The GDELT Project

Generative AI Experiments: Asking Gemini & ChatGPT To Write Sample Python Scripts For GCP's BigTable & The Reality Of Today's Coding Copilots

Imagine you are a new developer who has never used GCP's BigTable before and you are asked to demo how it might be used for your company, creating a demo BigTable instance and using the CLI and writing a set of sample Python test scripts that demo reading and writing rows to a sample table to test how it might work for one of your company's applications. How might you use Gemini Ultra as a coding copilot to guide you step-by-step through this process and can it actually write the scripts and do all of the work for you such that you have to do nothing more than copy-paste its suggestions into your GCP environment and call it a day?

In the end, the results that follow in this post demonstrate the very real limitations of today's LLMs. Gemini Ultra has been heavily touted as a coding copilot, described as "one of the leading foundation models for coding in the world" with a special focus on Python (we also tested Gemini 1.5 Pro with similar results). Yet despite all of this coding prowess and asking it to write code for Google's own BigTable product, which it presumably should excel at, it failed miserably. Asked to provide step-by-step instructions in setting up a new BigTable instance, it provided only cursory overviews that missed many critical steps and drowned relevant information in advanced topics like app profiles and garbage collection policies. A novice developer who has never worked with BigTable before would likely severely struggle to use Gemini's output compared to the welcoming and trivial quick start guides that GCP provides in its documentation site. While Gemini was ultimately able to provide instructions on using the CBT CLI, it failed to discuss how to configure it and, worse, hallucinated how to provide the instance ID, requiring a trip to the documentation site to realize Gemini's CBT commands were wrong and needed to be modified. Asked to generate a sample Python script that simply queried a BigTable for all rows matching a particular prefix (one of the most rudimentary and basic kinds of BigTable queries), Gemini utterly failed: we asked it 35 times, including starting from scratch and all 35 versions yielded errors and refused to run. We ended up spending half a day copy-pasting code, running it, attempting to debug the code before giving up and asking Gemini to try again. Each time Gemini would offer assurances that it had found and addressed the error, often offering up plausible-sounding information about updated libraries or binding changes and outputting code that cycling through numerous different specific errors. Ultimately, we simply abandoned the idea of using Gemini to write a sample script and instead tracked down the relevant code sample on the documentation page and modified it to our needs. Compared to the day before our Gemini experiments when we first tested BigTable and simply followed the directions on the documentation page and manually modified the code samples to our needs, using Gemini as a copilot not only failed to produce workable results for us, but wasted more than half a day fruitlessly iterating with the model attempting to get it to produce workable code.

In fact, this has been our consistent experience with coding copilots. Asked to write a trivial script that could be found in millions of StackOverflow answers, they can produce quite reasonable code, but often with quirks or stylistic nuances. Asked to produce a script on a less common topic or that is a common task but has fewer tutorial code samples on the internet, models often fail miserably. Surprisingly, across the board we've found that models even struggle to produce workable basic code even for their own company's other products. The results here, coupled with our previous experiments raise serious questions about the utility of coding copilots for anything other than rudimentary templating and small customizations of common StackOverflow and related answers.

Let's start with asking Gemini how to actually create the BigTable table in the first place:

Show me step-by-step how to create a new BigTable table with columns URL and dateAdded.

This offers the following, which instructs the developer to do things like "create a BigTable instance" and "download and install the cbt" without offering any information on how the user should do so. It does provide CBT commands to create a table, but fails to provide any explanation of how the commands work, why use CBT instead of GCLOUD, the role of CBT, etc, meaning a developer will likely still struggle significantly with these instructions:

Steps to Create Your Table

Project and Instance:

Ensure you have a Google Cloud Project.
Create a BigTable instance within that project (if you don't have one already).

Install and Setup:

Cloud SDK: Install the Google Cloud SDK (command-line tools) if you haven't already.
Authentication: Authenticate with your Google Cloud credentials.
CBT Tool: Download and install the cbt command-line tool for managing BigTable.

Design Your Table:

Table Name: Choose a descriptive name for your table (e.g., "web_page_data").
Column Families:
"page_info": This could store the URL column.
"metadata": This could store the dateAdded column.

Create the Table:

Use the cbt tool to create the table and column families:
cbt createtable web_page_data
cbt createfamily web_page_data page_info
cbt createfamily web_page_data metadata

Insert Data (Example):

cbt set web_page_data '' page_info:URL='' metadata:dateAdded='2024-06-14'

Read Data (Example):
cbt read web_page_data

There are no detailed instructions on how to actually accomplish these tasks, so let's ask for help:

Show me step by step how to "create a BigTable instance within my project".

This provides the following, which again glosses over numerous details and provides only a high-level overview mixed with advanced details like "app profiles" and "garbage collection policies" that would likely confuse a new developer who has never worked with BigTable before:

Absolutely! Here's a step-by-step guide on how to create a Bigtable instance within your Google Cloud Project:


* **Active Google Cloud Project:** Ensure you have a project set up in the Google Cloud Console.
* **Billing Enabled:** Bigtable is a billable service, so verify that billing is enabled for your project.
* **Permissions:** You'll need the necessary IAM permissions (e.g., Bigtable Admin) to create instances.


1. **Google Cloud Console:**
   * Open the Google Cloud Console: [](
   * Navigate to Bigtable: Search for "Bigtable" in the top search bar and select it.

2. **Create Instance:**
   * Click the "Create Instance" button.
   * Instance ID: Provide a unique name for your Bigtable instance.
   * Display Name (optional): A more user-friendly name for your instance.

3. **Choose a Storage Type:**
   * **HDD:** Standard hard disk drives. Less expensive but slightly slower. Ideal for less frequently accessed data or large datasets.
   * **SSD:** Solid state drives. Higher performance and lower latency. Suitable for high-throughput, frequently accessed data.

