Mezhdu zemlei i nebom - Between Earth and Sky - NOT NEWS
Pantsir - Armor - NOT NEWS
Svetloi pamyati pavshikh v borbe protiv fashizma - In Bright Memory of Those Who Fell in the Fight Against Fascism - NOT NEWS
Legendi Retro FM - Legends of Retro FM - NOT NEWS
Televidenie iznutri - Television from the Inside - NOT NEWS
Poslanie Prezidenta RF Vladimira Putina Federalnomu Sobraniyu - Address by the President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin to the Federal Assembly - NEWS
Letyat zhuravli - The Cranes Are Flying - NOT NEWS
Belaya liliya - White Lily - NOT NEWS
Yankovskii - Yankovsky - NOT NEWS
Vsyo proshlo khorosho - Everything Went Well - NOT NEWS
Animator - Animator - NOT NEWS
Rozhdestvo v Rossii - Christmas in Russia - NOT NEWS
K yubileyu Nikolaya Tsiskaridze - To the Anniversary of Nikolai Tsiskaridze - NOT NEWS
Kontsert Polini Gagarinoi Navsegda - Polina Gagarina Concert Forever - NOT NEWS
Drugogo takogo net K 90-letiyu Vasiliya Lanovogo - There Is No Other Like Him To the 90th Anniversary of Vasily Lanovoy - NOT NEWS
Svetloi pamyati Vyacheslava Zaitseva i Valentina Yudashkina - In Bright Memory of Vyacheslav Zaitsev and Valentin Yudashkin - NOT NEWS
Kontsert k 90-letiyu Vasiliya Lanovogo v Kremle - Concert for the 90th Anniversary of Vasily Lanovoy in the Kremlin - NOT NEWS
Ashik-Kerib - Ashik-Kerib - NOT NEWS
Ledovoe shou Tatyani Navki Vechera na khutore - Tatiana Navka's Ice Show Evenings on a Farm Near Dikanka - NOT NEWS
Spasenie v kosmose - Rescue in Space - NOT NEWS
Ivan Groznii - Ivan the Terrible - NOT NEWS
Viktor nauki - Victor of Science - NOT NEWS
Tseremoniya zakritiya Vsemirnogo festivalya molodyozhi-2024 - Closing Ceremony of the World Festival of Youth-2024 - NOT NEWS
Megre i tainstvennaya devushka - Maigret and the Mysterious Girl - NOT NEWS
Na razriv serdtsa - Heartbreak - NOT NEWS
Yubileinoe shou Ili Averbukha - Ilya Averbukh's Anniversary Show - NOT NEWS
Vse zvezdi russkogo kosmosa - All the Stars of Russian Space - NOT NEWS
Proverka na dorogakh - Checkpoint - NOT NEWS
Odin na odin - One on One - NOT NEWS
Imperiya Yelizaveta Petrovna - Empress Elizabeth Petrovna - NOT NEWS
Goryachii sneg - Hot Snow - NOT NEWS
Tseremoniya vrucheniya narodnoi premii Zolotoi grammofon - Golden Gramophone National Award Ceremony - NOT NEWS
Fabrika zvezd - Star Factory - NOT NEWS
Yolki-igolki - Christmas Trees - NOT NEWS
Vlyublen po sobstvennomu zhelaniyu - In Love by His Own Will - NOT NEWS
V boi idut odni stariki - Only Old Men Are Going to Battle - NOT NEWS
Svoi sredi chuzhikh chuzhoi sredi svoikh - Ours Among Strangers, a Stranger Among Us - NOT NEWS
Beryozka - Birch Tree - NOT NEWS
Ne strelyaite v belikh lebedei - Do Not Shoot the White Swans - NOT NEWS
Samaya obayatelnaya i privlekatelnaya - The Most Charming and Attractive - NOT NEWS
Dalyokie blizkie - Distant Close Ones - NOT NEWS
Pirati KhKh veka - Pirates of the 20th Century - NOT NEWS
Vladimir Visotskii - Vladimir Vysotsky - NOT NEWS
