The GDELT Project

Experiments In Meme Tracking: Dividing Transcripts Into Stories – Part 3

Following in our meme tracking series examining dividing television news broadcasts into their component stories, let's try yet another approach. This time we'll build on our previous success of asking the LLM to merely summarize the text rather than annotate it with story divisions, building on LLMs' strengths as distillation engines.

We explore several approaches here of using a rolling window to distill the transcript into stories. Unfortunately, hallucination once again creates significant challenges, riffing freely from the source text to hallucinate false names for murder suspects and victims, creating unique legal and ethical challenges to using such approaches for journalistic applications.

Let's start with a simple prompt:

Make a bulleted list of the stories found in the following text. For each story provide a title and a brief three sentence summary of it.

Here is the command used:

time curl \
-H "Authorization: Bearer $(gcloud auth print-access-token)" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \[YOURPROJECTID]/locations/us-central1/publishers/google/models/text-bison:predict -d \
  "instances": [
    { "prompt": "Make a bulleted list of the stories found in the following text. For each story provide a title and a brief three sentence summary of it. \n\n tonight, several developing stories as we come on the air. news coming in, the suspected chinese spy balloon hovering over the u.s. where it is now, and will there be a window to shoot it down? also tonight, the dangerous life-threatening cold moving into the northeast. the live readings already. first, the pentagon tracking that chinese balloon, the intelligence bay hanging beneath it, the size of three busses. where it was spotted today over the u.s., where it\'s believed to be headed now, 60,000 feet in the air. will the u.s. shoot this down? secretary of state antony blinken postponing his high stakes trip to china. mola lenghi, mary bruce standing by at the white house. the deadly cold already tonight, the national weather service is calling it a once in a generation arctic blast. 25 million americans, multiple states. new york city, philadelphia, boston, wind-chill readings in maine expected to reach 60 below zero. and where the wind chill is already 106 degrees below zero tonight. victor oquendo in massachusetts. rob marciano timing this out. the deadly assault on an e.r. doctor riding his mountain bike. police say the suspect in his car hitting the victim, then allegedly getting out and attacking him. matt gutman reporting. another scare at the airport. this time, newark. two passenger jets clipping wings. one plane full of passengers. the stunning and unexpected jobs report tonight. president biden celebrating the numbers. the unemployment rate not this low since 1969. so, how does this complicate steps by the fed moving forward? rebecca jarvis, as always, breaking it down. the alex murdaugh double murder trial. the defense team, and what a ballistics expert acknowledged today. and tonight, the story of alex murdaugh\'s housekeeper dying in a fall at the home. what the family says they never knew. prosecutors say murdaugh got a $5 million payout from a policy that covered the housekeeper\'s fall. but will the jury hear about it? eva pilgrim reporting. robin roberts tonight and her epic jump. robin from new zealand, the birthplace of the bungee jump. you\'ll see her jump from the tallest building in the southern hemisphere. tonight, the lesson on conquering fear. good evening. it is great to have you with us on a friday night. almost to the weekend, but it will be brutally cold, dangerous, life-threatening cold. the readings coming in right now, and where the wind chill is already more than 100 degrees below zero. that\'s in a moment here. but we begin with the chinese spy balloon hovering over the u.s. tonight. china claiming it is a weather balloon that blew off course. u.s. authorities believe this is a surveillance balloon being maneuvered by china, likely using spy satellites. today the balloon was spotted over missouri. so where is it tonight, and where u.s. authorities believe it\'s headed. among the first sightings over billings, montana. that intelligence bay hanging beneath the balloon, that\'s the size of three busses. the pentagon tonight on discussions over whether or not to shoot it down, and will there be a small window of opportunity to do just that? what we\'re learning tonight. secretary of state antony blinken postponing his high-stakes trip to beijing, calling china\'s actions unacceptable. so, will this be shot down? if so, where? and what china is saying tonight. mary bruce at the white house, and abc\'s mola lenghi leading us off tonight in montana.   reporter: tonight, the pentagon confirming the massive chinese spy balloon is on the move 60,000 feet above the ground and heading east.   the balloon continues t move eastward and is currently over the center of the continental united states.   what the heck is that?   reporter: a senior u.s. official tells abc news the balloon now appears headed towards north carolina. across the country today, americans with their eyes on the skies, posting images like this one, the balloon floating over missouri. commercial pilots radioing in. we got that balloon in sight also. looks like it\'s way up there, maybe 50,000 feet or so. reporter: the balloon is huge with a technology bay attached below that is itself the size of three busses, loaded with high resolution cameras, according to a senior u.s. official, equipped with what appear to be solar panels on the side that could power its technology. it first entered american airspace over alaska, then flying into southwest canada before dipping down over billings, montana.  this thing is up in the sky. what the heck is that?  that thing is not the moon.   any help would be appreciated.   reporter: montana republican congressman ryan zinke was blunt, tweeting \\"shoot. it. down.\\" the pentagon today sayig that option was considered and rejected, for now.   we assessed that currently it does not pose a physical or military risk to people on the ground. for now we are continuing to monitor and review options.   reporter: the white house today saying president biden agreed with the pentagon\'s strong recommendation. the risks involved with shooting down the balloon just too great.   any potential debris field would be significant and potentially cause civilian injuries or deaths or significant property damage.   reporter: for its part, china insisting today the balloon is not a spy vessel at all but a civilian airship used for research, mainly meteorological purposes. the pentagon flatly rejecting that claim.   we are aware of the prc\'s statement. however, the fact is, we know that it\'s a surveillance pballo. we have clearly communicated that this balloon is violating u.s. air space and international law and that this is unacceptable.   reporter: china says the balloon deviated far from its planned course, but the pentagon questioning that as well, saying the balloon can be maneuvered. a senior u.s. official telling abc news, it\'s likely being navigated with spy satellites. this all happening as secretary of state antony blinken prepared for a weekend trip to beijing. "}
  "parameters": {
    "temperature": 0.0,
    "maxOutputTokens": 1024,
    "topK": 40,
    "topP": 0.95,
}' > O; cat O | jq -r .predictions[0].content

And the text being examined:

