The GDELT Project

Generative AI Experiments: Summarizing A Day Of Global Climate Change Headlines Using GDELT + GPT-4o, Gemini Pro & Gemini Flash

What might it look like to leverage the ever-growing context windows of modern LLMs to take a day of climate change-related news headlines from across the world using GDELT Summary and have GPT-4o, Gemini Pro and Gemini 1.5 Flash generate a comprehensive global summary in English broken down by country? Here we run a simple search for climate-change related headlines in GDELT 3.0's 65 core languages and then ask the three models to summarize it. Overall the results are intriguing, though with many limitations: models may need to be run multiple times to get a reasonable result and the overall quality of the country-level summaries leave much to be desired, though they are still reasonable enough that they could likely be used in a real-world cursory monitoring or horizon scanning application. Interestingly, Gemini 1.5 Flash consistently took longer than Gemini 1.5 Pro, at around 151 seconds for Flash and 123 seconds for Pro and similar differentials being observed across subsequent runs, suggesting Flash's speed may be compromised when outputting larger volumes of text.

Below is a list of global news headlines in various languages about climate change. Break the headlines down by country and provide a country-by-country summary in English. For each country, provide a one paragraph summary for that country, followed by the list of headlines from the list below that you used and their English translations.

NU : The World is on the brink of a climate crisis
In Francia 173 persone sono state arrestate durante una manifestazione contro il cambiamento climatico
The Maldives faces existential threat from a climate crisis it did little to create . We need the world help now | Mohamed Muizzu
Former GOP presidential rival Nikki Haley renews her membership in the Trump fan club
Estate Mediterranea pre Riscaldamento Globale : un ritratto METEO di serenità
Laila Benkrima : What climate change means for Canada wine industry
Pánico climático , pánico ecológico
Africa Day : Creating a sustainable future for the continent
Décryptage - Turbulences : les changements climatiques rendent - ils les vols en avion plus dangereux ? 
video | Hecenii s - au calificat în finala Românii au Talent . Andra : ​ „ Doamne , cât de frumos a fost ! 
La NASA lanza nuevo satélite para observar el cambio climático
Maraton în Chișinău : Traficul rutier va fi suspendat pe bd . Ștefan cel Mare . Cum va circula transportul public
Por golpe de calor , Oaxaca acumula cuatro las víctimas mortales
Addio aria condizionata , ecco le migliori alternative green
부산글로벌도시재단은 , 아세안 · 중앙亞 · 남미에 부산  시민안전  정책 역량 전수
Χρ . Σταϊκούρας : Οκτώ άξονες για τον περιορισμό των επιπτώσεων της κλιματικής αλλαγής και την επίτευξη της πράσινης μετάβασης
AVC : les nuits chaudes augmentent vos risques dattaque cérébrale
América Latina denuncia ante CorteIDH la responsabilidad climática de los países más ricos
Amitav Ghosh , romancier et essayiste : « La modernité était essentiellement un projet colonial » ( entretien ) 
Hoy Tamaulipas - Clima extremo empeorara por cambio climatico advierten en Tamaulipas
  Misión PREFIRE : NASA lanzó nuevo satélite para medir las emisiones de calor de los polos de la Tierra
La ONU alerta del efecto del cambio climático en estados insulares
In 2023 , Europe suffered widespread flooding and extreme heat
La ONU alerta del efecto del cambio climático en estados insulares
NASA - lanza - satélite - para ver cómo se escapa el - calor - de los polos
Έρευνα : Οι ακραίες θερμοκρασίες συνδέονται με εγκεφαλικά επεισόδια
Diario Extra - La NASA lanza nuevo satélite
How climate change , insecurity threatening Nigeria food security – Blueprint Newspapers Limited
Visão do Correio : Mais preveno e menos improvisos nas cidades
Maldive nella morsa dellinnalzamento dei mari . Il presidente chiede fondi internazionali .  Servono 500 milioni  
ONU alerta del efecto del cambio climático en estados insulares
Saturday letters : Allow wind power to move forward ; our number - one bus hub
Queste zone dItalia saranno sommerse dallacqua tra 200 anni
La NASA lanza satélite para observar cómo el calor se escapa de los polos
Συναγερμός για εποχή πιο ισχυρών τυφώνων στον Ατλαντικό
Derrière laffichage vert , TotalEnergies entend augmenter sa production pétrogazière
China covers its largest desert and the world on edge : the ultimate AI or a new energy source ? 
Κλιματική αλλαγή : Ένας σοβαρός εχθρός του εγκεφάλου – Ποιες παθήσεις και νευρολογικές διαταραχές επιδεινώνει
Tramonta lera di El Nino , il meteorologo :  Ma la nostra estate sarà comunque molto calda  
Cupar and Kirriemuir sustainable groups fight climate change
Low - Lying Maldives Seeks International Funds To Battle Rising Sea Levels
  Οι 8 τομείς για τη μετατροπή της κλιματικής κρίσης σε πράσινη ανάπτυξη  | Epoli . gr
Son yaşanan türbülanslar hangileri , ortak noktaları nedir ? 
Menengok Fasilitas Penangkap Karbon Raksasa di Islandia , Dinamai Mammoth
Niños , desamparados ante la emergencia climática
İklim değişikliğine uyum sağlamada sigorta sektörünün yaratacağı faydalar
Drones , sensores y satélites , una nueva era de lucha contra los incendios forestales
This 3 . 6 - million - year - old footprint was made by our earliest known ancestor . Now it at risk of being lost forever
This 3 . 6 - million - year - old footprint was made by our earliest known ancestor . Now it at risk of being lost forever
This 3 . 6 - million - year - old footprint was made by our earliest known ancestor . Now it at risk of being lost forever | National and World News
Biden pushes priorities on environment and more as election nears
Η κλιματική αλλαγή έχει αυξήσει τον κίνδυνο θανάτων από εγκεφαλικά επεισόδια
Legambiente ,  23 bandiere verdi nel 2024 sulle Alpi  - Notizie