Nepokorennie - The Unconquered - NOT NEWS
Legendi razvedki - Legends of Intelligence - NOT NEWS
Vladimir Pozner - Vladimir Pozner - NOT NEWS
Karnavalnaya noch - Carnival Night - NOT NEWS
Nagradi Rossii - Awards of Russia - NOT NEWS
Vladimir Zhirinovskii - Vladimir Zhirinovsky - NOT NEWS
Osvobozhdennie territorii - liniya zhizni - Liberated Territories - Lifeline - NOT NEWS
Mosfilm - Mosfilm - NOT NEWS
Beregis avtomobilya - Beware of the Car - NOT NEWS
Fantastika - Fantasy - NOT NEWS
Bolshaya raznitsa-2024 - Big Difference-2024 - NOT NEWS
Slishish vremya gudit - BAM Bolshoi prazdnichnii kontsert - Hear the Time Humming - BAM Big Festive Concert - NOT NEWS
Belorusskii vokzal - Belarusian Station - NOT NEWS
Pravdivaya istoriya - The True Story - NOT NEWS
Belii sneg - White Snow - NOT NEWS
Ivan Lubennikov Zhizn prodolzhaetsya - Ivan Lubennikov Life Goes On - NOT NEWS
Torzhestvennaya tseremoniya vstupleniya v dolzhnost Prezidenta Rossiiskoi... - Inauguration Ceremony of the President of the Russian... - NEWS
Ogon voda i - Fire Water and - NOT NEWS
Odinnadtsat molchalivikh muzhchin - Eleven Silent Men - NOT NEWS
Geroi - Heroes - NOT NEWS
Novogodnee priklyuchenie - New Year's Adventure - NOT NEWS
Mazhor v Sochi - Major in Sochi - NOT NEWS
Sobache serdtse - Heart of a Dog - NOT NEWS
K 135-letiyu so dnya rozhdeniya Aleksandra Vertinskogo - To the 135th Anniversary of the Birth of Alexander Vertinsky - NOT NEWS
Vor - The Thief - NOT NEWS
Anna Karenina - Anna Karenina - NOT NEWS
Neopalimaya Kupina - The Burning Bush - NOT NEWS
Bolshe solntsa menshe grusti - More Sun Less Sadness - NOT NEWS
Spasibo za vernost potomki Prazdnichnii kontsert - Thank You for Your Loyalty Descendants Festive Concert - NOT NEWS
Lyubo Lyube - Lyube Lyube - NOT NEWS
Vesna na Zarechnoi ulitse - Spring on Zarechnaya Street - NOT NEWS
Vulkan Sergei Paradzhanov - Volcano Sergei Parajanov - NOT NEWS
Andrei Pervozvannii - Andrew the First-Called - NOT NEWS
Mertvii sezon - Dead Season - NOT NEWS
Novogodnii Mechtallion - New Year's Dreamallion - NOT NEWS
Ofitseri - Officers - NOT NEWS
Novogodnii kalendar - New Year's Calendar - NOT NEWS
Karnaval - Carnival - NOT NEWS
Mariupol - Mariupol - NOT NEWS
9 12 nedel - 9 12 Weeks - NOT NEWS
Bednaya Sasha - Poor Sasha - NOT NEWS
Mertvii sezon i vsya zhizn Donatasa Banionisa - Dead Season and the Whole Life of Donatas Banionis - NOT NEWS
Nichego ne boisya krome Boga - Fear Nothing but God - NOT NEWS
Globalnoe bolshinstvo - Global Majority - NOT NEWS
Nebesnii tikhokhod - Heavenly Quiet Step - NOT NEWS
Ivan Vasilevich menyaet professiyu - Ivan Vasilyevich Changes Profession - NOT NEWS
Taina - The Secret - NOT NEWS
Davaite ponimat drug druga s poluslova - Let's Understand Each Other Perfectly - NOT NEWS
Frantsuz - The Frenchman - NOT NEWS
Legenda o Suramskoi kreposti - The Legend of Suram Fortress - NOT NEWS
Torpedonostsi - Torpedo Bombers - NOT NEWS