Make a bulleted list of the stories found in the following text. For each story provide a title and a brief three sentence summary of it. Also provide the first and last sentence of the story.\n\n tonight, several developing stories as we come on the air. news coming in, the suspected chinese spy balloon hovering over the u.s. where it is now, and will there be a window to shoot it down? also tonight, the dangerous life-threatening cold moving into the northeast. the live readings already. first, the pentagon tracking that chinese balloon, the intelligence bay hanging beneath it, the size of three busses. where it was spotted today over the u.s., where it\'s believed to be headed now, 60,000 feet in the air. will the u.s. shoot this down? secretary of state antony blinken postponing his high stakes trip to china. mola lenghi, mary bruce standing by at the white house. the deadly cold already tonight, the national weather service is calling it a once in a generation arctic blast. 25 million americans, multiple states. new york city, philadelphia, boston, wind-chill readings in maine expected to reach 60 below zero. and where the wind chill is already 106 degrees below zero tonight. victor oquendo in massachusetts. rob marciano timing this out. the deadly assault on an e.r. doctor riding his mountain bike. police say the suspect in his car hitting the victim, then allegedly getting out and attacking him. matt gutman reporting. another scare at the airport. this time, newark. two passenger jets clipping wings. one plane full of passengers. the stunning and unexpected jobs report tonight. president biden celebrating the numbers. the unemployment rate not this low since 1969. so, how does this complicate steps by the fed moving forward? rebecca jarvis, as always, breaking it down. the alex murdaugh double murder trial. the defense team, and what a ballistics expert acknowledged today. and tonight, the story of alex murdaugh\'s housekeeper dying in a fall at the home. what the family says they never knew. prosecutors say murdaugh got a $5 million payout from a policy that covered the housekeeper\'s fall. but will the jury hear about it? eva pilgrim reporting. robin roberts tonight and her epic jump. robin from new zealand, the birthplace of the bungee jump. you\'ll see her jump from the tallest building in the southern hemisphere. tonight, the lesson on conquering fear. good evening. it is great to have you with us on a friday night. almost to the weekend, but it will be brutally cold, dangerous, life-threatening cold. the readings coming in right now, and where the wind chill is already more than 100 degrees below zero. that\'s in a moment here. but we begin with the chinese spy balloon hovering over the u.s. tonight. china claiming it is a weather balloon that blew off course. u.s. authorities believe this is a surveillance balloon being maneuvered by china, likely using spy satellites. today the balloon was spotted over missouri. so where is it tonight, and where u.s. authorities believe it\'s headed. among the first sightings over billings, montana. that intelligence bay hanging beneath the balloon, that\'s the size of three busses. the pentagon tonight on discussions over whether or not to shoot it down, and will there be a small window of opportunity to do just that? what we\'re learning tonight. secretary of state antony blinken postponing his high-stakes trip to beijing, calling china\'s actions unacceptable. so, will this be shot down? if so, where? and what china is saying tonight. mary bruce at the white house, and abc\'s mola lenghi leading us off tonight in montana. reporter: tonight, the pentagon confirming the massive chinese spy balloon is on the move 60,000 feet above the ground and heading east. the balloon continues t move eastward and is currently over the center of the continental united states. what the heck is that? reporter: a senior u.s. official tells abc news the balloon now appears headed towards north carolina. across the country today, americans with their eyes on the skies, posting images like this one, the balloon floating over missouri. commercial pilots radioing in. we got that balloon in sight also. looks like it\'s way up there, maybe 50,000 feet or so. reporter: the balloon is huge with a technology bay attached below that is itself the size of three busses, loaded with high resolution cameras, according to a senior u.s. official, equipped with what appear to be solar panels on the side that could power its technology. it first entered american airspace over alaska, then flying into southwest canada before dipping down over billings, montana. this thing is up in the sky. what the heck is that? that thing is not the moon. any help would be appreciated. reporter: montana republican congressman ryan zinke was blunt, tweeting \\"shoot. it. down.\\" the pentagon today sayig that option was considered and rejected, for now. we assessed that currently it does not pose a physical or military risk to people on the ground. for now we are continuing to monitor and review options. reporter: the white house today saying president biden agreed with the pentagon\'s strong recommendation. the risks involved with shooting down the balloon just too great. any potential debris field would be significant and potentially cause civilian injuries or deaths or significant property damage. reporter: for its part, china insisting today the balloon is not a spy vessel at all but a civilian airship used for research, mainly meteorological purposes. the pentagon flatly rejecting that claim. we are aware of the prc\'s statement. however, the fact is, we know that it\'s a surveillance pballo. we have clearly communicated that this balloon is violating u.s. air space and international law and that this is unacceptable. reporter: china says the balloon deviated far from its planned course, but the pentagon questioning that as well, saying the balloon can be maneuvered. a senior u.s. official telling abc news, it\'s likely being navigated with spy satellites. this all happening as secretary of state antony blinken prepared for a weekend trip to beijing.

And the output:

* **Chinese Spy Balloon:** The Chinese government claims that the balloon is a weather balloon that blew off course, but the U.S. government believes that it is a surveillance balloon being maneuvered by China. The balloon is 60,000 feet above the ground and is heading east. It was first spotted over Alaska, then flew into southwest Canada before dipping down over Billings, Montana. The Pentagon has considered shooting down the balloon, but has decided not to do so for now because of the risk of debris.
* **Deadly Cold:** The National Weather Service is calling the cold weather that is moving into the Northeast a once-in-a-generation arctic blast. 25 million Americans in multiple states are affected. New York City, Philadelphia, and Boston are expected to have wind-chill readings of 60 below zero. The wind chill is already 106 degrees below zero in Massachusetts.
* **ER Doctor Assault:** A doctor was riding his mountain bike when he was hit by a car. The driver of the car got out and attacked the doctor.
* **Planes Clipping Wings:** Two passenger jets clipped wings at Newark Airport. One of the planes was full of passengers.
* **Stunning Jobs Report:** President Biden is celebrating the news that the unemployment rate is not this low since 1969.
* **Alex Murdaugh Double Murder Trial:** The defense team in the Alex Murdaugh double murder trial acknowledged that a ballistics expert made a mistake.
* **Robin Roberts Bungee Jump:** Robin Roberts will jump from the tallest building in the Southern Hemisphere.

Overall this is quite reasonable. But, what if we want to know the offsets of the stories within the text? Let's try asking for them:

Make a bulleted list of the stories found in the following text. For each story provide a title and a brief three sentence summary of it. Also provide the first and last sentence of the story.

This yields the following. Unfortunately, the first and last sentences are hallucinated paraphrases:

* **Story 1: Chinese Spy Balloon**

* **Title:** Chinese Spy Balloon Hovering Over the U.S.
* **Summary:** The Chinese government claims that the balloon is a weather balloon that blew off course, but U.S. authorities believe that it is a surveillance balloon being maneuvered by China, likely using spy satellites. The balloon was spotted over Missouri today and is believed to be headed towards North Carolina. The Pentagon is considering shooting it down, but the White House has said that the risks involved with shooting down the balloon are too great.
* **First sentence:** The Pentagon is tracking a Chinese balloon that is hovering over the U.S.
* **Last sentence:** China insists that the balloon is not a spy vessel, but a civilian airship used for research. The Pentagon flatly rejects that claim.

* **Story 2: Deadly Cold**

* **Title:** Deadly Cold Moving Into the Northeast
* **Summary:** The National Weather Service is calling the cold weather moving into the Northeast a once-in-a-generation arctic blast. 25 million Americans in multiple states are expected to be affected by the cold, with wind-chill readings in Maine expected to reach 60 below zero.
* **First sentence:** The deadly cold is already moving into the Northeast.
* **Last sentence:** The wind chill is already 106 degrees below zero in Massachusetts tonight.