4. **Select a Cluster Configuration:**
   * **Single Cluster:**  
      * Zone: Choose the geographic region where you want to store your data. Consider factors like proximity to users and compliance requirements.
      * Production: Select "Production" for regular workloads.
      * Cluster ID: Assign a unique ID for this cluster.
      * Nodes: Start with a small number of nodes (e.g., 3) and scale as needed. You can adjust this later. 
   * **Multiple Clusters (for replication):** If you need high availability and geographic redundancy, you can add more clusters in different zones.

5. **Optional Configurations:**
   * **Labels:** Add labels (key-value pairs) for easier organization and resource management.
   * **Advanced Options:** For fine-tuning, you can adjust settings like App Profile ID and garbage collection policies.

6. **Create Instance:**
   * Review your configuration carefully.
   * Click "Create" to start the instance creation process. This might take a few minutes.

**Post-Creation Steps:**

1. **Create Tables:** Now that you have an instance, you need to create tables within it to store your data.
2. **Define Column Families:** Column families group related columns within your tables. 
3. **Schema Design:** Carefully plan the schema of your tables to optimize performance and data access patterns.
4. **Load Data:** Import your data into the Bigtable tables.

**Important Considerations:**

* **Scaling:** Bigtable can automatically scale to handle increasing workloads. Monitor your usage and adjust node counts as needed.
* **Monitoring:** Use Cloud Monitoring to track the performance of your Bigtable instance.
* **Security:** Implement appropriate security measures like IAM roles and network firewalls to protect your data.
* **Cost Management:** Keep an eye on your billing and usage to avoid surprises.

Let me know if you have any other questions!

So far, not great. Let's ask how to install CBT:

Show me step by step how to "Download and install the cbt command-line tool for managing BigTable".

Which returns the following. We followed these instructions to the letter. Unfortunately, while the instructions state to simply specify "YOUR_INSTANCE_ID" as the second parameter to CBT calls, this is incorrect and you will get the "missing -instance" error.

Absolutely! Here's a step-by-step guide to downloading and installing the `cbt` command-line tool for managing Bigtable:


* **Google Cloud SDK:** The `cbt` tool is part of the Google Cloud SDK. If you don't have it installed, download and install it first from [](

**Installation Steps:**

1. **Update Google Cloud SDK:** Open a terminal and run the following command to ensure you have the latest version:

   gcloud components update

2. **Install `cbt`:** Run the command to install the `cbt` component:

   gcloud components install cbt

3. **Verify Installation:** Check if `cbt` was installed correctly by running:

   cbt --version

   You should see the installed version of the `cbt` tool.


1. **Authentication:** Authenticate your Google Cloud account:

   gcloud auth login

   This will open a browser window for you to log in with your Google credentials.

2. **Project Selection:** Set the default project where your Bigtable instances are located:

   gcloud config set project YOUR_PROJECT_ID

   Replace `YOUR_PROJECT_ID` with the actual ID of your Google Cloud project.


Now you can use the `cbt` command-line tool to manage your Bigtable instances and tables. Here are a few examples:

* **List Instances:**

   cbt listinstances

* **Count Rows in a Table:**


* **Read Rows:**


For a complete list of commands and options, refer to the official documentation: [](

**Additional Tips:**

* **Shell Completion:** Enable shell completion for easier command input. Refer to the documentation for instructions.
* **Advanced Usage:** Explore the `cbt` documentation to learn about more complex operations like creating and deleting tables, managing column families, and performing bulk operations.

Let me know if you have any other questions or need assistance with specific `cbt` commands!

Now that we have CBT installed, let's return to the original instructions:

cbt createtable web_page_data
cbt createfamily web_page_data page_info
cbt createfamily web_page_data metadata

We get an error that that the command is "missing -instance". None of the instructions below walked us through configuring CBT, though we can also alternatively use the "-instance" switch and correct the commands above:

cbt listinstances
cbt -instance yourinstance createtable web_page_data
cbt -instance yourinstance createfamily web_page_data page_info
cbt -instance yourinstance createfamily web_page_data metadata

Again we have to modify Gemini's sample command to add the instance:

cbt -instance yourinstance set web_page_data '' page_info:URL='' metadata:dateAdded='2024-06-14'

And read:

cbt -instance bigtabletest1 read web_page_data

Which yields:
  metadata:dateAdded                       @ 2024/06/15-16:40:50.518000
  page_info:URL                            @ 2024/06/15-16:40:50.518000

On the one hand, Gemini did correctly show us how to create a new table and write and read a sample row using the CBT CLI. At the same time it missed the critical "-instance" flag, drowned the basics in advanced topics like app profiles and garbage collection policies and failed to actually provide the requested simple step-by-step instructions.

Of course, the real power of coding copilots like Gemini lies in their ability to produce working example code in languages like Python that correctly uses the relevant libraries and wraps them into a final working script. Thus, let's ask Gemini to write us a quick Python script that returns the sample row we wrote above:

Write a short Python script that searches for all records in a BigTable table that matches a certain prefix. Have all variables passed on the command line and write results in JSON to an output file.