Legambiente ,  23 bandiere verdi nel 2024 sulle Alpi  - Green & Blue
Legambiente ,  23 bandiere verdi nel 2024 sulle Alpi  - Notizie
Winnie the Pooh springs back to life in satirical book
Coalition Of Coal Will Prove Catastrophic For Climate – Green Party
MIDAS SHARE TIPS :  The unheralded eco firms being turned into green giants
Maldives seeks funding to battle rising sea levels
Low - lying Maldives Seeks Easier Funding To Battle Waves
Legambiente ,  23 bandiere verdi nel 2024 sulle Alpi  - Ambiente e Energia
Έρευνα : Οι ακραίες θερμοκρασίες μπορεί να αυξήσουν τον κίνδυνο θνησιμότητας από εγκεφαλικά
Έρευνα : Οι ακραίες θερμοκρασίες μπορεί να αυξήσουν τον κίνδυνο θνησιμότητας από εγκεφαλικά επεισόδια
Οι ακραίες θερμοκρασίες αυξάνουν τον κίνδυνο θανάτου από εγκεφαλικό - Τι δείχνει έρευνα με ελληνική συμμετοχή
Οι ακραίες θερμοκρασίες μπορεί να αυξήσουν τον κίνδυνο θνησιμότητας από εγκεφαλικά επεισόδια
Έρευνα : Οι ακραίες θερμοκρασίες μπορεί να αυξήσουν τον κίνδυνο θνησιμότητας από εγκεφαλικό
Οι ακραίες θερμοκρασίες μπορεί να αυξήσουν τον κίνδυνο θνησιμότητας από εγκεφαλικά επεισόδια
Μελέτη Χάρβαρντ / Οι ακραίες θερμοκρασίες μπορεί να αυξήσουν τον κίνδυνο θνησιμότητας από εγκεφαλικό επεισόδιο
Έρευνα : Οι ακραίες θερμοκρασίες μπορεί να αυξήσουν τον κίνδυνο θνησιμότητας ... 
Έρευνα : Οι ακραίες θερμοκρασίες μπορεί να αυξήσουν τον κίνδυνο θνησιμότητας από εγκεφαλικά επεισόδια
Έρευνα : Οι ακραίες θερμοκρασίες μπορεί να αυξήσουν τον κίνδυνο θνησιμότητας από εγκεφαλικά επεισόδια
Οι ακραίες θερμοκρασίες συνδέονται με θανατηφόρα εγκεφαλικά επεισόδια
Οι ακραίες θερμοκρασίες αυξάνουν τον κίνδυνο θανάτου από εγκεφαλικό – Τι δείχνει έρευνα με ελληνική συμμετοχή
Gli appuntamenti nella settimana del 27 maggio alla biblioteca Trisi di Lugo
Advierten por fenómeno  La Niña ; provocaría fuerte temporada de huracanes
Advierten por fenómeno  La Niña ; provocaría fuerte temporada de huracanes
Papouasie - Nouvelle - Guinée : les secours arrivent sur les lieux du glissement de terrain
Low - lying Maldives seeks easier funding to battle waves
Οι ακραίες θερμοκρασίες αυξάνουν τον κίνδυνο θανάτου ... από εγκεφαλικό – Τι δείχνει νέα έρευνα
Algunas especies están invirtiendo más energía para reproducirse : ¿ cuál es el riesgo ? 
Dubaï : un projet de mangrove pour lutter contre le réchauffement climatique
 « Javais une histoire à raconter » : Lydie Lescarmontier , la glaciologue engagée
Dijon . Une journée pour sensibiliser au réchauffement climatique lors de lAgritech world tour
Vaucluse . Station du Mont Serein  : une ambitieuse reconversion vers des loisirs d  été
NASA lanza satélite para observar cómo el calor se escapa de los polos
Stress idrico e aumento delle temperature spingono a trovare nuove colture resistenti al caldo e alla siccità
Humeur | Par Huguette Dreikaus . La seconde main
La ONU alerta del efecto del cambio climático en estados insulares y pide más fondos
House report finds Joe Biden green energy policies hurt consumers and weaken the power grid
Yellen , Podesta and Other US Officials to Lay Out Carbon Offsets Framework
Дел на приусадебном участке всегда немало
Катастрофа всё ближе . Ледник Судного дня тает быстрее , чем считали раньше
Nouvel accident chez Boeing  : les turbulences augmentent - elles avec le changement climatique  ? 
CentralAsia : Изменения климата обостряют симптомы неврологических и психических заболеваний , – ученые
Estrellas de mar en el Ártico : la aventura científica de la bióloga argentina que estudia las especies más desconocidas
Ecological hobby : How watching sports from home benefits the environment
Κικίλιας : Καμία ανοχή στους εμπρηστές – Προφυλακίστηκε ο εξ  αμελείας εμπρηστής στα Φιλιατρά
Flying is getting more turbulent . Climate change is partly to blame . 
Protesta të dhunshme në Francë , arrestohen mbi 170 aktivistë të klimës
A Gleccser - meccs már javában zajlik
Attenzione ! Le discariche rilasciano metano in modo incontrollato ( almeno il 40 % più di quanto si sospettasse ) 
NASA Launches Small Climate Satellite to Study Earth Poles
Protesta e dhunshme për klimën në Francë / Rreth 170 aktivistë të arrestuar
ALEGERI 2024 Istoricul Lucian Boia avertizează : „ N - o să - i ierte nici pe ei  
Q & A : New Legislation in Vermont Will Make Fossil Fuel Companies Liable for Climate Impacts in the State . Here What That Could Look Like
Sécheresse en Afrique de lOuest  : Madagascar parmi les pays les plus touchés
Progressive Charlestown : Questions and Answers About Offshore Wind
Amazon Rainforest Collapse ? 
Amazon Rainforest Collapse ? 
Guerres et réchauffement climatique  : le nombre de déplacés explose en Afrique
Estate 2024 , ondate di calore e temperature sopra la media : le previsioni dei prossimi mesi ( e il piano dellEuropa per affrontarli ) 
Estate 2024 , ondate di calore e temperature sopra la media : le previsioni dei prossimi mesi ( e il piano dellEuropa per affrontarli ) 
Diagnose Klimakrise - Sonnenseite - Ökologische Kommunikation mit Franz Alt
Advocates urge government to implement labor policies adapting to climate crisis
 « المصري للتأمين »: على الشركات تقديم منتجات التأمين الخاصة بتغيرات المناخ
Giornata mondiale dei bambini : anche la direttrice generale Unicef Catherine Russell questo pomeriggio allOlimpico
California Climate Programs Could Lose Billions in Funding Because of Budget Deficit
Sudarshan installs 5 quintals of mango in sand sculpture for voting awareness at Puri beach
Χρ . Σταϊκούρας : Οκτώ άξονες για τον περιορισμό των επιπτώσεων της κλιματικής αλλαγής και την επίτευξη της πράσινης μετάβασης
Κικίλιας : Προφυλακίστηκε ο εξ  αμελείας εμπρηστής στα Φιλιατρά – « Δεν θα επιδείξουμε καμία ανοχή » - kikilias : profylakistike o ex  ameleias ebristis sta filiatra – « den tha epideixoume kamia anochi » 
Going Green : Coastal communities are under threat
Going Green : Coastal communities are under threat