* **Story 3: ER Doctor Assaulted**

* **Title:** ER Doctor Assaulted While Riding His Mountain Bike
* **Summary:** A doctor who was riding his mountain bike was assaulted by a driver who then got out of his car and attacked him. The suspect is in custody.
* **First sentence:** A doctor who was riding his mountain bike was assaulted by a driver.
* **Last sentence:** The suspect is in custody.

* **Story 4:** Plane Wings Clip at Newark Airport
* **Title:** Two Planes Clip Wings at Newark Airport
* **Summary:** Two passenger jets clipped wings at Newark Airport today. One plane was full of passengers. No one was injured.
* **First sentence:** Two passenger jets clipped wings at Newark Airport today.
* **Last sentence:** No one was injured.

* **Story 5:** Alex Murdaugh Double Murder Trial

* **Title:** Alex Murdaugh Double Murder Trial
* **Summary:** The defense team in the Alex Murdaugh double murder trial acknowledged today that a ballistics expert found the same gun was used to kill both victims.
* **First sentence:** The defense team in the Alex Murdaugh double murder trial acknowledged today that a ballistics expert found the same gun was used to kill both victims.
* **Last sentence:** The defense team acknowledged that a ballistics expert found the same gun was used to kill both victims.

* **Story 6:** Robin Roberts' Epic Jump

* **Title:** Robin Roberts' Epic Jump
* **Summary:** Robin Roberts will jump from the tallest building in the Southern Hemisphere, the Sky Tower in Auckland, New Zealand.
* **First sentence:** Robin Roberts will jump from the tallest building in the Southern Hemisphere.
* **Last sentence:** Robin Roberts will jump from the Sky Tower in Auckland, New Zealand.

What if we constrain the first/last sentences?

Make a bulleted list of the stories found in the following text. For each story provide a title and a brief three sentence summary of it. Also provide the first and last sentence of the story verbatim directly from the text below.

This yields the following results, which actually aren't bad, though it focuses only on the two major stories:

* **Story 1: Chinese Spy Balloon**

* **Title:** Chinese Spy Balloon Hovering Over the U.S.
* **Summary:** The Chinese government claims that the balloon is a weather balloon that blew off course, but U.S. authorities believe that it is a surveillance balloon being maneuvered by China, likely using spy satellites. The balloon was spotted over Missouri today and is believed to be headed towards North Carolina. The Pentagon is considering shooting it down, but the White House has said that the risks involved with shooting down the balloon are too great.
* **First sentence:** Tonight, the pentagon confirming the massive chinese spy balloon is on the move 60,000 feet above the ground and heading east.
* **Last sentence:** china says the balloon deviated far from its planned course, but the pentagon questioning that as well, saying the balloon can be maneuvered. a senior u.s. official telling abc news, it's likely being navigated with spy satellites.

* **Story 2: Deadly Cold**

* **Title:** Deadly Cold Moving Into the Northeast
* **Summary:** The National Weather Service is calling the cold weather moving into the Northeast a once in a generation arctic blast. 25 million Americans in multiple states are expected to be affected by the cold, with wind-chill readings in Maine expected to reach 60 below zero.
* **First sentence:** The deadly cold already tonight, the national weather service is calling it a once in a generation arctic blast.
* **Last sentence:** and where the wind chill is already 106 degrees below zero tonight. victor oquendo in massachusetts. rob marciano timing this out.

Let's keep the same prompt and boost temperature to 0.2. Unfortunately, it reverts to hallucinating the first and last sentences again.

* **Story 1: Chinese Spy Balloon**

* **Title:** Chinese Spy Balloon Hovering Over the U.S.
* **Summary:** The Chinese government claims that the balloon is a weather balloon that blew off course, but the U.S. government believes that it is a surveillance balloon being maneuvered by China. The balloon was spotted over Missouri today and is believed to be headed towards North Carolina. The Pentagon is considering shooting it down, but the White House has said that the risks involved are too great.
* **First sentence:** The Pentagon is tracking the Chinese balloon, which is 60,000 feet in the air and has an intelligence bay that is the size of three busses.
* **Last sentence:** China insists that the balloon is not a spy vessel, but the Pentagon flatly rejects that claim.

* **Story 2: Deadly Cold**

* **Title:** Deadly Cold Moving Into the Northeast
* **Summary:** The National Weather Service is calling the cold weather that is moving into the Northeast a once in a generation arctic blast. The wind chill readings in Maine are expected to reach 60 below zero.
* **First sentence:** The deadly cold is already moving into the Northeast, with wind-chill readings in Maine expected to reach 60 below zero.
* **Last sentence:** The cold weather is expected to last through the weekend.

* **Story 3: ER Doctor Attacked**

* **Title:** ER Doctor Attacked While Riding His Mountain Bike
* **Summary:** A doctor who was riding his mountain bike was attacked by a driver who then got out of his car and assaulted him. The doctor was taken to the hospital with serious injuries.
* **First sentence:** A doctor who was riding his mountain bike was attacked by a driver who then got out of his car and assaulted him.
* **Last sentence:** The doctor is in stable condition.

* **Story 4:** Plane Wings Clip at Newark Airport
* **Title:** Two Planes Clip Wings at Newark Airport
* **Summary:** Two passenger jets clipped wings at Newark Airport today. One of the planes was full of passengers. There were no injuries.
* **First sentence:** Two passenger jets clipped wings at Newark Airport today.
* **Last sentence:** The cause of the incident is under investigation.

* **Story 5:** Alex Murdaugh Double Murder Trial

* **Title:** Alex Murdaugh Double Murder Trial
* **Summary:** The trial of Alex Murdaugh for the murders of his wife and son is underway. The defense team acknowledged today that a ballistics expert will testify that the same gun was used to kill both victims.
* **First sentence:** The trial of Alex Murdaugh for the murders of his wife and son is underway.
* **Last sentence:** The defense team acknowledged today that a ballistics expert will testify that the same gun was used to kill both victims.

* **Story 6:** Robin Roberts' Epic Jump

* **Title:** Robin Roberts' Epic Jump
* **Summary:** Robin Roberts will jump from the tallest building in the Southern Hemisphere. She will be the first woman to do so.
* **First sentence:** Robin Roberts will jump from the tallest building in the Southern Hemisphere.
* **Last sentence:** She will be the first woman to do so.

How about a different approach?

Make a bulleted list of the stories found in the following text. For each story provide a title and a brief three sentence summary of it and then copy-paste as-is all of the sentences from the text below that relate to that story.