Let's start with Google's most advanced model known as Gemini 1.5 Pro, which produces:

import argparse
import json

from import bigtable

def search_bigtable_by_prefix(
    project_id: str,
    instance_id: str,
    table_id: str,
    prefix: str,
    output_file: str,
    """Searches for BigTable rows with a given prefix and writes results to a JSON file.

        project_id: Google Cloud project ID.
        instance_id: BigTable instance ID.
        table_id: BigTable table ID.
        prefix: Row key prefix to search for.
        output_file: Path to the output JSON file.

    client = bigtable.Client(project=project_id, admin=True)
    instance = client.instance(instance_id)
    table = instance.table(table_id)

    # Read rows with the specified prefix
    row_data = table.read_rows(start_key=prefix.encode(), end_key=prefix.encode() + b"\xff")

    results = []
    for row in row_data:
        row_dict = {"row_key": row.row_key.decode()}
        for family, columns in row.cells.items():
            row_dict[family] = {
                qualifier.decode(): value.decode()
                for qualifier, cell in columns.items()
                for value in cell.values

    # Write results to JSON file
    with open(output_file, "w") as f:
        json.dump(results, f, indent=4)

    print(f"Results written to {output_file}")

if __name__ == "__main__":
    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
        description="Search BigTable for rows matching a prefix"
    parser.add_argument("project_id", help="Google Cloud project ID")
    parser.add_argument("instance_id", help="BigTable instance ID")
    parser.add_argument("table_id", help="BigTable table ID")
    parser.add_argument("prefix", help="Row key prefix to search for")
    parser.add_argument("output_file", help="Path to output JSON file")
    args = parser.parse_args()

Use code with caution.


Import necessary libraries:

argparse for parsing command line arguments.

json for working with JSON data. for interacting with BigTable.

Define search_bigtable_by_prefix function:

Takes project ID, instance ID, table ID, prefix, and output file path as arguments.

Creates a BigTable client and connects to the specified table.

Uses table.read_rows to fetch rows with keys starting with the provided prefix (using byte strings for keys and b'\xff' to create an exclusive end key).

Iterates through retrieved rows and formats them into a list of dictionaries.

Writes the results to the specified JSON file using json.dump.

Prints a confirmation message with the output file path.

Main execution block (if __name__ == "__main__":)

Uses argparse to define command-line arguments and their help messages.

Parses the arguments using parser.parse_args().

Calls the search_bigtable_by_prefix function with the parsed arguments.

To use the script:

Install required libraries:

pip install google-cloud-bigtable
Use code with caution.

Run the script with arguments:

Use code with caution.

Replace , , , , and  with the actual values.

This script will search for all rows in the specified BigTable table that have keys starting with the provided prefix, format the results as JSON, and write them to the specified output file.

Unfortunately, this script fails to run with an error. Let's ask Gemini to fix:

This yields an error: "AttributeError: 'list' object has no attribute 'values'"

This time it yields:

You are absolutely right! The error "AttributeError: 'list' object has no attribute 'values'" occurs because when you iterate through a cell in the BigTable response, it returns a list of values (potentially with different timestamps), not the values themselves.

Here's the corrected code:

import argparse
import json

from import bigtable

def search_bigtable_by_prefix(
    project_id: str,
    instance_id: str,
    table_id: str,
    prefix: str,
    output_file: str,
    """Searches for BigTable rows with a given prefix and writes results to a JSON file.

        project_id: Google Cloud project ID.
        instance_id: BigTable instance ID.
        table_id: BigTable table ID.
        prefix: Row key prefix to search for.
        output_file: Path to the output JSON file.

    client = bigtable.Client(project=project_id, admin=True)
    instance = client.instance(instance_id)
    table = instance.table(table_id)

    # Read rows with the specified prefix
    row_data = table.read_rows(start_key=prefix.encode(), end_key=prefix.encode() + b"\xff")

    results = []
    for row in row_data:
        row_dict = {"row_key": row.row_key.decode()}
        for family, columns in row.cells.items():
            row_dict[family] = {}
            for qualifier, cell in columns.items():
                # Access individual values from the cell list
                row_dict[family][qualifier.decode()] = [value.decode() for value in cell.values]

    # Write results to JSON file
    with open(output_file, "w") as f:
        json.dump(results, f, indent=4)

    print(f"Results written to {output_file}")

if __name__ == "__main__":
    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
        description="Search BigTable for rows matching a prefix"
    parser.add_argument("project_id", help="Google Cloud project ID")
    parser.add_argument("instance_id", help="BigTable instance ID")
    parser.add_argument("table_id", help="BigTable table ID")
    parser.add_argument("prefix", help="Row key prefix to search for")
    parser.add_argument("output_file", help="Path to output JSON file")
    args = parser.parse_args()

Use code with caution.

Key Change:

Inside the nested loop where we process cell values, we now iterate through cell.values to access each individual value within the cell:

row_dict[family][qualifier.decode()] = [value.decode() for value in cell.values]
Use code with caution.

This creates a list of decoded values for each qualifier.

With this correction, the script will now correctly handle multiple versions of cell values and store them as a list within the JSON structure.

Unfortunately, this still produces the same error, so let's switch back to Gemini Ultra, since it has been purpose-tuned for code generation:

Absolutely! Here's the Python script incorporating command-line arguments, JSON output, and the provided `read_prefix` function:

import argparse
import json
import as bigtable
from import RowSet

def read_prefix(project_id, instance_id, table_id, prefix, output_file):
    client = bigtable.Client(project=project_id, admin=True)
    instance = client.instance(instance_id)
    table = instance.table(table_id)

    # Calculate the end key for the row range
    end_key = prefix[:-1] + chr(ord(prefix[-1]) + 1)

    # Create a row set to filter by prefix
    row_set = RowSet()
    row_set.add_row_range_from_keys(prefix.encode("utf-8"), end_key.encode("utf-8"))

    # Read rows matching the prefix
    rows = table.read_rows(row_set=row_set)

    # Prepare data for JSON output
    result_data = []
    for row in rows:
        row_data = {
            "row_key": row.row_key.decode("utf-8"),
            "family_columns": {
                family: {
                    column.qualifier.decode("utf-8"): column.value.decode("utf-8")
                    for column in columns
                for family, columns in row.cells.items()