Intervyu Vladimira Putina Takeru Karlsonu - Interview of Vladimir Putin to Tucker Carlson - NEWS
Moskva - Moscow - NOT NEWS
Paskha Khristova - Easter - NOT NEWS
Blokadnoe rondo - Blockade Rondo - NOT NEWS
Ya shagayu po Moskve - I Walk Around Moscow - NOT NEWS
Uraza-Bairam - Eid al-Fitr - NOT NEWS
Khleb nash nasushchnii - Our Daily Bread - NOT NEWS
Devchata - The Girls - NOT NEWS
Prervannii polet Garri Pauersa - The Interrupted Flight of Gary Powers - NOT NEWS
Yurii Lyubimov - Yuri Lyubimov - NOT NEWS

ChatGPT 4.o:

1. PODKAST - Podcast - NOT NEWS
2. Novosti - News - NEWS
3. Informatsionnii kanal - Information Channel - NEWS
4. Vechernie novosti - Evening News - NEWS
5. Vremya - Time - NEWS
6. Telekanal Dobroe utro - Good Morning Channel - NOT NEWS
7. Pereriv v veshchanii - Broadcasting Break - NOT NEWS
8. Zhit zdorovo - Live Healthy - NOT NEWS
9. Muzhskoe Zhenskoe - Male and Female - NOT NEWS
10. Davai pozhenimsya - Let's Get Married - NOT NEWS
11. Bolshaya igra - Big Game - NOT NEWS
12. AntiFeik - Anti-Fake - NEWS
13. Kukli naslednika Tutti - Puppets of Heir Tutti - NOT NEWS
14. Modnii prigovor - Fashion Verdict - NOT NEWS
15. Povara na kolesakh - Cooks on Wheels - NOT NEWS
16. Umnitsi i umniki - Smart Girls and Boys - NOT NEWS
17. Slovo pastirya - The Word of the Shepherd - NOT NEWS
18. Pole chudes - Field of Wonders - NOT NEWS
19. Mechtallion - Dream Stallion - NOT NEWS
20. Chelovek i zakon s Alekseem Pimanovim - Man and Law with Alexei Pimanov - NOT NEWS
21. Neputevie zametki s Dmitriem Krilovim - Carefree Notes with Dmitry Krylov - NOT NEWS
22. Chasovoi - Sentry - NOT NEWS
23. Zdorove - Health - NOT NEWS
24. Igrai garmon lyubimaya - Play, My Beloved Accordion - NOT NEWS
25. Igraem svadbu - Playing Wedding - NOT NEWS
26. Poekhali - Let's Go - NOT NEWS
27. Segodnya vecherom - This Evening - NOT NEWS
28. Videli video - Seen the Video - NOT NEWS
29. Taksi pod prikritiem - Undercover Taxi - NOT NEWS
30. Golos - The Voice - NOT NEWS
31. Ya lyublyu moyu stranu - I Love My Country - NOT NEWS
32. Nashe vsyo - Our Everything - NOT NEWS
33. Kto khochet stat millionerom - Who Wants to Be a Millionaire - NOT NEWS
34. Luchshe vsekh Novii sezon - Better Than All New Season - NOT NEWS
35. Matador - Matador - NOT NEWS
36. Doktor Preobrazhenskii - Doctor Preobrazhensky - NOT NEWS
37. Velikaya - The Great - NOT NEWS
38. Po zakonam voennogo vremeni - By the Laws of Wartime - NOT NEWS
39. ProUyut - About Comfort - NOT NEWS
40. Shou Vovana i Leksusa - Show of Vovan and Lexus - NOT NEWS
41. Bolshaya istoriya - Big History - NOT NEWS
42. Zhizn svoikh - Life of One's Own - NOT NEWS
43. Ishcheika - Tracker - NOT NEWS
44. Bolshoi dom - Big House - NOT NEWS
45. Proekt Tsivilizatsii - Civilization Project - NOT NEWS
46. Eksklyuziv - Exclusive - NOT NEWS
47. Perevedi yeyo cherez Maidan - Take Her Across the Maidan - NOT NEWS
48. Soyuz spaseniya - Union of Salvation - NOT NEWS
49. Zhizn drugikh - Life of Others - NOT NEWS
