The GDELT Project

Extinction Rebellion's Rise Coincides With Steadily Increasing Media Coverage Of Climate Change

Media coverage of climate change continues its upwards trend over 2019. Interestingly, while it begins to take off in July 2018, coverage does not truly accelerate and reach its modern steady increase until the rise of Extinction Rebellion.

The timeline below shows worldwide online news coverage of "("climate change" OR "global warming" OR "climate crisis" OR "climate strike")" from January 2017 through present.

Live Version.

In contrast, the timeline below shows the television news airtime devoted to "("climate change" OR "global warming" OR "climate crisis" OR "climate strike") (protests OR protest OR protesters OR riot OR riots OR strike)" over the same time period, showing that television news has been far more reactive, with brief bursts covering major protest events and then fading away. It too shows more coverage over 2019 than the last two years and that the rise in coverage begins in November 2018, just after the rise of Extinction Rebellion. Unlike online news, however, television coverage has maintained a steady rate of coverage rather than steadily increasing coverage week over week and has died down to its previous levels after the September climate strike.

Live Version.