This yields the following. Only the first story is included. The sentences are extremely similar to the original text, but represent paraphrases rather than exact versions. However, while they could not be used to connect back to the actual underlying transcript for precise timecode seeking, they are a sufficiently faithful representation that they could be used for constructing an overall embedding of the story for clustering:

Story 1: Chinese Spy Balloon
– The Chinese spy balloon is on the move 60,000 feet above the ground and heading east.
– The balloon is currently over the center of the continental United States.
– The balloon appears headed towards North Carolina.
– The balloon is huge with a technology bay attached below that is itself the size of three busses.
– The balloon is loaded with high resolution cameras.
– The balloon first entered American airspace over Alaska.
– The balloon then flew into southwest Canada before dipping down over Billings, Montana.
– Montana Republican Congressman Ryan Zinke tweeted "shoot. it. down."
– The Pentagon said that option was considered and rejected, for now.
– The White House said that President Biden agreed with the Pentagon's strong recommendation.
– The risks involved with shooting down the balloon are just too great.
– China insists that the balloon is not a spy vessel at all but a civilian airship used for research, mainly meteorological purposes.
– The Pentagon flatly rejects that claim.
– China says the balloon deviated far from its planned course, but the Pentagon questions that as well.
– The balloon can be maneuvered and is likely being navigated with spy satellites.
– This all happened as Secretary of State Antony Blinken prepared for a weekend trip to Beijing.

Note how we used a period to end our prompt above. What if we change that period to a colon?

Make a bulleted list of the stories found in the following text. For each story provide a title and a brief three sentence summary of it and then copy-paste as-is all of the sentences from the text below that relate to that story:

This changes our results dramatically, offering a reminder of how much impact a single piece of punctuation can have with LLMs.

Story 1: Chinese Spy Balloon
– The Chinese spy balloon is on the move 60,000 feet above the ground and heading east.
– The balloon is currently over the center of the continental United States.
– The balloon appears headed towards North Carolina.
– The balloon is huge with a technology bay attached below that is itself the size of three busses.
– The balloon is loaded with high resolution cameras and equipped with what appear to be solar panels on the side that could power its technology.
– The balloon first entered American airspace over Alaska, then flying into southwest Canada before dipping down over Billings, Montana.
– Montana Republican Congressman Ryan Zinke was blunt, tweeting "shoot. it. down."
– The Pentagon today said that option was considered and rejected, for now.
– The White House today said President Biden agreed with the Pentagon's strong recommendation.
– The risks involved with shooting down the balloon are just too great.
– China insists today the balloon is not a spy vessel at all but a civilian airship used for research, mainly meteorological purposes.
– The Pentagon flatly rejects that claim.
– China says the balloon deviated far from its planned course, but the Pentagon questions that as well, saying the balloon can be maneuvered.
– A senior U.S. official tells ABC News, it's likely being navigated with spy satellites.
– This all happening as Secretary of State Antony Blinken prepared for a weekend trip to Beijing.

Story 2: Deadly Cold
– The National Weather Service is calling the cold front moving into the Northeast a once in a generation arctic blast.
– 25 million Americans in multiple states are expected to be impacted by the cold.
– New York City, Philadelphia, Boston, and other major cities are bracing for wind-chill readings in the negative 40s and 50s.
– Wind-chill readings in Maine are expected to reach 60 below zero.
– The cold front is also expected to bring snow to some areas.
– Victor Oquendo is in Massachusetts, where the wind chill is already 106 degrees below zero.
– Rob Marciano is timing out the storm.

Story 3: Deadly Assault on ER Doctor
– A doctor was riding his mountain bike when he was hit by a car and then attacked by the driver.
– The doctor was taken to the hospital with serious injuries.
– The suspect is in custody.
– Matt Gutman has the story.

Story 4: Another Scare at the Airport
– Two passenger jets clipped wings at Newark Airport.
– One of the planes was full of passengers.
– No one was injured.

Story 5: Stunning and Unexpected Jobs Report
– President Biden is celebrating the news that the unemployment rate is at its lowest level since 1969.
– The report is a surprise to economists, who had expected the unemployment rate to remain unchanged.
– Rebecca Jarvis is breaking down the numbers.

Story 6: Alex Murdaugh Double Murder Trial
– The defense team for Alex Murdaugh is presenting its case.
– A ballistics expert acknowledged today that the gun used to kill Murdaugh's wife and son was the same gun used to kill a local man in 2015.
– Eva Pilgrim has the story.

Story 7: Alex Murdaugh's Housekeeper's Death
– Alex Murdaugh's housekeeper died in a fall at the home.
– Prosecutors say Murdaugh got a $5 million payout from a policy that covered the housekeeper's fall.
– It is not clear if the jury will hear about the payout.
– Eva Pilgrim has the story.

Story 8: Robin Roberts' Epic Jump
– Robin Roberts is jumping from the tallest building in the Southern Hemisphere.
– The jump is a tribute to her late husband, who died in 2014.
– Robin Roberts will share the story of her jump on her show tomorrow.

This is actually quite decent. Let's go back and run this a minute at a time in a rolling workflow:

Make a bulleted list of the stories found in the following text. For each story provide a title and a brief three sentence summary of it and then copy-paste as-is all of the sentences from the text below that relate to that story:\n\n tonight, several developing stories as we come on the air. news coming in, the suspected chinese spy balloon hovering over the u.s. where it is now, and will there be a window to shoot it down? also tonight, the dangerous life-threatening cold moving into the northeast. the live readings already. first, the pentagon tracking that chinese balloon, the intelligence bay hanging beneath it, the size of three busses. where it was spotted today over the u.s., where it's believed to be headed now, 60,000 feet in the air. will the u.s. shoot this down? secretary of state antony blinken postponing his high stakes trip to china. mola lenghi, mary bruce standing by at the white house. the deadly cold already tonight, the national weather service is calling it a once in a generation arctic blast.

Using the command:

time curl \
-H "Authorization: Bearer $(gcloud auth print-access-token)" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \[YOURPROJECTID]/locations/us-central1/publishers/google/models/text-bison:predict -d \
  "instances": [
    { "prompt": "Make a bulleted list of the stories found in the following text. For each story provide a title and a brief three sentence summary of it and then copy-paste as-is all of the sentences from the text below that relate to that story:\n\n tonight, several developing stories as we come on the air. news coming in, the suspected chinese spy balloon hovering over the u.s. where it is now, and will there be a window to shoot it down? also tonight, the dangerous life-threatening cold moving into the northeast. the live readings already. first, the pentagon tracking that chinese balloon, the intelligence bay hanging beneath it, the size of three busses. where it was spotted today over the u.s., where it's believed to be headed now, 60,000 feet in the air. will the u.s. shoot this down? secretary of state antony blinken postponing his high stakes trip to china. mola lenghi, mary bruce standing by at the white house. the deadly cold already tonight, the national weather service is calling it a once in a generation arctic blast. "}
  "parameters": {
    "temperature": 0.0,
    "maxOutputTokens": 1024,
    "topK": 40,
    "topP": 0.95,
}' > O; cat O | jq -r .predictions[0].content


– **Story 1: Chinese Spy Balloon**

The Pentagon is tracking a suspected Chinese spy balloon that was spotted over the United States today. The balloon is believed to be 60,000 feet in the air and is carrying an intelligence bay the size of three busses. It is not clear if the U.S. will shoot the balloon down.