50. Aleksandr Prokhanov - Alexander Prokhanov - NOT NEWS
51. Ugadai melodiyu - Guess the Melody - NOT NEWS
52. Goryachii led - Hot Ice - NOT NEWS
53. Eksklyuziv s Dmitriem Borisovim - Exclusive with Dmitry Borisov - NOT NEWS
54. Pod nebom Krima - Under the Sky of Crimea - NOT NEWS
55. Zakritii pokaz s Aleksandrom Gordonom - Closed Screening with Alexander Gordon - NOT NEWS
56. Blokada - Blockade - NOT NEWS
57. Abrek - Abrek - NOT NEWS
58. Obiknovennii fashizm-2 - Ordinary Fascism-2 - NOT NEWS
59. Mikhail Zadornov vsya zhizn - Mikhail Zadornov All Life - NOT NEWS
60. Sobor - Cathedral - NOT NEWS
61. Tri akkorda - Three Chords - NOT NEWS
62. Klub Veselikh i Nakhodchivikh - Club of the Merry and Resourceful - NOT NEWS
63. Diversant - Saboteur - NOT NEWS
64. Davai pozhenimsya v Novii god - Let's Get Married in the New Year - NOT NEWS
65. Diana de Puate - Diana de Poitiers - NOT NEWS
66. Videli video Novogodnii vipusk - Seen the Video New Year Edition - NOT NEWS
67. Imperiya Yekaterina II - Empire of Catherine II - NOT NEWS
68. Vibori-2024 - Elections-2024 - NEWS
69. Kazanova - Casanova - NOT NEWS
70. Konteiner - Container - NOT NEWS
71. Fenomen yakutskogo kino v Zakritom pokaze s Aleksandrom Gordonom - Phenomenon of Yakut Cinema in Closed Screening with Alexander Gordon - NOT NEWS
72. Chto Gde Kogda Vesennyaya seriya igr - What Where When Spring Series of Games - NOT NEWS
73. Eekhkh Razgulyai - Eh, Let Loose - NOT NEWS
74. Zvezda po imeni Gagarin - Star Named Gagarin - NOT NEWS
75. Marya-iskusnitsa - Marya the Craftswoman - NOT NEWS
76. Moi drug Zhvanetskii - My Friend Zhvanetsky - NOT NEWS
77. Morozko - Frost - NOT NEWS
78. Mechta Robina - Robin's Dream - NOT NEWS
79. Pust govoryat - Let Them Talk - NOT NEWS
80. Zharkie - Hot Ones - NOT NEWS
81. Moya lyubov - My Love - NOT NEWS
82. Zolotoi vek - Golden Age - NOT NEWS
83. Miting-kontsert 10 let v rodnoi gavani - Rally-Concert 10 Years in the Native Harbor - NOT NEWS
84. Russkii vizov - Russian Challenge - NOT NEWS
85. Samii pervii Novii god - The Very First New Year - NOT NEWS
86. Shirli-mirli - Hodgepodge - NOT NEWS
87. Krim - Crimea - NOT NEWS
88. Skhozhdenie Blagodatnogo ognya - Descent of the Holy Fire - NOT NEWS
89. Vizov - Challenge - NOT NEWS
90. Shchit i mech - Shield and Sword - NOT NEWS
91. Starik Khottabich - Old Man Khottabych - NOT NEWS
92. Ukrotitelnitsa tigrov - Tiger Tamer - NOT NEWS
93. Priznanie v lyubvi - Confession of Love - NOT NEWS
94. Den Pobedi - Victory Day - NOT NEWS
95. 2022 - 2022 - NOT NEWS
96. Ennio - Ennio - NOT NEWS
97. Novogodnyaya noch na Pervom - New Year's Eve on the First Channel - NOT NEWS
98. Dzhilda - Gilda - NOT NEWS
99. Rozhdestvo s Grigoriem Lepsom - Christmas with Grigory Leps - NOT NEWS
100. Nash Novii god - Our New Year - NOT NEWS
101. Moskva slezam ne verit - Moscow Does Not Believe in Tears - NOT NEWS
102. Igraem svadbu Rozhdestvenskii vipusk - Playing Wedding Christmas Edition - NOT NEWS
103. Put Khrista - The Way of Christ - NOT NEWS