Going Green : Coastal communities are under threat
Going Green : Coastal communities are under threat
Going Green : Coastal communities are under threat
Going Green : Coastal communities are under threat
Going Green : Coastal communities are under threat
Going Green : Coastal communities are under threat
Από τη Θεσσαλία ξεκινά το πρόγραμμα « Απόλλων » 
Researchers Conclude That Climate Change Will Make Strokes and Migraines Worse
Rəsmi Paris iqlim dəyişikliyi sahəsində ümumdünya səviyyəsində aparılan işlərə zərbə vurur ŞƏRH
Zece moduri în care distrugem , cu mâna noastră , mediul înconjurător
المصري للتأمين يرصد مخاطر تغير المناخ وتأثيرها على الحياة والرعاية الصحية
Yıkım başladı ! 
Journée Internationale de la famille / Changement climatique : Linvite de la ministre Maïmouna Dièye aux femmes … 
Laura Clarke : La diplomática que lidera un  ejército verde  de 150 abogados :  El ecopostureo retrasa la acción climática  | Clima y Medio Ambiente
Camminate Fai nella biodiversità : Puglia
Programa Alimentar Mundial alerta para efeitos da crise climática em pequenos estados insulares
В Париже задержали 173 участников экопротеста против TotalEnergies
Екологистите бараат итна акција и одговор од институциите за климатските промени
Ronald Sanders | From COP to courtroom : ITLOS sets new precedents for climate accountability
В Париже задержали 173 участника экопротеста против TotalEnergies
Este árbol produce energía y limpia la atmósfera : enfría tu casa dentro y fuera
Fernsehprofessor Harald Lesch und Uni München täuschen Schüler und Lehrer mit einem „ Klimakoffer  Extremnews Die etwas anderen Nachrichten
Fiscales republicanos piden al Supremo bloquear demandas sobre cambio climático presentadas por varios estados
INT : Air pollution - related deaths from heart conditions , obesity , diabetes are growing and climate change partially to blame
Atlantic hurricane region already reaching August - like water temperatures
Atlantic hurricane region already reaching August - like water temperatures
NASA Launches Tiny Climate Change Satellite To Study Earth Poles
NASA launches ground - breaking climate change satellite
Bill McKibben Thinks Climate Change Is The Key To A Biden Win In November
Σκουριές : Συμπόρευση συλλογικοτήτων σε Ελλάδα και Τουρκία ενάντια στην εξόρυξη χρυσού
Gov . Scott vetoes major electricity bill , legislative leadership pledges to override
Republican AGs ask Supreme Court to block climate change lawsuits brought by several states
Skaber problemer ved flere lufthavne : Drop privatfly
Во Франции задержали 173 экоактивиста на акциях против TotalEnergies
Χρ . Σταϊκούρας : Οκτώ άξονες για τον περιορισμό των επιπτώσεων της κλιματικής αλλαγής
Ευρωεκλογές 2024 : Συνέντευξη Χ . Βρεττός - Κόσμος
Programa Alimentar Mundial alerta para efeitos da crise climática
48 وفاة بسبب موجة حر في المكسيك .. التغير المناخي يتصاعد
Σταϊκούρας : Οκτώ άξονες κατά της κλιματικής αλλαγής και υπέρ της πράσινης μετάβασης
Σταϊκούρας : Οι 8 άξονες για τον περιορισμό επιπτώσεων της κλιματικής αλλαγής
Livet i havet rundt Thailand sliter etter skrekkrekord
Луизианские болота могут пересохнуть
عشرات الوفيات في المكسيك بسبب موجات حر غير مسبوقة
Pakar Thailand sebut NEV China tingkatkan upaya atasi perubahan iklim
SEMILLAS CHÍA | Las semillas de chía se cuelan en los desagües y amenazan con invadir las orillas de los ríos españoles
SEMILLAS CHÍA | Las semillas de chía se cuelan en los desagües y amenazan con invadir las orillas de los ríos españoles
Κοινή δράση σε Ελλάδα και Τουρκία ενάντια στις εξορύξεις χρυσού - The Press Project - Ειδήσεις , Αναλύσεις , Ραδιόφωνο , Τηλεόραση
Fondation Ocp : Un projet sur la Grande muraille verte parmi les réalisations phares en 2023
Nasa skickar upp ny klimatsatellit
Σταϊκούρας : Οι 8 άξονες για τον περιορισμό επιπτώσεων της κλιματικής αλλαγής
Arindam Bandyopadhyay | Economic and Political Weekly
COP29 - a hazırlıqda ekotəxəyyülün formalaşması
  Culpa  Protección Civil NL a cambio climático por ventarrones atípicos en San Pedro
Government , Tullow Oil sign US$90 million Emissions Reduction Purchase Agreement
Κικίλιας για πυρκαγιά στον παράδρομο της ΕΟ Αθηνών - Λαμίας στη Βοιωτία : Σε δύο ώρες δεν υπήρχε ενεργό μέτωπο
Aquecimento global derrete gelo , que libera metais e faz rios do Alasca ficarem laranja
Nasa launches ground - breaking climate change satellite
Les marées sont en train de perdre leur rythme , et cest une mauvaise nouvelle
Zinātnieki prognozē viesuļvētru izmaiņas
Lleida tindrà estius  a 44 graus  en 10 anys si satura la reducció demissions
انقراض الأسماك في ظل الاحتباس الحراري :: الأنباط
기후변화 앞당기는 커피 한 잔 … 병아리콩 · 대추야자  대체 커피  가 뜬다
Les marches pour dénoncer le réchauffement climatique sont - elles vraiment efficaces ? 
  Se tiver gosto de álcool , até que é bom , diz Lula sobre o bagaço de cana - de - acar
Bangkok Post - Media forum agrees to support climate awareness
Изменението на климата засегна сериозно и легендарната българска роза
Vadodara heating up faster than global average | Vadodara News
Klimaaktivister demonstrerer landet over mod privatfly
Climat : Émissions élevées de la viande bovine . 
NASA Launches Ground - Breaking Climate Change Satellite
Fans Say Lady Gaga  Should Be in Prison  After Performing in the Middle of the Crowd While Sick With COVID
AI reimagines what Dubai would look like in 2050
Séances de réflexion en prévision du Colloque sur limpact du changement climatique sur la sécurité hydrique en Algérie
Zambia : ERB calls for investment in alternative clean sources of energy
Dengue causa al menos 35 muertes en Centroamérica en 2024 , según autoridades de la salud
Adolescentes alertam sobre mudança climática em sessão da Corte IDH em Brasília
Μητσοτάκης : Η εγγραφή του Ζαγορίου στον Κατάλογο της UNESCO είναι στιγμή δικαίωσης
Χωρίς ενεργό μέτωπο η πυρκαγιά στο Ακραίφνιο Βοιωτίας - « Μεγάλη και έγκαιρη κινητοποίηση », λέει ο Β . Κικίλιας