    # Write the results to a JSON file
    with open(output_file, "w") as json_file:
        json.dump(result_data, json_file, indent=2)

# Parse command-line arguments
if __name__ == "__main__":
    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Read BigTable rows with a prefix.")
    parser.add_argument("--project", required=True, help="Google Cloud project ID.")
    parser.add_argument("--instance", required=True, help="BigTable instance ID.")
    parser.add_argument("--table", required=True, help="BigTable table ID.")
    parser.add_argument("--prefix", required=True, help="Row key prefix to filter by.")
    parser.add_argument("--output", required=True, help="Output JSON file path.")
    args = parser.parse_args()

    read_prefix(args.project, args.instance, args.table, args.prefix, args.output)

**How to use:**

1. **Install the BigTable library:**
   pip install google-cloud-bigtable

2. **Set up authentication:** 
    - You'll need to set your Google Cloud credentials. The easiest way is usually to use the `GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS` environment variable, pointing it to the path of your service account key file.

3. **Run the script:**
   python --project your-project-id --instance your-instance-id --table your-table-id --prefix phone# --output results.json


- **Command-line arguments:** Gathers project ID, instance ID, table ID, prefix, and output file path.
- **`read_prefix` function:**
    - Connects to BigTable using provided credentials.
    - Calculates the `end_key` to define the range of rows to read.
    - Creates a `RowSet` to filter by the specified `prefix`.
    - Reads rows from the table.
    - Constructs a list of dictionaries (`result_data`) to represent the rows in JSON format. 
    - Writes the `result_data` to the specified output file as indented JSON.

Unfortunately, we still get an error:

That script doesn't work, it returns the error: "Error: AttributeError: 'bytes' object has no attribute 'qualifier'"

Which yields:

Absolutely! Here's the complete corrected script that reads BigTable rows with a prefix, writes to a JSON file, and includes the fix for column qualifiers:

import argparse
import json
import as bigtable
from import RowSet

def read_prefix(project_id, instance_id, table_id, prefix, output_file):
    client = bigtable.Client(project=project_id, admin=True)
    instance = client.instance(instance_id)
    table = instance.table(table_id)

    # Calculate the end key for the row range
    end_key = prefix[:-1] + chr(ord(prefix[-1]) + 1)

    # Create a row set to filter by prefix
    row_set = RowSet()
    row_set.add_row_range_from_keys(prefix.encode("utf-8"), end_key.encode("utf-8"))

    # Read rows matching the prefix
    rows = table.read_rows(row_set=row_set)

    # Prepare data for JSON output
    result_data = []
    for row in rows:
        row_data = {
            "row_key": row.row_key.decode("utf-8"),
            "family_columns": {
                family: {
                    # Decode column qualifier and value
                    column.qualifier.decode("utf-8"): column.value.decode("utf-8")
                    for column in columns
                for family, columns in row.cells.items()

    # Write the results to a JSON file
    with open(output_file, "w") as json_file:
        json.dump(result_data, json_file, indent=2)

if __name__ == "__main__":
    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Read BigTable rows with a prefix.")
    parser.add_argument("--project", required=True, help="Google Cloud project ID.")
    parser.add_argument("--instance", required=True, help="BigTable instance ID.")
    parser.add_argument("--table", required=True, help="BigTable table ID.")
    parser.add_argument("--prefix", required=True, help="Row key prefix to filter by.")
    parser.add_argument("--output", required=True, help="Output JSON file path.")
    args = parser.parse_args()

    read_prefix(args.project, args.instance, args.table, args.prefix, args.output)

**Key points:**

- **Column Qualifier Decoding:** The crucial fix is within the inner loop that iterates over columns (`for column in columns`). The `column.qualifier` and `column.value` are decoded from byte strings to regular strings before being added to the JSON output.
- **JSON Structure:** The resulting JSON file will have a structure like this:

    "row_key": "phone#1234567890",
    "family_columns": {
      "cf1": {
        "column_name1": "value1",
        "column_name2": "value2"
      "cf2": {
        "another_column": "another_value"
    "row_key": "phone#9876543210",
    "family_columns": { ... }

- **Command-Line Usage:** The script is designed to be run from the command line with the arguments specified in the `if __name__ == "__main__":` block.

We are still getting an error:

I'm still getting an error: line 30, in <dictcomp>
  column.qualifier.decode("utf-8"): column.value.decode("utf-8")
AttributeError: 'bytes' object has no attribute 'qualifier'


Absolutely! Here's the complete and corrected Python script for reading Bigtable rows with a prefix, handling column qualifiers correctly, and writing the results to a JSON file:

import argparse
import json
import as bigtable
from import RowSet

def read_prefix(project_id, instance_id, table_id, prefix, output_file):
    client = bigtable.Client(project=project_id, admin=True)
    instance = client.instance(instance_id)
    table = instance.table(table_id)

    # Calculate the end key for the row range
    end_key = prefix[:-1] + chr(ord(prefix[-1]) + 1)

    # Create a row set to filter by prefix
    row_set = RowSet()
    row_set.add_row_range_from_keys(prefix.encode("utf-8"), end_key.encode("utf-8"))

    # Read rows matching the prefix
    rows = table.read_rows(row_set=row_set)

    # Prepare data for JSON output
    result_data = []
    for row in rows:
        row_data = {
            "row_key": row.row_key.decode("utf-8"),
            "family_columns": {}

        # Iterate over cells within the row
        for family_name, columns in row.cells.items():
            row_data["family_columns"][family_name] = {}
            for column in columns:
                qualifier = column.qualifier.decode("utf-8")
                value = column.value.decode("utf-8")
                row_data["family_columns"][family_name][qualifier] = value