104. Sibiriada - Siberiada - NOT NEWS
105. Eralash - Yeralash - NOT NEWS
106. Finist-yasnii sokol - Finist the Bright Falcon - NOT NEWS
107. Strasti po Matveyu - The Passion of Matvey - NOT NEWS
108. Belaya noch nezhnaya noch - White Night Tender Night - NOT NEWS
109. Ishchite zhenshchinu - Look for the Woman - NOT NEWS
110. Zolushka - Cinderella - NOT NEWS
111. Lyubov i golubi - Love and Pigeons - NOT NEWS
112. Gagarin - Gagarin - NOT NEWS
113. Lyotchik - The Pilot - NOT NEWS
114. Anatomiya padeniya - Anatomy of a Fall - NOT NEWS
115. Chelovek kotorii izmenil vse - The Man Who Changed Everything - NOT NEWS
116. Khram Groba Gospodnya - Church of the Holy Sepulchre - NOT NEWS
117. Neperevodimaya igra slov - Untranslatable Word Game - NOT NEWS
118. Blagoslovite zhenshchinu - Bless the Woman - NOT NEWS
119. Tsvet granata - The Color of Pomegranates - NOT NEWS
120. Aleksei Balabanov - Alexei Balabanov - NOT NEWS
121. Vse chto nazhito neposilnim trudom - All That Was Earned Through Hard Work - NOT NEWS
122. Luchshe vsekh Rozhdestvenskii vipusk - Better Than All Christmas Edition - NOT NEWS
123. Prazdnichnii kontsert ko Dnyu Rosgvardii - Holiday Concert for the Day of the Russian National Guard - NOT NEWS
124. Kalina krasnaya - The Red Viburnum - NOT NEWS
125. Iisus - Jesus - NOT NEWS
126. Zolotie roga - Golden Horns - NOT NEWS
127. Meditsinskii spetsnaz - Medical Special Forces - NOT NEWS
128. Zvezdi kino - Movie Stars - NOT NEWS
129. Ya - schastlivchik K 70-letiyu Leonida Yarmolnika - I'm a Lucky One for the 70th Anniversary of Leonid Yarmolnik - NOT NEWS
130. Semnadtsat mgnovenii vesni - Seventeen Moments of Spring - NOT NEWS
131. Olive - Olive - NOT NEWS
132. Realnost Vozdukha - Reality of Air - NOT NEWS
133. Vozvrashchenie Zakritogo pokaza s Aleksandrom Gordonom - Return of Closed Screening with Alexander Gordon - NOT NEWS
134. Muzhskaya rabota - Men's Work - NOT NEWS
135. Teni zabitikh predkov - Shadows of Forgotten Ancestors - NOT NEWS
136. Belie rosi - White Dew - NOT NEWS
137. Gala-kontsert Vserossiiskogo muzikalnogo patrioticheskogo festivalya Svoikh... - Gala Concert of the All-Russian Musical Patriotic Festival of Our Own - NOT NEWS
138. Burunovbezraznitsi - Burunov's Indifference - NOT NEWS
139. Zelenskii i yego boevie narkomani - Zelensky and His Combat Junkies - NOT NEWS
140. Banya vodka garmon Gollivud - Bathhouse Vodka Accordion Hollywood - NOT NEWS
141. Igri Budushchego - Games of the Future - NOT NEWS
142. Rozhdestvo Khristovo - Christ's Nativity - NOT NEWS
143. Svoya koleya - Own Path - NOT NEWS
144. Baba Moroz i taina Novogo goda - Grandmother Frost and the Mystery of the New Year - NOT NEWS
145. Imperiya Anna Ioannovna - Empire of Anna Ioannovna - NOT NEWS
146. Osobennosti natsionalnoi okhoti v zimnii period - Peculiarities of National Hunting in the Winter Period - NOT NEWS
147. Visota - Height - NOT NEWS
148. Shturmoviki - Stormtroopers - NOT NEWS