Running ChatGPT-4o the first time did not yield any errors, but the results were not comprehensive:

### France

In France, climate change is a hot-button issue that has sparked significant public and governmental response. Protests against TotalEnergies led to the arrest of over 170 activists, demonstrating the high level of public concern and activism around climate policies. The country is also dealing with the effects of climate change on aviation, as increasing turbulence poses risks to air travel safety. Additionally, the French government is urged to take immediate action to address climate issues and support sustainable development, reflecting a broader national commitment to combatting climate change.

1. In Francia 173 persone sono state arrestate durante una manifestazione contro il cambiamento climatico
– Translation: In France, 173 people were arrested during a protest against climate change
2. Décryptage – Turbulences : les changements climatiques rendent – ils les vols en avion plus dangereux ?
– Translation: Analysis – Turbulence: does climate change make flights more dangerous?
3. Protesta e dhunshme për klimën në Francë / Rreth 170 aktivistë të arrestuar
– Translation: Violent climate protest in France / Around 170 activists arrested

### Maldives

The Maldives is facing an existential threat due to climate change, particularly from rising sea levels. The country's leaders are actively seeking international aid, emphasizing the urgent need for financial support to combat the devastating impacts. The Maldives’ precarious situation highlights the disproportionate effect of climate change on smaller, low-lying nations that have contributed little to the problem but are experiencing its worst effects.

1. The Maldives faces existential threat from a climate crisis it did little to create. We need the world help now | Mohamed Muizzu
– Translation: The Maldives faces an existential threat from a climate crisis it did little to create. We need the world's help now | Mohamed Muizzu
2. Low – Lying Maldives Seeks International Funds To Battle Rising Sea Levels
– Translation: Low-lying Maldives seeks international funds to battle rising sea levels
3. Maldive nella morsa dellinnalzamento dei mari. Il presidente chiede fondi internazionali. Servono 500 milioni
– Translation: Maldives in the grip of rising seas. The president asks for international funds. 500 million needed

### Canada

In Canada, climate change is having a notable impact on various industries, including the wine sector. Experts like Laila Benkrima are discussing the implications for wine production, as changing weather patterns affect grape growing regions. The country is also involved in broader discussions about climate policy and sustainability, reflecting its commitment to addressing climate change at both national and industry-specific levels.

1. Laila Benkrima : What climate change means for Canada wine industry
– Translation: Laila Benkrima: What climate change means for Canada wine industry

### Italy

Italy is grappling with multiple climate-related issues, including extreme weather events and their impacts on agriculture and infrastructure. The country is also focusing on alternative energy solutions and green initiatives as part of its response to climate change. Public awareness and government action are critical as Italy works to mitigate the adverse effects and transition to a more sustainable future.

1. Estate Mediterranea pre Riscaldamento Globale : un ritratto METEO di serenità
– Translation: Mediterranean Summer before Global Warming: a serene WEATHER portrait
2. Addio aria condizionata, ecco le migliori alternative green
– Translation: Goodbye air conditioning, here are the best green alternatives
3. Tramonta lera di El Nino, il meteorologo: Ma la nostra estate sarà comunque molto calda
– Translation: The El Nino era is ending, the meteorologist says: But our summer will still be very hot

### Mexico

Mexico is experiencing severe consequences of climate change, including deadly heatwaves. The rising temperatures have led to multiple fatalities, highlighting the urgent need for effective climate mitigation strategies. This situation underscores the critical nature of climate action to protect vulnerable populations from extreme weather events exacerbated by global warming.