    # Write the results to a JSON file
    with open(output_file, "w") as json_file:
        json.dump(result_data, json_file, indent=2)

# Parse command-line arguments and call the function
if __name__ == "__main__":
    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Read BigTable rows with a prefix.")
    parser.add_argument("--project", required=True, help="Google Cloud project ID.")
    parser.add_argument("--instance", required=True, help="BigTable instance ID.")
    parser.add_argument("--table", required=True, help="BigTable table ID.")
    parser.add_argument("--prefix", required=True, help="Row key prefix to filter by.")
    parser.add_argument("--output", required=True, help="Output JSON file path.")
    args = parser.parse_args()

    read_prefix(args.project, args.instance, args.table, args.prefix, args.output)

**How to use:**

1. **Install the BigTable library:** `pip install google-cloud-bigtable`
2. **Set up authentication:** Set your Google Cloud credentials (e.g., using the `GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS` environment variable).
3. **Run the script:** 
   python --project your-project-id --instance your-instance-id --table your-table-id --prefix phone# --output results.json

Let me know if you have any other questions or modifications!

Again we are getting an error:

I'm still getting an error: "Still error:  qualifier = column.qualifier.decode("utf-8")
AttributeError: 'bytes' object has no attribute 'qualifier'"

More errors:

Absolutely! Here's the complete and final corrected script for reading Bigtable rows with a prefix, handling column qualifiers correctly, and writing the results to a JSON file:

import argparse
import json
import as bigtable
from import RowSet

def read_prefix(project_id, instance_id, table_id, prefix, output_file):
    client = bigtable.Client(project=project_id, admin=True)
    instance = client.instance(instance_id)
    table = instance.table(table_id)

    end_key = prefix[:-1] + chr(ord(prefix[-1]) + 1)

    row_set = RowSet()
    row_set.add_row_range_from_keys(prefix.encode("utf-8"), end_key.encode("utf-8"))

    rows = table.read_rows(row_set=row_set)

    result_data = []
    for row in rows:
        row_data = {
            "row_key": row.row_key.decode("utf-8"),
            "family_columns": {}

        for family_name, columns in row.cells.items():
            row_data["family_columns"][family_name] = {}
            for column in columns: 
                qualifier = column.qualifier.decode("utf-8")
                value = column.value.decode("utf-8")
                row_data["family_columns"][family_name][qualifier] = value


    with open(output_file, "w") as json_file:
        json.dump(result_data, json_file, indent=2)

# Parse command-line arguments and call the function
if __name__ == "__main__":
    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Read BigTable rows with a prefix.")
    parser.add_argument("--project", required=True, help="Google Cloud project ID.")
    parser.add_argument("--instance", required=True, help="BigTable instance ID.")
    parser.add_argument("--table", required=True, help="BigTable table ID.")
    parser.add_argument("--prefix", required=True, help="Row key prefix to filter by.")
    parser.add_argument("--output", required=True, help="Output JSON file path.")
    args = parser.parse_args()

    read_prefix(args.project, args.instance, args.table, args.prefix, args.output)

**Key points:**

- **Correct `qualifier` Access:**  The `qualifier` is now accessed correctly from the `column` (which is a `Cell` object).
- **No Nested Loop:** The script uses a single loop to iterate over column families and their cells efficiently.
- **JSON Structure:** The resulting JSON file will be well-structured with row keys, column families, qualifiers, and values.

Feel free to ask if you encounter any further issues or have more questions!


I'm still getting errors, this time: "NameError: name 'print_row' is not defined"


You're absolutely correct. I apologize for the oversight. The `print_row` function was not defined within the script. 

**Corrected Script:**

Here's the complete script with a `print_row` function that outputs row information to the console:

import argparse
import json
import as bigtable
from import RowSet

def print_row(row):
    """Prints row data to the console."""
    print("Row key:", row.row_key.decode("utf-8"))
    for cf, cols in row.cells.items():
        print(f"  Column family: {cf}")
        for col in cols:
            qualifier = col.qualifier.decode("utf-8")
            value = col.value.decode("utf-8")
            print(f"    {qualifier}: {value}")

def read_prefix(project_id, instance_id, table_id, prefix, output_file):
    client = bigtable.Client(project=project_id, admin=True)
    instance = client.instance(instance_id)
    table = instance.table(table_id)

    end_key = prefix[:-1] + chr(ord(prefix[-1]) + 1)

    row_set = RowSet()
    row_set.add_row_range_from_keys(prefix.encode("utf-8"), end_key.encode("utf-8"))

    rows = table.read_rows(row_set=row_set)

    result_data = []
    for row in rows:
        print_row(row) # Print the row to console
        row_data = {
            "row_key": row.row_key.decode("utf-8"),
            "family_columns": {}
        for family_name, columns in row.cells.items():
            row_data["family_columns"][family_name] = {}
            for column in columns: 
                qualifier = column.qualifier.decode("utf-8")
                value = column.value.decode("utf-8")
                row_data["family_columns"][family_name][qualifier] = value

    with open(output_file, "w") as json_file:
        json.dump(result_data, json_file, indent=2)

# Parse command-line arguments and call the function
# ... (rest of the command line parsing code is unchanged)

**Key Changes:**

- **Added `print_row` Function:**  This function now takes a `row` as input and prints its key and column values in a formatted way to the console.
- **Called `print_row`:**  In the main loop, we call `print_row(row)` for each row before adding it to `result_data`. This way, you'll see the output both in the console and in the JSON file.