149. Eta bezumnaya lyubov - This Crazy Love - NOT NEWS
150. Ekipazh - Crew - NOT NEWS
151. Mezhdu zemlei i nebom - Between Earth and Sky - NOT NEWS
152. Pantsir - Shell - NOT NEWS
153. Svetloi pamyati pavshikh v borbe protiv fashizma - In Bright Memory of Those Fallen Fighting Fascism - NOT NEWS
154. Legendi Retro FM - Legends of Retro FM - NOT NEWS
155. Televidenie iznutri - Television from the Inside - NOT NEWS
156. Poslanie Prezidenta RF Vladimira Putina Federalnomu Sobraniyu - Message from President RF Vladimir Putin to the Federal Assembly - NEWS
157. Letyat zhuravli - The Cranes Are Flying - NOT NEWS
158. Belaya liliya - White Lily - NOT NEWS
159. Yankovskii - Yankovsky - NOT NEWS
160. Vsyo proshlo khorosho - Everything Went Well - NOT NEWS
161. Animator - Animator - NOT NEWS
162. Rozhdestvo v Rossii - Christmas in Russia - NOT NEWS
163. K yubileyu Nikolaya Tsiskaridze - For the Anniversary of Nikolai Tsiskaridze - NOT NEWS
164. Kontsert Polini Gagarinoi Navsegda - Polina Gagarina's Concert Forever - NOT NEWS
165. Drugogo takogo net K 90-letiyu Vasiliya Lanovogo - There Is No Other Like Him for the 90th Anniversary of Vasily Lanovoy - NOT NEWS
166. Svetloi pamyati Vyacheslava Zaitseva i Valentina Yudashkina - In Bright Memory of Vyacheslav Zaitsev and Valentin Yudashkin - NOT NEWS
167. Kontsert k 90-letiyu Vasiliya Lanovogo v Kremle - Concert for the 90th Anniversary of Vasily Lanovoy in the Kremlin - NOT NEWS
168. Ashik-Kerib - Ashik-Kerib - NOT NEWS
169. Ledovoe shou Tatyani Navki Vechera na khutore - Tatiana Navka's Ice Show Evenings on a Farmstead - NOT NEWS
170. Spasenie v kosmose - Salvation in Space - NOT NEWS
171. Ivan Groznii - Ivan the Terrible - NOT NEWS
172. Viktor nauki - Victor of Science - NOT NEWS
173. Tseremoniya zakritiya Vsemirnogo festivalya molodyozhi-2024 - Closing Ceremony of the 2024 World Youth Festival - NOT NEWS
174. Megre i tainstvennaya devushka - Maigret and the Mysterious Girl - NOT NEWS
175. Na razriv serdtsa - Heartbreaking - NOT NEWS
176. Yubileinoe shou Ili Averbukha - Jubilee Show of Ilya Averbukh - NOT NEWS
177. Vse zvezdi russkogo kosmosa - All Stars of Russian Space - NOT NEWS
178. Proverka na dorogakh - Check on the Roads - NOT NEWS
179. Odin na odin - One on One - NOT NEWS
180. Imperiya Yelizaveta Petrovna - Empire of Elizabeth Petrovna - NOT NEWS
181. Goryachii sneg - Hot Snow - NOT NEWS
182. Tseremoniya vrucheniya narodnoi premii Zolotoi grammofon - Award Ceremony for the People's Prize Golden Gramophone - NOT NEWS
183. Fabrika zvezd - Star Factory - NOT NEWS
184. Yolki-igolki - Needles and Pins - NOT NEWS
185. Vlyublen po sobstvennomu zhelaniyu - In Love of One's Own Will - NOT NEWS
186. V boi idut odni stariki - Only Old Men Are Going to Battle - NOT NEWS
187. Svoi sredi chuzhikh chuzhoi sredi svoikh - At Home Among Strangers, a Stranger Among His Own - NOT NEWS
188. Beryozka - Little Birch - NOT NEWS
189. Ne strelyaite v belikh lebedei - Don't Shoot the White Swans - NOT NEWS