1. Por golpe de calor, Oaxaca acumula cuatro las víctimas mortales
– Translation: Due to heat stroke, Oaxaca accumulates four mortal victims
2. 48 وفاة بسبب موجة حر في المكسيك .. التغير المناخي يتصاعد
– Translation: 48 deaths due to a heatwave in Mexico… climate change is escalating

### Greece

Greece is actively addressing the impacts of climate change through various government initiatives aimed at promoting green development and reducing climate-related risks. The country is also experiencing increased health risks due to extreme temperatures, which have been linked to higher mortality rates from strokes and other neurological conditions. These efforts reflect Greece's comprehensive approach to tackling both environmental and public health challenges associated with climate change.

1. Χρ . Σταϊκούρας : Οκτώ άξονες για τον περιορισμό των επιπτώσεων της κλιματικής αλλαγής και την επίτευξη της πράσινης μετάβασης
– Translation: Chr. Staikouras: Eight axes to limit the impacts of climate change and achieve green transition
2. Έρευνα : Οι ακραίες θερμοκρασίες συνδέονται με εγκεφαλικά επεισόδια
– Translation: Research: Extreme temperatures are linked to strokes
3. Κλιματική αλλαγή : Ένας σοβαρός εχθρός του εγκεφάλου – Ποιες παθήσεις και νευρολογικές διαταραχές επιδεινώνει
– Translation: Climate change: A serious enemy of the brain – Which diseases and neurological disorders it exacerbates

Running ChatGPT 4o a second time we got more extensive results (34 seconds duration):

### United States
The United States headlines largely focus on the political and technological responses to climate change. President Biden's administration is pushing for green energy policies despite concerns about their economic impact. NASA has launched a new satellite to study climate change, emphasizing the country's commitment to scientific research in understanding and mitigating climate impacts.

– "Biden pushes priorities on environment and more as election nears"
– *Translation*: Biden pushes priorities on environment and more as election nears
– "NASA launches ground-breaking climate change satellite"
– *Translation*: NASA launches ground-breaking climate change satellite
– "House report finds Joe Biden green energy policies hurt consumers and weaken the power grid"
– *Translation*: House report finds Joe Biden green energy policies hurt consumers and weaken the power grid

### France
France is dealing with climate protests and government responses to climate-related issues. Recent violent protests led to the arrest of over 170 climate activists, reflecting significant public unrest. The country is also concerned about how climate change might make air travel more dangerous.

– "Protesta të dhunshme në Francë, arrestohen mbi 170 aktivistë të klimës"
– *Translation*: Violent climate protest in France, over 170 activists arrested
– "Décryptage – Turbulences: les changements climatiques rendent-ils les vols en avion plus dangereux?"
– *Translation*: Analysis – Turbulence: does climate change make air travel more dangerous?
– "En Francia 173 persone sono state arrestate durante una manifestazione contro il cambiamento climatico"
– *Translation*: In France, 173 people were arrested during a protest against climate change

### Maldives
The Maldives is facing an existential threat from rising sea levels due to climate change. The nation's president is calling for international assistance, highlighting the urgent need for funds to combat the crisis.

– "Low-lying Maldives seeks international funds to battle rising sea levels"
– *Translation*: Low-lying Maldives seeks international funds to battle rising sea levels
– "Maldive nella morsa dellinnalzamento dei mari. Il presidente chiede fondi internazionali. Servono 500 milioni"
– *Translation*: Maldives in the grip of rising sea levels. The president calls for international funds. 500 million needed

### Canada
In Canada, the impact of climate change on the wine industry is being highlighted. Climate change is altering growing conditions, which could affect the quality and type of wines produced in the region.

– "Laila Benkrima: What climate change means for Canada wine industry"
– *Translation*: Laila Benkrima: What climate change means for Canada wine industry

### Italy
Italy is addressing various aspects of climate change, from extreme heat waves and their impacts on public health to the promotion of green alternatives like abandoning air conditioning. Additionally, the country is preparing for hotter summers and seeking sustainable agricultural practices.

– "Estate Mediterranea pre Riscaldamento Globale: un ritratto METEO di serenità"
– *Translation*: Mediterranean summer before global warming: a serene weather portrait
– "Addio aria condizionata, ecco le migliori alternative green"
– *Translation*: Goodbye air conditioning, here are the best green alternatives
– "Queste zone d'Italia saranno sommerse dall'acqua tra 200 anni"
– *Translation*: These areas of Italy will be submerged by water in 200 years

### Greece
Greece is grappling with increased health risks from extreme temperatures, which are linked to a higher incidence of strokes and other neurological issues. The country is also taking steps to mitigate the impacts of climate change and promote green transitions.

– "Χρ. Σταϊκούρας: Οκτώ άξονες για τον περιορισμό των επιπτώσεων της κλιματικής αλλαγής και την επίτευξη της πράσινης μετάβασης"
– *Translation*: Chr. Staikouras: Eight axes to limit the effects of climate change and achieve green transition
– "Έρευνα: Οι ακραίες θερμοκρασίες συνδέονται με εγκεφαλικά επεισόδια"
– *Translation*: Research: Extreme temperatures are linked to strokes

### Mexico
Mexico is experiencing severe heatwaves that have resulted in multiple fatalities. The country is also on alert for a potentially strong hurricane season due to the La Niña phenomenon.

– "Por golpe de calor, Oaxaca acumula cuatro las víctimas mortales"
– *Translation*: Due to heat stroke, Oaxaca accumulates four fatalities
– "Advierten por fenómeno La Niña; provocaría fuerte temporada de huracanes"
– *Translation*: Warning about La Niña phenomenon; it could cause a strong hurricane season

### Nigeria
Nigeria is facing food security threats due to climate change and insecurity. These challenges are affecting the nation's ability to produce and distribute food, leading to increased vulnerability for its population.