Still errors, let's try again, this time repeating our original prompt in a brand-new session in case that helps by resetting everything. We get the following:

import argparse
from import bigtable

# Parse command-line arguments
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Fetch BigTable rows matching a prefix.")
parser.add_argument("--project_id", required=True, help="Your Google Cloud Project ID.")
parser.add_argument("--instance_id", required=True, help="Your Bigtable instance ID.")
parser.add_argument("--table_id", required=True, help="Your Bigtable table ID.")
parser.add_argument("--prefix", required=True, help="The prefix to search for.")
parser.add_argument("--column_family", required=True, help="The column family to search in.")
args = parser.parse_args()

# Initialize Bigtable client
client = bigtable.Client(project=args.project_id, admin=True)
instance = client.instance(args.instance_id)
table = instance.table(args.table_id)

# Fetch and print rows matching the prefix
def fetch_rows_with_prefix(table, prefix):
    row_filter = bigtable.RowFilter(
    partial_rows = table.read_rows(filter_=row_filter)
    rows = [partial_row.to_dict() for partial_row in partial_rows]
    return rows

matching_rows = fetch_rows_with_prefix(table, args.prefix)

if matching_rows:
    for row in matching_rows:
    print("No rows found matching the prefix.")

**Key improvements:**

- **Argument Parsing:** Uses `argparse` to handle command-line arguments, making it easier to input variables when running the script.
- **Improved Flexibility:**  The script is now more flexible by taking `project_id`, `instance_id`, `table_id`, `prefix`, and `column_family` as command-line arguments, allowing for greater versatility in how the script can be used across different environments.
- **Cleanliness:** The code has been made more concise and readable.

**To Run:**

Save the script as a Python file (e.g., ``). Then execute it from the command line like this:
python --project_id your-project-id --instance_id your-instance-id --table_id your-table-id --prefix your-prefix --column_family your-column-family
Replace the placeholders with your actual values.

Again, errors:

I get an error: AttributeError: module '' has no attribute 'RowFilter'


You're absolutely right. The RowFilter class was removed from the main module in more recent versions of the library. It's now located within a submodule. Here's the corrected script:

import argparse
from import bigtable
from import row_filters

# Parse command-line arguments
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Fetch BigTable rows matching a prefix.")
parser.add_argument("--project_id", required=True, help="Your Google Cloud Project ID.")
parser.add_argument("--instance_id", required=True, help="Your Bigtable instance ID.")
parser.add_argument("--table_id", required=True, help="Your Bigtable table ID.")
parser.add_argument("--prefix", required=True, help="The prefix to search for.")
parser.add_argument("--column_family", required=True, help="The column family to search in.")
args = parser.parse_args()

# Initialize Bigtable client
client = bigtable.Client(project=args.project_id, admin=True)
instance = client.instance(args.instance_id)
table = instance.table(args.table_id)

# Fetch and print rows matching the prefix
def fetch_rows_with_prefix(table, prefix):
    row_filter = row_filters.RowFilterChain(
                args.column_family, row_filters.ColumnQualifierRegex(prefix)
    partial_rows = table.read_rows(filter_=row_filter)
    rows = [partial_row.to_dict() for partial_row in partial_rows]
    return rows

matching_rows = fetch_rows_with_prefix(table, args.prefix)

if matching_rows:
    for row in matching_rows:
    print("No rows found matching the prefix.")
Use code with caution.
Key changes:

Import row_filters: Import the row_filters submodule explicitly using from import row_filters.
Updated RowFilter Creation: Use the row_filters module to create the filter objects:
row_filters.RowFilterChain to chain multiple filters.
row_filters.CellsColumnLimitFilter(1) to limit to the first cell in each row.
row_filters.ColumnRangeFilter to filter by column family and qualifier regex.
With these changes, the RowFilter related functionality should work as expected with the latest google-cloud-bigtable library.

Still erroring:

I'm still getting an error. Also, have the results written to an output file.


Absolutely! Here's the script updated to write the matching rows to an output file:

import argparse
from import bigtable
from import row_filters
import json

# Parse command-line arguments
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Fetch BigTable rows matching a prefix.")
parser.add_argument("--project_id", required=True, help="Your Google Cloud Project ID.")
parser.add_argument("--instance_id", required=True, help="Your Bigtable instance ID.")
parser.add_argument("--table_id", required=True, help="Your Bigtable table ID.")
parser.add_argument("--prefix", required=True, help="The prefix to search for.")
parser.add_argument("--column_family", required=True, help="The column family to search in.")
parser.add_argument("--output_file", required=True, help="The path to the output file.")
args = parser.parse_args()

# Initialize Bigtable client
client = bigtable.Client(project=args.project_id, admin=True)
instance = client.instance(args.instance_id)
table = instance.table(args.table_id)

# Fetch and print rows matching the prefix
def fetch_rows_with_prefix(table, prefix):
    row_filter = row_filters.RowFilterChain(
                args.column_family, row_filters.ColumnQualifierRegex(prefix)
    partial_rows = table.read_rows(filter_=row_filter)
    rows = [partial_row.to_dict() for partial_row in partial_rows]
    return rows

matching_rows = fetch_rows_with_prefix(table, args.prefix)

# Write results to the output file
with open(args.output_file, 'w') as f:
    for row in matching_rows:
        json.dump(row, f)
        f.write('\n')  # Add a newline for better readability

print(f"Results written to {args.output_file}")

**Key Changes:**

- **Output File Argument:** Added a new command-line argument `--output_file` to specify the file where the results will be written.
- **Write to File:**
    - Opens the output file in write mode (`'w'`).
    - Iterates through `matching_rows` and uses `json.dump(row, f)` to write each row as a JSON object to the file.
    - Adds a newline (`f.write('\n')`) after each row to separate them in the file.
- **Confirmation Message:** Prints a message indicating that the results have been written to the specified file.