– **Story 2: Deadly Cold**

The National Weather Service is calling the cold weather that is moving into the Northeast a once in a generation arctic blast. The cold is expected to cause dangerous conditions, including hypothermia and frostbite.

– **Story 3: Antony Blinken Postpones China Trip**

Secretary of State Antony Blinken has postponed his high stakes trip to China. Blinken was scheduled to meet with Chinese officials in Alaska next week to discuss a range of issues, including trade and human rights.

Next minute:

Make a bulleted list of the stories found in the following text. For each story provide a title and a brief three sentence summary of it and then copy-paste as-is all of the sentences from the text below that relate to that story:\n\n 25 million americans, multiple states. new york city, philadelphia, boston, wind-chill readings in maine expected to reach 60 below zero. and where the wind chill is already 106 degrees below zero tonight. victor oquendo in massachusetts. rob marciano timing this out. the deadly assault on an e.r. doctor riding his mountain bike. police say the suspect in his car hitting the victim, then allegedly getting out and attacking him. matt gutman reporting. another scare at the airport. this time, newark. two passenger jets clipping wings. one plane full of passengers. the stunning and unexpected jobs report tonight. president biden celebrating the numbers. the unemployment rate not this low since 1969. so, how does this complicate steps by the fed moving forward? rebecca jarvis, as always, breaking it down. the alex murdaugh double murder trial. the defense team, and what a ballistics expert acknowledged today. and tonight, the story of alex murdaugh\'s housekeeper dying in a fall at the home. what the family says they never knew.

Unfortunately this yields a guardrail false positive and it refuses to provide output:

  "predictions": [
      "content": "",
      "safetyAttributes": {
        "blocked": true
  "metadata": {
    "tokenMetadata": {
      "inputTokenCount": {
        "totalBillableCharacters": 1062,
        "totalTokens": 290
      "outputTokenCount": {
        "totalTokens": 284,
        "totalBillableCharacters": 0

Let's try appending the following minute and see if it goes away:

Make a bulleted list of the stories found in the following text. For each story provide a title and a brief three sentence summary of it and then copy-paste as-is all of the sentences from the text below that relate to that story:\n\n 25 million americans, multiple states. new york city, philadelphia, boston, wind-chill readings in maine expected to reach 60 below zero. and where the wind chill is already 106 degrees below zero tonight. victor oquendo in massachusetts. rob marciano timing this out. the deadly assault on an e.r. doctor riding his mountain bike. police say the suspect in his car hitting the victim, then allegedly getting out and attacking him. matt gutman reporting. another scare at the airport. this time, newark. two passenger jets clipping wings. one plane full of passengers. the stunning and unexpected jobs report tonight. president biden celebrating the numbers. the unemployment rate not this low since 1969. so, how does this complicate steps by the fed moving forward? rebecca jarvis, as always, breaking it down. the alex murdaugh double murder trial. the defense team, and what a ballistics expert acknowledged today. and tonight, the story of alex murdaugh\'s housekeeper dying in a fall at the home. what the family says they never knew. prosecutors say murdaugh got a $5 million payout from a policy that covered the housekeeper\'s fall. but will the jury hear about it? eva pilgrim reporting. robin roberts tonight and her epic jump. robin from new zealand, the birthplace of the bungee jump. you\'ll see her jump from the tallest building in the southern hemisphere. tonight, the lesson on conquering fear. good evening. it is great to have you with us on a friday night. almost to the weekend, but it will be brutally cold, dangerous, life-threatening cold. the readings coming in right now, and where the wind chill is already more than 100 degrees below zero. that\'s in a moment here. but we begin with the chinese spy balloon hovering over the u.s. tonight. china claiming it is a weather balloon that blew off course. u.s. authorities believe this is a surveillance balloon being maneuvered by china, likely using spy satellites.


* **Story 1: Chinese Spy Balloon Hovering Over the U.S.**

– China is claiming that the balloon is a weather balloon that blew off course.
– U.S. authorities believe that the balloon is a surveillance balloon being maneuvered by China, likely using spy satellites.
– The balloon is being tracked by the U.S. military and is currently over the Pacific Ocean.

* **Story 2: Deadly Assault on an ER Doctor**

– A doctor was riding his mountain bike when he was hit by a car and then attacked by the driver.
– The doctor was taken to the hospital with serious injuries.
– The suspect is in custody and is facing charges of attempted murder.

* **Story 3: Another Scare at the Airport**

– Two passenger jets clipped wings at Newark Airport.
– One plane was full of passengers.
– There were no injuries.

* **Story 4: Stunning and Unexpected Jobs Report**

– President Biden is celebrating the unemployment rate, which is the lowest it has been since 1969.
– The Fed may be more likely to raise interest rates in the future.

* **Story 5: Alex Murdaugh Double Murder Trial**

– The defense team acknowledged that a ballistics expert may have made a mistake.
– The housekeeper died in a fall at the home.
– Prosecutors say Murdaugh got a $5 million payout from a policy that covered the housekeeper's fall.

* **Story 6: Robin Roberts' Epic Jump**

– Robin Roberts jumped from the tallest building in the southern hemisphere.
– She was inspired to do the jump by her mother, who died of cancer.
– The jump was a success and Roberts said it was an amazing experience.

Next minute:

Make a bulleted list of the stories found in the following text. For each story provide a title and a brief three sentence summary of it and then copy-paste as-is all of the sentences from the text below that relate to that story:\n\n today the balloon was spotted over missouri. so where is it tonight, and where u.s. authorities believe it\'s headed. among the first sightings over billings, montana. that intelligence bay hanging beneath the balloon, that\'s the size of three busses. the pentagon tonight on discussions over whether or not to shoot it down, and will there be a small window of opportunity to do just that? what we\'re learning tonight. secretary of state antony blinken postponing his high-stakes trip to beijing, calling china\'s actions unacceptable. so, will this be shot down? if so, where? and what china is saying tonight. mary bruce at the white house, and abc\'s mola lenghi leading us off tonight in montana. >> reporter: tonight, the pentagon confirming the massive chinese spy balloon is on the move 60,000 feet above the ground and heading east. >> the balloon continues t move eastward and is currently over the center of the continental united states. >> what the heck is that? >> reporter: a senior u.s. official tells abc news the balloon now appears headed towards north carolina. across the country today, americans with their eyes on the skies, posting images like this one, the balloon floating over missouri.


* **Story 1: Chinese Spy Balloon**

The Chinese spy balloon was spotted over Billings, Montana. It is 60,000 feet above the ground and heading east. A senior U.S. official tells ABC News that the balloon now appears headed towards North Carolina.

* **Story 2: Secretary of State Antony Blinken Postpones His High-Stakes Trip to Beijing**

Secretary of State Antony Blinken has postponed his high-stakes trip to Beijing. He called China's actions unacceptable.

* **Story 3: What China is Saying Tonight**

China says that the balloon is a scientific research balloon and that it is not a threat.