190. Samaya obayatelnaya i privlekatelnaya - The Most Charming and Attractive - NOT NEWS
191. Dalyokie blizkie - Distant Close Ones - NOT NEWS
192. Pirati KhKh veka - Pirates of the 20th Century - NOT NEWS
193. Vladimir Visotskii - Vladimir Vysotsky - NOT NEWS
194. Nepokorennie - Unconquered - NOT NEWS
195. Legendi razvedki - Legends of Intelligence - NOT NEWS
196. Vladimir Pozner - Vladimir Pozner - NOT NEWS
197. Karnavalnaya noch - Carnival Night - NOT NEWS
198. Nagradi Rossii - Awards of Russia - NOT NEWS
199. Vladimir Zhirinovskii - Vladimir Zhirinovsky - NOT NEWS
200. Osvobozhdennie territorii - liniya zhizni - Liberated Territories - Lifeline - NOT NEWS
201. Mosfilm - Mosfilm - NOT NEWS
202. Beregis avtomobilya - Beware of the Car - NOT NEWS
203. Fantastika - Fantasy - NOT NEWS
204. Bolshaya raznitsa-2024 - Big Difference-2024 - NOT NEWS
205. Slishish vremya gudit - BAM Bolshoi prazdnichnii kontsert - Hear the Time Hum - BAM Big Festive Concert - NOT NEWS
206. Belorusskii vokzal - Belarus Station - NOT NEWS
207. Pravdivaya istoriya - True Story - NOT NEWS
208. Belii sneg - White Snow - NOT NEWS
209. Ivan Lubennikov Zhizn prodolzhaetsya - Ivan Lubennikov Life Goes On - NOT NEWS
210. Torzhestvennaya tseremoniya vstupleniya v dolzhnost Prezidenta Rossiiskoi... - Solemn Ceremony of the Inauguration of the President of Russia - NEWS
211. Ogon voda i - Fire Water and - NOT NEWS
212. Odinnadtsat molchalivikh muzhchin - Eleven Silent Men - NOT NEWS
213. Geroi - Heroes - NOT NEWS
214. Novogodnee priklyuchenie - New Year's Adventure - NOT NEWS
215. Mazhor v Sochi - Major in Sochi - NOT NEWS
216. Sobache serdtse - Heart of a Dog - NOT NEWS
217. K 135-letiyu so dnya rozhdeniya Aleksandra Vertinskogo - For the 135th Anniversary of the Birth of Alexander Vertinsky - NOT NEWS
218. Vor - Thief - NOT NEWS
219. Anna Karenina - Anna Karenina - NOT NEWS
220. Neopalimaya Kupina - The Burning Bush - NOT NEWS
221. Bolshe solntsa menshe grusti - More Sun Less Sadness - NOT NEWS
222. Spasibo za vernost potomki Prazdnichnii kontsert - Thank You for the Loyalty, Descendants - Festive Concert - NOT NEWS
223. Lyubo Lyube - Love Lube - NOT NEWS
224. Vesna na Zarechnoi ulitse - Spring on Zarechnaya Street - NOT NEWS
225. Vulkan Sergei Paradzhanov - Volcano Sergey Parajanov - NOT NEWS
226. Andrei Pervozvannii - Andrew the First-Called - NOT NEWS
227. Mertvii sezon - Dead Season - NOT NEWS
228. Novogodnii Mechtallion - New Year's Dream Stallion - NOT NEWS
229. Ofitseri - Officers - NOT NEWS
230. Novogodnii kalendar - New Year Calendar - NOT NEWS
231. Karnaval - Carnival - NOT NEWS
232. Mariupol - Mariupol - NOT NEWS
233. 9 12 nedel - 9 1/2 Weeks - NOT NEWS
234. Bednaya Sasha - Poor Sasha - NOT NEWS
235. Mertvii sezon i vsya zhizn Donatasa Banionisa - Dead Season and All the Life of Donatas Banionis - NOT NEWS
236. Nichego ne boisya krome Boga - Fear Nothing But God - NOT NEWS