– "How climate change, insecurity threatening Nigeria food security – Blueprint Newspapers Limited"
– *Translation*: How climate change, insecurity threatening Nigeria food security – Blueprint Newspapers Limited

### Spain
In Spain, chia seeds are becoming an environmental concern as they invade waterways. The country is also preparing for extreme heatwaves, which are expected to become more frequent and intense.

– "SEMILLAS CHÍA | Las semillas de chía se cuelan en los desagües y amenazan con invadir las orillas de los ríos españoles"
– *Translation*: CHIA SEEDS | Chia seeds are getting into drains and threatening to invade the banks of Spanish rivers
– "Estate 2024, ondate di calore e temperature sopra la media: le previsioni dei prossimi mesi (e il piano dell'Europa per affrontarli)"
– *Translation*: Summer 2024, heat waves and above-average temperatures: forecasts for the coming months (and Europe's plan to deal with them)

### Romania
Romania is seeing public events like marathons affected by climate considerations, with road traffic being suspended for such activities. Additionally, local talent shows and other events continue despite these challenges.

– "Maraton în Chișinău: Traficul rutier va fi suspendat pe bd. Ștefan cel Mare. Cum va circula transportul public"
– *Translation*: Marathon in Chișinău: Road traffic will be suspended on Ștefan cel Mare Blvd. How public transport will circulate
– "video | Hecenii s-au calificat în finala Românii au Talent. Andra: „Doamne, cât de frumos a fost!"
– *Translation*: video | Hecenii qualified for the final of Românii au Talent. Andra: "God, how beautiful it was!"

### Argentina
Argentina is focusing on the environmental impacts of climate change, including scientific studies in the Arctic and the effects on local species. The country is also advocating for greater international action to address these challenges.

– "Estrellas de mar en el Ártico: la aventura científica de la bióloga argentina que estudia las especies más desconocidas"
– *Translation*: Starfish in the Arctic: the scientific adventure of the Argentine biologist who studies the most unknown species
– "América Latina denuncia ante CorteIDH la responsabilidad climática de los países más ricos"
– *Translation*: Latin America denounces the climate responsibility of the richest countries before the Inter-American Court of Human Rights

Gemini 1.5 Pro (123 seconds):

Country-by-Country Breakdown of Climate Change Headlines:


Canadian news focuses on the impact of climate change on the country's wine industry, highlighting the growing concerns within the sector.


Laila Benkrima: What climate change means for Canada wine industry


France grapples with public outcry against climate change as protests escalate, leading to numerous arrests. This highlights the strong public sentiment and willingness to take action against perceived inaction on climate change.


In Francia 173 persone sono state arrestate durante una manifestazione contro il cambiamento climatico (Translation: In France, 173 people were arrested during a demonstration against climate change)

Protesta të dhunshme në Francë, arrestohen mbi 170 aktivistë të klimës (Translation: Violent protests in France, over 170 climate activists arrested)

Protesta e dhunshme për klimën në Francë / Rreth 170 aktivistë të arrestuar (Translation: Violent climate protest in France / About 170 activists arrested)

В Париже задержали 173 участников экопротеста против TotalEnergies (Translation: 173 participants of an environmental protest against TotalEnergies were detained in Paris)

Во Франции задержали 173 экоактивиста на акциях против TotalEnergies (Translation: 173 environmental activists were detained in France during actions against TotalEnergies)


Greece experiences a heightened awareness of climate change's health impacts, with research emphasizing the link between extreme temperatures and stroke risk. This is coupled with reports on wildfires and government initiatives to combat climate change.


Χρ. Σταϊκούρας: Οκτώ άξονες για τον περιορισμό των επιπτώσεων της κλιματικής αλλαγής και την επίτευξη της πράσινης μετάβασης (Translation: Chr. Staikouras: Eight axes for limiting the effects of climate change and achieving the green transition)

Έρευνα: Οι ακραίες θερμοκρασίες συνδέονται με εγκεφαλικά επεισόδια (Translation: Research: Extreme temperatures are linked to strokes)

Έρευνα: Οι ακραίες θερμοκρασίες μπορεί να αυξήσουν τον κίνδυνο θνησιμότητας από εγκεφαλικά (Translation: Research: Extreme temperatures may increase the risk of death from stroke)

Έρευνα: Οι ακραίες θερμοκρασίες μπορεί να αυξήσουν τον κίνδυνο θνησιμότητας από εγκεφαλικά επεισόδια (Translation: Research: Extreme temperatures may increase the risk of death from stroke) (Multiple instances)

Οι ακραίες θερμοκρασίες αυξάνουν τον κίνδυνο θανάτου από εγκεφαλικό – Τι δείχνει έρευνα με ελληνική συμμετοχή (Translation: Extreme temperatures increase the risk of death from stroke – What research with Greek participation shows)

Οι ακραίες θερμοκρασίες αυξάνουν τον κίνδυνο θανάτου … από εγκεφαλικό – Τι δείχνει νέα έρευνα (Translation: Extreme temperatures increase the risk of death… from stroke – What new research shows)

Κικίλιας: Καμία ανοχή στους εμπρηστές – Προφυλακίστηκε ο εξ αμελείας εμπρηστής στα Φιλιατρά (Translation: Kikilias: Zero tolerance for arsonists – The negligent arsonist in Filiatra was remanded in custody)

Κικίλιας: Προφυλακίστηκε ο εξ αμελείας εμπρηστής στα Φιλιατρά – «Δεν θα επιδείξουμε καμία ανοχή» – kikilias : profylakistike o ex ameleias ebristis sta filiatra – «den tha epideixoume kamia anochi» (Translation: Kikilias: The negligent arsonist in Filiatra was remanded in custody – "We will show no tolerance")

Χρ. Σταϊκούρας: Οκτώ άξονες για τον περιορισμό των επιπτώσεων της κλιματικής αλλαγής και την επίτευξη της πράσινης μετάβασης (Translation: Chr. Staikouras: Eight axes for limiting the effects of climate change and achieving the green transition)