Make a bulleted list of the stories found in the following text. For each story provide a title and a brief three sentence summary of it and then copy-paste as-is all of the sentences from the text below that relate to that story:\n\n commercial pilots radioing in. >> we got that balloon in sight also. looks like it\'s way up there, maybe 50,000 feet or so. >> reporter: the balloon is huge with a technology bay attached below that is itself the size of three busses, loaded with high resolution cameras, according to a senior u.s. official, equipped with what appear to be solar panels on the side that could power its technology. it first entered american airspace over alaska, then flying into southwest canada before dipping down over billings, montana. >> this thing is up in the sky. >> what the heck is that? >> that thing is not the moon. >> any help would be appreciated. >> reporter: montana republican congressman ryan zinke was blunt, tweeting \\"shoot. it. down.\\" the pentagon today sayig that option was considered and rejected, for now. >> we assessed that currently it does not pose a physical or military risk to people on the ground. for now we are continuing to monitor and review options. >> reporter: the white house today saying president biden agreed with the pentagon\'s strong recommendation.


– **Story 1: Mysterious Balloon Over Montana**

Commercial pilots radioed in to report a mysterious balloon over Montana. The balloon is huge, with a technology bay attached below that is itself the size of three busses. It is loaded with high resolution cameras and equipped with solar panels. The balloon first entered American airspace over Alaska, then flew into southwest Canada before dipping down over Billings, Montana.

– **Story 2: Pentagon Considers and Rejects Shooting Down Balloon**

Montana Republican Congressman Ryan Zinke was blunt, tweeting "shoot. it. down." The Pentagon today said that option was considered and rejected, for now. The Pentagon said that they assessed that the balloon does not pose a physical or military risk to people on the ground.

– **Story 3: White House Says President Biden Agreed with Pentagon**

The White House today said that President Biden agreed with the Pentagon's strong recommendation.


Make a bulleted list of the stories found in the following text. For each story provide a title and a brief three sentence summary of it and then copy-paste as-is all of the sentences from the text below that relate to that story:\n\n the risks involved with shooting down the balloon just too great. >> any potential debris field would be significant and potentially cause civilian injuries or deaths or significant property damage. >> reporter: for its part, china insisting today the balloon is not a spy vessel at all but a civilian airship used for research, mainly meteorological purposes. the pentagon flatly rejecting that claim. >> we are aware of the prc\'s statement. however, the fact is, we know that it\'s a surveillance pballo. we have clearly communicated that this balloon is violating u.s. air space and international law and that this is unacceptable. >> reporter: china says the balloon deviated far from its planned course, but the pentagon questioning that as well, saying the balloon can be maneuvered. a senior u.s. official telling abc news, it\'s likely being navigated with spy satellites. this all happening as secretary of state antony blinken prepared for a weekend trip to beijing.


– **Story 1: US says it won't shoot down Chinese spy balloon**

The US says it will not shoot down a Chinese spy balloon that is flying over the Pacific Ocean. The balloon is believed to be carrying surveillance equipment and is a violation of international law. The Pentagon says that shooting down the balloon would be too risky and could cause civilian injuries or deaths.

– **Story 2: China denies that the balloon is a spy vessel**

China is denying that the balloon is a spy vessel and says that it is a civilian airship used for research purposes. The Pentagon says that the balloon is being maneuvered with spy satellites and is therefore a surveillance balloon.

– **Story 3: Secretary of State Antony Blinken to visit Beijing**

Secretary of State Antony Blinken is preparing for a weekend trip to Beijing. The visit comes as the US and China are at odds over a number of issues, including trade and human rights.


Make a bulleted list of the stories found in the following text. For each story provide a title and a brief three sentence summary of it and then copy-paste as-is all of the sentences from the text below that relate to that story:\n\n that visit now canceled. >> in light of china\'s unacceptable action, i am postponing my planned travel this weekend to china. we concluded that conditions were not conducive for a constructive visit at this time. >> reporter: there have been other foreign surveillance balloons above the u.s., but none like this. >> what makes this different is the duration and the length of which it has been over u.s. territory. >> reporter: the pentagon says the balloon is expected to linger above america for a few days. >> this is really something. let\'s bring in mola lenghi. he\'s in billings, montana, for us again tonight. that state with several sensitive nuclear sites. as you reported, u.s. authorities say the balloon is likely navigated by chinese satellites. the pentagon says they\'ve decided not to shoot it down at this point, but that option isn\'t completely off the table? >> reporter: that\'s right, david, a u.s. official familiar with the situation says the current thinking is to wait for the balloon to drift over the atlantic ocean and then shoot it down once it\'s over u.s. territoryial waters.

Yielding the following. Unfortunately, despite a temperature of 0.0, we have a hallucination: Trump is the one visiting China, not Biden.

* **Story 1: Trump cancels China visit**

* Trump has canceled his planned trip to China this weekend.
* The decision was made in response to China's "unacceptable actions."
* Trump said that conditions were not conducive for a constructive visit at this time.

* **Story 2: Chinese balloon spotted over US**

* A Chinese balloon has been spotted over the United States.
* The balloon is believed to be a surveillance balloon.
* The Pentagon says the balloon is expected to linger over America for a few days.

* **Story 3: US may shoot down Chinese balloon**

* The US is considering shooting down the Chinese balloon.
* The balloon is likely navigated by Chinese satellites.
* The Pentagon says they have decided not to shoot it down at this point, but that option isn't completely off the table.

What if we add an extra statement to the prompt requiring it to use only the provided text?

Make a bulleted list of the stories found in the following text. For each story provide a title and a brief three sentence summary of it and then copy-paste as-is all of the sentences from the text below that relate to that story. Use only the text below:\n\n that visit now canceled. >> in light of china\'s unacceptable action, i am postponing my planned travel this weekend to china. we concluded that conditions were not conducive for a constructive visit at this time. >> reporter: there have been other foreign surveillance balloons above the u.s., but none like this. >> what makes this different is the duration and the length of which it has been over u.s. territory. >> reporter: the pentagon says the balloon is expected to linger above america for a few days. >> this is really something. let\'s bring in mola lenghi. he\'s in billings, montana, for us again tonight. that state with several sensitive nuclear sites. as you reported, u.s. authorities say the balloon is likely navigated by chinese satellites. the pentagon says they\'ve decided not to shoot it down at this point, but that option isn\'t completely off the table? >> reporter: that\'s right, david, a u.s. official familiar with the situation says the current thinking is to wait for the balloon to drift over the atlantic ocean and then shoot it down once it\'s over u.s. territoryial waters.

Same hallucination:

* **Story 1: China's Unacceptable Action**

– President Trump has canceled his planned trip to China this weekend in light of China's unacceptable action.
– China has been sending a surveillance balloon over the United States for several days.
– The Pentagon says the balloon is expected to linger above America for a few days.