237. Globalnoe bolshinstvo - Global Majority - NOT NEWS
238. Nebesnii tikhokhod - Heavenly Slug - NOT NEWS
239. Ivan Vasilevich menyaet professiyu - Ivan Vasilyevich Changes Profession - NOT NEWS
240. Taina - Mystery - NOT NEWS
241. Davaite ponimat drug druga s poluslova - Let's Understand Each Other at Half a Word - NOT NEWS
242. Frantsuz - Frenchman - NOT NEWS
243. Legenda o Suramskoi kreposti - Legend of the Surami Fortress - NOT NEWS
244. Torpedonostsi - Torpedo Bombers - NOT NEWS
245. Intervyu Vladimira Putina Takeru Karlsonu - Interview of Vladimir Putin with Tucker Carlson - NEWS
246. Moskva - Moscow - NOT NEWS
247. Paskha Khristova - Christ's Easter - NOT NEWS
248. Blokadnoe rondo - Blockade Rondo - NOT NEWS
249. Ya shagayu po Moskve - I Walk Around Moscow - NOT NEWS
250. Uraza-Bairam - Uraza Bayram - NOT NEWS
251. Khleb nash nasushchnii - Our Daily Bread - NOT NEWS
252. Devchata - The Girls - NOT NEWS
253. Prervannii polet Garri Pauersa - Interrupted Flight of Gary Powers - NOT NEWS
254. Yurii Lyubimov - Yuri Lyubimov - NOT NEWS

Both models incorrectly classified Bolshaya Igra as non-news. Let's ask the models why:

Describe the show "Bolshaya igra" to me. Why do you say it is not news?

Gemini 1.5 Pro:


"Bolshaya Igra" translates to "The Big Game" in English. It's important to distinguish the TV show title from the geopolitical concept it references, which often gets translated the same way. Here's why the show is NOT news:

It's a political talk show. "Bolshaya Igra" features pundits and experts debating current events, particularly Russia's role on the world stage. Think of it like a more intensely geopolitical version of shows like "Meet the Press" in the US.

Opinion heavy, not fact-based reporting. While current events provide the backdrop, the show is driven by the opinions and analyses of its participants, not neutral reporting. It aims to shape viewers' understanding of events through a specific lens.

In summary: While "Bolshaya Igra" touches on real-world happenings, its format and purpose are about commentary and persuasion, not delivering objective news.


"Bolshaya igra" (Big Game) is a Russian television talk show that focuses on political discussions and debates. The show typically features politicians, experts, and public figures who discuss current political events, international relations, and various socio-political issues. The format often includes a moderator who guides the discussion, allowing for a range of perspectives and lively debates.

Despite dealing with political topics, "Bolshaya igra" is classified as NOT NEWS because it is structured more as a talk show rather than a straightforward news program. While it covers current events and political issues, it does so through discussion and opinion rather than direct news reporting or journalistic investigation. The show's emphasis on debate and analysis categorizes it as a talk show rather than a news broadcast.