**Example Usage:**

python --project_id your-project-id --instance_id your-instance-id --table_id your-table-id --prefix your-prefix --column_family your-column-family --output_file results.json
This will write the matching rows to a file named `results.json` in JSON format.

Still erroring:

This returns error AttributeError: module '' has no attribute 'ColumnQualifierRegex'


You are absolutely correct! In recent versions of the `google-cloud-bigtable` library, `ColumnQualifierRegex` has been replaced with `QualifierRegexFilter`. Here's the corrected script:

import argparse
from import bigtable
from import row_filters
import json

# Parse command-line arguments
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Fetch BigTable rows matching a prefix.")
parser.add_argument("--project_id", required=True, help="Your Google Cloud Project ID.")
parser.add_argument("--instance_id", required=True, help="Your Bigtable instance ID.")
parser.add_argument("--table_id", required=True, help="Your Bigtable table ID.")
parser.add_argument("--prefix", required=True, help="The prefix to search for.")
parser.add_argument("--column_family", required=True, help="The column family to search in.")
parser.add_argument("--output_file", required=True, help="The path to the output file.")
args = parser.parse_args()

# Initialize Bigtable client
client = bigtable.Client(project=args.project_id, admin=True)
instance = client.instance(args.instance_id)
table = instance.table(args.table_id)

# Fetch and print rows matching the prefix
def fetch_rows_with_prefix(table, prefix):
    row_filter = row_filters.RowFilterChain(
                args.column_family, row_filters.QualifierRegexFilter(prefix)
    partial_rows = table.read_rows(filter_=row_filter)
    rows = [partial_row.to_dict() for partial_row in partial_rows]
    return rows

matching_rows = fetch_rows_with_prefix(table, args.prefix)

# Write results to the output file
with open(args.output_file, 'w') as f:
    for row in matching_rows:
        json.dump(row, f)
        f.write('\n')  # Add a newline for better readability

print(f"Results written to {args.output_file}")

**Key Change:**
- `row_filters.QualifierRegexFilter(prefix)` is used instead of the deprecated `ColumnQualifierRegex`.

Still erroring:

I get another error: AttributeError: module '' has no attribute 'QualifierRegexFilter'


You are absolutely right.  My apologies for the error.  

The `QualifierRegexFilter` class, which was a part of an older version of the `google-cloud-bigtable` library, has been replaced with the `RowFilter` class with the `Chain` and `FamilyNameRegexFilter` and `ColumnQualifierRegexFilter` methods.  

Here is the corrected version of the script:

import argparse
from import bigtable
from import RowFilter, FamilyNameRegexFilter, ColumnQualifierRegexFilter
import json

# Parse command-line arguments
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Fetch BigTable rows matching a prefix.")
parser.add_argument("--project_id", required=True, help="Your Google Cloud Project ID.")
parser.add_argument("--instance_id", required=True, help="Your Bigtable instance ID.")
parser.add_argument("--table_id", required=True, help="Your Bigtable table ID.")
parser.add_argument("--prefix", required=True, help="The prefix to search for.")
parser.add_argument("--column_family", required=True, help="The column family to search in.")
parser.add_argument("--output_file", required=True, help="The path to the output file.")
args = parser.parse_args()

# Initialize Bigtable client
client = bigtable.Client(project=args.project_id, admin=True)
instance = client.instance(args.instance_id)
table = instance.table(args.table_id)

# Fetch and print rows matching the prefix
def fetch_rows_with_prefix(table, prefix):
    row_filter = RowFilter.Chain(
    partial_rows = table.read_rows(filter_=row_filter)
    rows = [partial_row.to_dict() for partial_row in partial_rows]
    return rows

matching_rows = fetch_rows_with_prefix(table, args.prefix)

# Write results to the output file
with open(args.output_file, 'w') as f:
    for row in matching_rows:
        json.dump(row, f)
        f.write('\n')  # Add a newline for better readability

print(f"Results written to {args.output_file}")
**Explanation of the Fix**
- **Import Changes**:  We import `RowFilter`, `FamilyNameRegexFilter`, and `ColumnQualifierRegexFilter` directly.
- **RowFilter Creation**: Uses the RowFilter class along with Chain, FamilyNameRegexFilter, and ColumnQualifierRegexFilter for flexible filtering.

Still erroring:

I get another error: "AttributeError: type object 'RowFilter' has no attribute 'Chain'"


Another error: 
You're absolutely right! I apologize for the repeated errors. I've looked into this further, and it seems there have been some significant changes in the `google-cloud-bigtable` library regarding row filters.

Here's the corrected version of the script using the new filter syntax:

import argparse
from import bigtable
import json

# Parse command-line arguments
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Fetch BigTable rows matching a prefix.")
parser.add_argument("--project_id", required=True, help="Your Google Cloud Project ID.")
parser.add_argument("--instance_id", required=True, help="Your Bigtable instance ID.")
parser.add_argument("--table_id", required=True, help="Your Bigtable table ID.")
parser.add_argument("--prefix", required=True, help="The prefix to search for.")
parser.add_argument("--column_family", required=True, help="The column family to search in.")
parser.add_argument("--output_file", required=True, help="The path to the output file.")
args = parser.parse_args()

# Initialize Bigtable client
client = bigtable.Client(project=args.project_id, admin=True)
instance = client.instance(args.instance_id)
table = instance.table(args.table_id)

# Fetch and print rows matching the prefix
def fetch_rows_with_prefix(table, prefix):
    row_set = table.row_set()

    row_filter = bigtable.RowFilter(

    rows = []
    for row_key, row in table.read_rows(row_set=row_set, filter_=row_filter):
    return rows

matching_rows = fetch_rows_with_prefix(table, args.prefix)