Οι 8 τομείς για τη μετατροπή της κλιματικής κρίσης σε πράσινη ανάπτυξη | (Translation: The 8 sectors for turning the climate crisis into green development)

Σταϊκούρας: Οκτώ άξονες κατά της κλιματικής αλλαγής και υπέρ της πράσινης μετάβασης (Translation: Staikouras: Eight axes against climate change and in favor of the green transition)

Σταϊκούρας: Οι 8 άξονες για τον περιορισμό επιπτώσεων της κλιματικής αλλαγής (Translation: Staikouras: The 8 axes for limiting the effects of climate change)

Σταϊκούρας: Οι 8 άξονες για τον περιορισμό επιπτώσεων της κλιματικής αλλαγής (Translation: Staikouras: The 8 axes for limiting the effects of climate change)

Κοινή δράση σε Ελλάδα και Τουρκία ενάντια στις εξορύξεις χρυσού – The Press Project – Ειδήσεις, Αναλύσεις, Ραδιόφωνο, Τηλεόραση (Translation: Joint action in Greece and Turkey against gold mining – The Press Project – News, Analysis, Radio, Television)

Χωρίς ενεργό μέτωπο η πυρκαγιά στο Ακραίφνιο Βοιωτίας – «Μεγάλη και έγκαιρη κινητοποίηση», λέει ο Β. Κικίλιας (Translation: No active front in the fire in Akraifnio, Viotia – "Large and timely mobilization", says V. Kikilias)


Italian media focuses on the tangible effects of climate change, such as rising sea levels threatening coastal regions and the need for alternative cooling solutions amidst extreme heat. There is also discussion on sustainable agriculture and green alternatives.


Estate Mediterranea pre Riscaldamento Globale: un ritratto METEO di serenità (Translation: Mediterranean Summer before Global Warming: a METEO portrait of serenity)

Addio aria condizionata, ecco le migliori alternative green (Translation: Goodbye air conditioning, here are the best green alternatives)

Maldive nella morsa dell'innalzamento dei mari. Il presidente chiede fondi internazionali. Servono 500 milioni (Translation: Maldives in the grip of rising seas. The president is asking for international funds. 500 million are needed)

Queste zone d'Italia saranno sommerse dall'acqua tra 200 anni (Translation: These areas of Italy will be submerged by water in 200 years)

Legambiente, 23 bandiere verdi nel 2024 sulle Alpi – Notizie (Translation: Legambiente, 23 green flags in 2024 in the Alps – News)

Legambiente, 23 bandiere verdi nel 2024 sulle Alpi – Green & Blue (Translation: Legambiente, 23 green flags in 2024 in the Alps – Green & Blue)

Legambiente, 23 bandiere verdi nel 2024 sulle Alpi – Notizie (Translation: Legambiente, 23 green flags in 2024 in the Alps – News)

Legambiente, 23 bandiere verdi nel 2024 sulle Alpi – Ambiente e Energia (Translation: Legambiente, 23 green flags in 2024 in the Alps – Environment and Energy)

Gli appuntamenti nella settimana del 27 maggio alla biblioteca Trisi di Lugo (Translation: The appointments in the week of May 27 at the Trisi library in Lugo)

Stress idrico e aumento delle temperature spingono a trovare nuove colture resistenti al caldo e alla siccità (Translation: Water stress and rising temperatures are pushing to find new crops resistant to heat and drought)

Attenzione! Le discariche rilasciano metano in modo incontrollato (almeno il 40% più di quanto si sospettasse) (Translation: Attention! Landfills release methane uncontrollably (at least 40% more than previously thought))

Estate 2024, ondate di calore e temperature sopra la media: le previsioni dei prossimi mesi (e il piano dell'Europa per affrontarli) (Translation: Summer 2024, heat waves and above-average temperatures: forecasts for the coming months (and Europe's plan to deal with them)) (Multiple instances)


The Maldives faces an existential crisis due to rising sea levels, with its president appealing for international aid to combat the crisis they contributed little to creating. This highlights the disproportionate impact of climate change on vulnerable nations.


The Maldives faces existential threat from a climate crisis it did little to create. We need the world help now | Mohamed Muizzu

Maldive nella morsa dell'innalzamento dei mari. Il presidente chiede fondi internazionali. Servono 500 milioni (Translation: Maldives in the grip of rising seas. The president is asking for international funds. 500 million are needed)

Low-Lying Maldives Seeks International Funds To Battle Rising Sea Levels

Maldives seeks funding to battle rising sea levels

Low-lying Maldives Seeks Easier Funding To Battle Waves


Nigerian media highlights the intersection of climate change and insecurity, emphasizing the threat these combined forces pose to the nation's food security.


How climate change, insecurity threatening Nigeria food security – Blueprint Newspapers Limited


Romanian coverage focuses on the impact of climate change on air travel, questioning the safety of flights amidst increasingly turbulent weather conditions.


Décryptage – Turbulences: les changements climatiques rendent-ils les vols en avion plus dangereux? video | (Translation: Decryption – Turbulence: is climate change making air travel more dangerous? video |)


Spanish media highlights the growing use of technology, including drones and satellites, in the fight against increasingly frequent and severe wildfires. It also reports on the unexpected consequences of popular food trends, like chia seeds clogging waterways.