* **Story 2: Chinese Surveillance Balloon**

– There have been other foreign surveillance balloons above the U.S., but none like this.
– The balloon is likely navigated by Chinese satellites.
– The Pentagon says they've decided not to shoot it down at this point, but that option isn't completely off the table.

What about slightly different wording?

Make a bulleted list of the stories found in the following text. For each story provide a title and a brief three sentence summary of it and then copy-paste as-is all of the sentences from the text below that relate to that story. Use only the text provided:\n\n that visit now canceled. >> in light of china\'s unacceptable action, i am postponing my planned travel this weekend to china. we concluded that conditions were not conducive for a constructive visit at this time. >> reporter: there have been other foreign surveillance balloons above the u.s., but none like this. >> what makes this different is the duration and the length of which it has been over u.s. territory. >> reporter: the pentagon says the balloon is expected to linger above america for a few days. >> this is really something. let\'s bring in mola lenghi. he\'s in billings, montana, for us again tonight. that state with several sensitive nuclear sites. as you reported, u.s. authorities say the balloon is likely navigated by chinese satellites. the pentagon says they\'ve decided not to shoot it down at this point, but that option isn\'t completely off the table? >> reporter: that\'s right, david, a u.s. official familiar with the situation says the current thinking is to wait for the balloon to drift over the atlantic ocean and then shoot it down once it\'s over u.s. territoryial waters.

Same hallucination:

* **Story 1: Trump cancels China visit**

– Trump has canceled his planned trip to China this weekend.
– He made the announcement in a statement, saying that conditions were not conducive for a constructive visit at this time.
– He cited China's "unacceptable action" in sending a surveillance balloon over the United States.

* **Story 2: Chinese surveillance balloon over US**

– A Chinese surveillance balloon has been floating over the United States for several days.
– The balloon is believed to be navigating by Chinese satellites.
– The Pentagon has decided not to shoot it down at this point, but that option is not completely off the table.

What about the same prompt with a temperature of 0.2?

* **Story 1: Trump cancels China visit**

– Trump has canceled his planned visit to China this weekend.
– He made the announcement in a statement, saying that conditions were not conducive for a constructive visit at this time.
– He cited China's "unacceptable action" in sending a surveillance balloon over the United States.

* **Story 2: Chinese surveillance balloon over US**

– A Chinese surveillance balloon has been floating over the United States for several days.
– The balloon is believed to be navigating by Chinese satellites.
– The Pentagon has decided not to shoot it down at this point, but that option is not completely off the table.

With a temperature of 0.4?

* **Story 1: Trump cancels China visit**

* Trump has canceled his planned trip to China this weekend.
* The decision was made in response to China's "unacceptable actions."
* Trump said that conditions were not conducive for a constructive visit at this time.

* **Story 2: Chinese surveillance balloon over US**

* A Chinese surveillance balloon has been floating over the US for several days.
* The balloon is believed to be navigated by Chinese satellites.
* The Pentagon has decided not to shoot the balloon down at this point, but that option is not completely off the table.

What if we stepped back and used a window of 2 minutes instead of 1 minute? In this particularly broadcast, the passage above is actually the 6th minute, meaning we'd still have the same problem.

What about a rolling 5 minute window where each prompt we roll forward one minute and combine with the following 4 minutes? If we just used 5 minute chunks we'd still run the risk of dividing a story just in the middle like above, where key details would be missing and cause the model to hallucinate them.

Let's try the first five minutes with a temperature of 0.4 to add additional escape capabilities:

Make a bulleted list of the stories found in the following text. For each story provide a title and a brief three sentence summary of it and then copy-paste as-is all of the sentences from the text below that relate to that story. Use only the text provided:\n\n tonight, several developing stories as we come on the air. news coming in, the suspected chinese spy balloon hovering over the u.s. where it is now, and will there be a window to shoot it down? also tonight, the dangerous life-threatening cold moving into the northeast. the live readings already. first, the pentagon tracking that chinese balloon, the intelligence bay hanging beneath it, the size of three busses. where it was spotted today over the u.s., where it\'s believed to be headed now, 60,000 feet in the air. will the u.s. shoot this down? secretary of state antony blinken postponing his high stakes trip to china. mola lenghi, mary bruce standing by at the white house. the deadly cold already tonight, the national weather service is calling it a once in a generation arctic blast. 25 million americans, multiple states. new york city, philadelphia, boston, wind-chill readings in maine expected to reach 60 below zero. and where the wind chill is already 106 degrees below zero tonight. victor oquendo in massachusetts. rob marciano timing this out. the deadly assault on an e.r. doctor riding his mountain bike. police say the suspect in his car hitting the victim, then allegedly getting out and attacking him. matt gutman reporting. another scare at the airport. this time, newark. two passenger jets clipping wings. one plane full of passengers. the stunning and unexpected jobs report tonight. president biden celebrating the numbers. the unemployment rate not this low since 1969. so, how does this complicate steps by the fed moving forward? rebecca jarvis, as always, breaking it down. the alex murdaugh double murder trial. the defense team, and what a ballistics expert acknowledged today. and tonight, the story of alex murdaugh\'s housekeeper dying in a fall at the home. what the family says they never knew. prosecutors say murdaugh got a $5 million payout from a policy that covered the housekeeper\'s fall. but will the jury hear about it? eva pilgrim reporting. robin roberts tonight and her epic jump. robin from new zealand, the birthplace of the bungee jump. you\'ll see her jump from the tallest building in the southern hemisphere. tonight, the lesson on conquering fear. good evening. it is great to have you with us on a friday night. almost to the weekend, but it will be brutally cold, dangerous, life-threatening cold. the readings coming in right now, and where the wind chill is already more than 100 degrees below zero. that\'s in a moment here. but we begin with the chinese spy balloon hovering over the u.s. tonight. china claiming it is a weather balloon that blew off course. u.s. authorities believe this is a surveillance balloon being maneuvered by china, likely using spy satellites. today the balloon was spotted over missouri. so where is it tonight, and where u.s. authorities believe it\'s headed. among the first sightings over billings, montana. that intelligence bay hanging beneath the balloon, that\'s the size of three busses. the pentagon tonight on discussions over whether or not to shoot it down, and will there be a small window of opportunity to do just that? what we\'re learning tonight. secretary of state antony blinken postponing his high-stakes trip to beijing, calling china\'s actions unacceptable. so, will this be shot down? if so, where? and what china is saying tonight. mary bruce at the white house, and abc\'s mola lenghi leading us off tonight in montana. >> reporter: tonight, the pentagon confirming the massive chinese spy balloon is on the move 60,000 feet above the ground and heading east. >> the balloon continues t move eastward and is currently over the center of the continental united states. >> what the heck is that? >> reporter: a senior u.s. official tells abc news the balloon now appears headed towards north carolina. across the country today, americans with their eyes on the skies, posting images like this one, the balloon floating over missouri. commercial pilots radioing in. >> we got that balloon in sight also. looks like it\'s way up there, maybe 50,000 feet or so. >> reporter: the balloon is huge with a technology bay attached below that is itself the size of three busses, loaded with high resolution cameras, according to a senior u.s. official, equipped with what appear to be solar panels on the side that could power its technology. it first entered american airspace over alaska, then flying into southwest canada before dipping down over billings, montana. >> this thing is up in the sky. >> what the heck is that? >> that thing is not the moon. >> any help would be appreciated. >> reporter: montana republican congressman ryan zinke was blunt, tweeting \\"shoot. it. down.\\" the pentagon today sayig that option was considered and rejected, for now. >> we assessed that currently it does not pose a physical or military risk to people on the ground. for now we are continuing to monitor and review options. >> reporter: the white house today saying president biden agreed with the pentagon\'s strong recommendation.