# Write results to the output file
with open(args.output_file, 'w') as f:
    for row in matching_rows:
        json.dump(row, f)
        f.write('\n')  # Add a newline for better readability

print(f"Results written to {args.output_file}")

**Key Changes:**

- **RowFilter Creation:** We have moved away from the now-deprecated `RowFilter.Chain` approach and are instead creating a `RowFilter` directly with the necessary filtering conditions.
- **RowSet Usage:** We use the `.add_row_range_with_prefix(prefix)` method of `row_set` to pre-filter the rows based on the prefix, leading to more efficient queries.
- **Row Filtering:** The actual filtering is performed using the `filter_` parameter in `table.read_rows`, which now directly takes the `RowFilter` object.
- **Result Iteration:** The `read_rows` method now returns an iterator over `(row_key, row)` tuples, which we unpack in the `for` loop.
- **Error Handling:** Added a try-except block to catch and handle potential exceptions, such as authentication errors or invalid table names.


1. **Import Libraries:** Import necessary libraries (`argparse`, ``, and `json`).
2. **Parse Arguments:** Use `argparse` to handle command-line arguments for project ID, instance ID, table ID, prefix, column family, and output file.
3. **Initialize Bigtable Client:** Create a Bigtable client and connect to the specified instance and table.
4. **Define `fetch_rows_with_prefix` Function:**
    - Create a `RowSet` and add the row range with the given prefix.
    - Create a `RowFilter` object that filters based on column family, column qualifier regex (prefix), and limits cells per row to 1.
    - Read rows using the `row_set` and `filter_`.
    - Create and return a list of dictionaries containing row data.
5. **Fetch and Print Rows:**
    - Call `fetch_rows_with_prefix` to get rows matching the prefix.
    - Write the results to the specified output file in JSON format.
6. **Print Confirmation:** Print a message indicating that the results have been written to the output file.
7. **Error Handling:**
    - Try to execute the main logic.
    - If an exception occurs, print an error message.

Please note that you'll need to have the `google-cloud-bigtable` library installed. You can install it using `pip`:
   pip install google-cloud-bigtable
   Please let me know if you have any further questions or issues.


Still erroring: "Error: AttributeError: 'Table' object has no attribute 'row_set'"


You're absolutely right. The method `.row_set()` is not a direct method on the `Table` object anymore. It's created separately. Here's the corrected script:

import argparse
from import bigtable
import json
from import RowSet, RowRange

# Parse command-line arguments
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Fetch BigTable rows matching a prefix.")
parser.add_argument("--project_id", required=True, help="Your Google Cloud Project ID.")
parser.add_argument("--instance_id", required=True, help="Your Bigtable instance ID.")
parser.add_argument("--table_id", required=True, help="Your Bigtable table ID.")
parser.add_argument("--prefix", required=True, help="The prefix to search for.")
parser.add_argument("--column_family", required=True, help="The column family to search in.")
parser.add_argument("--output_file", required=True, help="The path to the output file.")
args = parser.parse_args()

# Initialize Bigtable client
client = bigtable.Client(project=args.project_id, admin=True)
instance = client.instance(args.instance_id)
table = instance.table(args.table_id)

# Fetch and print rows matching the prefix
def fetch_rows_with_prefix(table, prefix):
    row_set = RowSet()
    row_set.add_row_range(RowRange(start_key_closed=prefix, end_key_open=prefix + '~'))  # '~' is the next lexicographic character after the prefix

    row_filter = bigtable.RowFilter(

    rows = []
    for row_key, row in table.read_rows(row_set=row_set, filter_=row_filter):
    return rows

matching_rows = fetch_rows_with_prefix(table, args.prefix)

# Write results to the output file
with open(args.output_file, 'w') as f:
    for row in matching_rows:
        json.dump(row, f)
        f.write('\n')  # Add a newline for better readability

print(f"Results written to {args.output_file}")
**Key Changes:**

- **RowSet Creation:**
    - `RowSet()` is now created as a separate object.
    - Instead of `add_row_range_with_prefix`, we use `add_row_range(RowRange(start_key_closed=prefix, end_key_open=prefix + '~'))`. The `~` character acts as the next possible character after the prefix in lexicographic order, effectively defining the range of row keys to fetch.
- **Filter Usage:** The RowFilter usage remains the same, filtering based on column family, prefix, and limiting cells per row.

With these changes, the code should function correctly with the current version of the `google-cloud-bigtable` library. Please let me know if you encounter any further issues.

We continued again and again, totaling 35 iterations in all – all of them erroring.

Ultimately, we gave up using Gemini and instead just took the sample code from the BigTable documentation and manually wrote a simple script that worked correctly:

def read_prefix(project_id, instance_id, table_id, prefix, output_file):
    client = bigtable.Client(project=project_id, admin=True)
    instance = client.instance(instance_id)
    table = instance.table(table_id)
    end_key = prefix[:-1] + chr(ord(prefix[-1]) + 1)

    row_set = RowSet()
    row_set.add_row_range_from_keys(prefix.encode("utf-8"), end_key.encode("utf-8"))

    rows = table.read_rows(row_set=row_set)
    with open("out.json", "w", encoding='utf-8') as json_file:
        for row in rows:
            jsonRec = { "rowKey": row.row_key.decode("utf-8"), "columns": {} }
            lastrow = row
            for key, value in row.cells['content'].items():
                jsonRec['columns'][key.decode('utf-8')] = value[0].value.decode('utf-8')
                json_file.write(json.dumps(jsonRec, ensure_ascii=False))

This finally worked and we got the results we needed.