La NASA lanza nuevo satélite para observar el cambio climático (Translation: NASA launches new satellite to observe climate change)

Misión PREFIRE: NASA lanzó nuevo satélite para medir las emisiones de calor de los polos de la Tierra (Translation: PREFIRE Mission: NASA launched a new satellite to measure heat emissions from the Earth's poles)

La ONU alerta del efecto del cambio climático en estados insulares (Translation: The UN warns of the effect of climate change on island states)

La ONU alerta del efecto del cambio climático en estados insulares (Translation: The UN warns of the effect of climate change on island states)

La NASA lanza satélite para observar cómo el calor se escapa de los polos (Translation: NASA launches satellite to observe how heat escapes from the poles)

La NASA lanza nuevo satélite (Translation: NASA launches new satellite)

La NASA lanza satélite para observar cómo el calor se escapa de los polos (Translation: NASA launches satellite to observe how heat escapes from the poles)

La ONU alerta del efecto del cambio climático en estados insulares y pide más fondos (Translation: The UN warns of the effect of climate change on island states and calls for more funds)

Drones, sensores y satélites, una nueva era de lucha contra los incendios forestales (Translation: Drones, sensors and satellites, a new era in the fight against forest fires)

SEMILLAS CHÍA | Las semillas de chía se cuelan en los desagües y amenazan con invadir las orillas de los ríos españoles (Translation: CHIA SEEDS | Chia seeds sneak into drains and threaten to invade the banks of Spanish rivers) (Multiple instances)

South Korea

South Korean news examines the impact of everyday choices on climate change, using coffee consumption as an example and discussing alternative, more sustainable options.


기후변화 앞당기는 커피 한 잔… 병아리콩 · 대추야자 대체 커피 가 뜬다 (Translation: A cup of coffee that accelerates climate change… Chickpeas and dates are emerging as alternative coffees)

United States

US news coverage portrays a politically divided landscape, with Biden pushing for environmental action and facing criticism for his green energy policies while the Republican party remains skeptical of climate change.


NU: The World is on the brink of a climate crisis

Former GOP presidential rival Nikki Haley renews her membership in the Trump fan club

NASA launches new satellite to observe climate change

In 2023, Europe suffered widespread flooding and extreme heat

NASA – lanza – satélite – para ver cómo se escapa el – calor – de los polos (Translation: NASA – launches – satellite – to see how the – heat – escapes from the – poles)

Diario Extra – La NASA lanza nuevo satélite (Translation: Diario Extra – NASA launches new satellite)

Saturday letters: Allow wind power to move forward; our number-one bus hub

This 3.6-million-year-old footprint was made by our earliest known ancestor. Now it at risk of being lost forever (Multiple instances)

This 3.6-million-year-old footprint was made by our earliest known ancestor. Now it at risk of being lost forever | National and World News

Biden pushes priorities on environment and more as election nears

Coalition Of Coal Will Prove Catastrophic For Climate – Green Party

NASA Launches Small Climate Satellite to Study Earth Poles

Atlantic hurricane region already reaching August-like water temperatures (Multiple instances)

NASA launches ground-breaking climate change satellite

NASA Launches Ground-Breaking Climate Change Satellite

NASA launches ground-breaking climate change satellite


Several headlines focus on broader global issues, emphasizing the urgency of the climate crisis, the vulnerability of island nations, and the need for international cooperation and financial assistance.


Pánico climático, pánico ecológico (Translation: Climate panic, ecological panic)

Africa Day: Creating a sustainable future for the continent

ONU alerta del efecto del cambio climático en estados insulares (Translation: UN warns of the effect of climate change on island states)

ONU alerta del efecto del cambio climático en estados insulares (Translation: UN warns of the effect of climate change on island states)

Programa Alimentar Mundial alerta para efeitos da crise climática em pequenos estados insulares (Translation: World Food Program warns of the effects of the climate crisis in small island states)

Programa Alimentar Mundial alerta para efeitos da crise climática (Translation: World Food Program warns of the effects of the climate crisis)

This analysis provides a snapshot of how different parts of the world are experiencing and reporting on climate change. It highlights the global nature of the crisis while emphasizing the unique challenges and perspectives of each nation.

Gemini 1.5 Flash (151 seconds):

CountrybyCountry Summary of Climate Change Headlines:

France: France saw protests against climate change and the actions of TotalEnergies, resulting in the arrest of 173 people. There are concerns about the impact of climate change on aviation safety, with increased turbulence due to changing weather patterns.

Maldives: The Maldives, a lowlying island nation, faces an existential threat from rising sea levels due to climate change. The president has appealed for international funding to help combat this issue.

Canada: Canada's wine industry is facing challenges due to climate change, including hotter temperatures and changing weather patterns.

Mexico: Mexico is experiencing a severe heatwave, resulting in four deaths due to heatstroke.

Italy: Italy is facing the threat of rising sea levels, with some areas predicted to be submerged in 200 years. There are concerns about extreme heat and the need for green alternatives to air conditioning.

South Korea: The city of Busan is sharing its expertise in citizen safety with other countries, including those in ASEAN, Central Asia, and South America.

Greece: Greece is facing a number of climate changerelated issues, including increased risk of stroke due to extreme temperatures and more powerful hurricanes in the Atlantic.

Nigeria: Climate change and insecurity are posing a threat to food security in Nigeria.

United States: The United States is facing a number of climate changerelated issues, including the potential for billions in lost funding for climate programs due to budget deficits. There are also concerns about the impact of green energy policies on consumers and the power grid.

China: China is making significant efforts to combat climate change, including covering its largest desert with a new energy source that is being promoted as a potential solution to global energy challenges.

Africa: Africa is facing a number of climate changerelated challenges, including drought, displacement, and increased risk of conflict.

Germany: Germany is experiencing climate changerelated impacts, including increased risk of stroke due to extreme temperatures.

United Kingdom: The UK is facing a number of climate changerelated challenges, including the need for greater reliance on renewable energy sources and the impact of climate change on coastal communities.

Spain: Spain is facing the threat of invasive species, including chia seeds that are clogging drainage systems and threatening riverbanks.

Brazil: Brazil is experiencing a number of climate changerelated challenges, including a potential collapse of the Amazon rainforest and the impact of climate change on small island states.

Thailand: Thailand is facing the impact of climate change on its marine life, as well as the need to transition to clean energy sources.

Australia: Australia is seeing a rise in the number of private jets, raising concerns about their environmental impact.

Antarctica: The Earth's poles are being studied for their role in global climate change.