* **Story 1: Chinese Spy Balloon**

* The Chinese government claims that the balloon is a weather balloon that blew off course.
* The U.S. government believes that the balloon is a surveillance balloon being maneuvered by China, likely using spy satellites.
* The balloon was spotted over Missouri today.
* The Pentagon is considering shooting down the balloon, but has not made a decision yet.
* Secretary of State Antony Blinken has postponed his high-stakes trip to Beijing, calling China's actions unacceptable.
* The balloon is currently headed towards North Carolina.

* **Story 2: Deadly Cold**

* The National Weather Service is calling the cold weather a once in a generation arctic blast.
* 25 million Americans in multiple states are affected by the cold.
* New York City, Philadelphia, and Boston are among the cities experiencing the worst of the cold.
* Wind-chill readings in Maine are expected to reach 60 below zero.
* The wind chill is already 106 degrees below zero in Massachusetts.

* **Story 3: ER Doctor Assault**

* An ER doctor was assaulted while riding his mountain bike.
* Police say the suspect hit the victim with his car and then got out and attacked him.
* The victim is in critical condition.

* **Story 4: Plane Clipping Incident**

* Two passenger jets clipped wings at Newark Airport.
* One of the planes was full of passengers.
* No one was injured.

* **Story 5: Alex Murdaugh Double Murder Trial**

* The defense team in the Alex Murdaugh double murder trial acknowledged that a ballistics expert made a mistake.
* The expert testified that the same gun was used to kill both victims.
* The defense team says the expert was mistaken.

* **Story 6: Alex Murdaugh's Housekeeper's Death**

* Alex Murdaugh's housekeeper died in a fall at his home.
* Prosecutors say Murdaugh got a $5 million payout from a policy that covered the housekeeper's fall.
* The jury may not hear about the payout.

* **Story 7: Robin Roberts' Bungee Jump**

* Robin Roberts will jump from the tallest building in the Southern Hemisphere.
* The jump is from the Sky Tower in Auckland, New Zealand.
* Roberts is doing the jump to raise awareness for cancer research.

Now we'll roll forward by a single minute, dropping the first minute and adding a new minute to the end in a true 5-minute rolling window. Again, we'll use a temperature of 0.4:

Make a bulleted list of the stories found in the following text. For each story provide a title and a brief three sentence summary of it and then copy-paste as-is all of the sentences from the text below that relate to that story. Use only the text provided:\n\n 25 million americans, multiple states. new york city, philadelphia, boston, wind-chill readings in maine expected to reach 60 below zero. and where the wind chill is already 106 degrees below zero tonight. victor oquendo in massachusetts. rob marciano timing this out. the deadly assault on an e.r. doctor riding his mountain bike. police say the suspect in his car hitting the victim, then allegedly getting out and attacking him. matt gutman reporting. another scare at the airport. this time, newark. two passenger jets clipping wings. one plane full of passengers. the stunning and unexpected jobs report tonight. president biden celebrating the numbers. the unemployment rate not this low since 1969. so, how does this complicate steps by the fed moving forward? rebecca jarvis, as always, breaking it down. the alex murdaugh double murder trial. the defense team, and what a ballistics expert acknowledged today. and tonight, the story of alex murdaugh\'s housekeeper dying in a fall at the home. what the family says they never knew. prosecutors say murdaugh got a $5 million payout from a policy that covered the housekeeper\'s fall. but will the jury hear about it? eva pilgrim reporting. robin roberts tonight and her epic jump. robin from new zealand, the birthplace of the bungee jump. you\'ll see her jump from the tallest building in the southern hemisphere. tonight, the lesson on conquering fear. good evening. it is great to have you with us on a friday night. almost to the weekend, but it will be brutally cold, dangerous, life-threatening cold. the readings coming in right now, and where the wind chill is already more than 100 degrees below zero. that\'s in a moment here. but we begin with the chinese spy balloon hovering over the u.s. tonight. china claiming it is a weather balloon that blew off course. u.s. authorities believe this is a surveillance balloon being maneuvered by china, likely using spy satellites. today the balloon was spotted over missouri. so where is it tonight, and where u.s. authorities believe it\'s headed. among the first sightings over billings, montana. that intelligence bay hanging beneath the balloon, that\'s the size of three busses. the pentagon tonight on discussions over whether or not to shoot it down, and will there be a small window of opportunity to do just that? what we\'re learning tonight. secretary of state antony blinken postponing his high-stakes trip to beijing, calling china\'s actions unacceptable. so, will this be shot down? if so, where? and what china is saying tonight. mary bruce at the white house, and abc\'s mola lenghi leading us off tonight in montana. >> reporter: tonight, the pentagon confirming the massive chinese spy balloon is on the move 60,000 feet above the ground and heading east. >> the balloon continues t move eastward and is currently over the center of the continental united states. >> what the heck is that? >> reporter: a senior u.s. official tells abc news the balloon now appears headed towards north carolina. across the country today, americans with their eyes on the skies, posting images like this one, the balloon floating over missouri. commercial pilots radioing in. >> we got that balloon in sight also. looks like it\'s way up there, maybe 50,000 feet or so. >> reporter: the balloon is huge with a technology bay attached below that is itself the size of three busses, loaded with high resolution cameras, according to a senior u.s. official, equipped with what appear to be solar panels on the side that could power its technology. it first entered american airspace over alaska, then flying into southwest canada before dipping down over billings, montana. >> this thing is up in the sky. >> what the heck is that? >> that thing is not the moon. >> any help would be appreciated. >> reporter: montana republican congressman ryan zinke was blunt, tweeting \\"shoot. it. down.\\" the pentagon today sayig that option was considered and rejected, for now. >> we assessed that currently it does not pose a physical or military risk to people on the ground. for now we are continuing to monitor and review options. >> reporter: the white house today saying president biden agreed with the pentagon\'s strong recommendation. the risks involved with shooting down the balloon just too great. >> any potential debris field would be significant and potentially cause civilian injuries or deaths or significant property damage. >> reporter: for its part, china insisting today the balloon is not a spy vessel at all but a civilian airship used for research, mainly meteorological purposes. the pentagon flatly rejecting that claim. >> we are aware of the prc\'s statement. however, the fact is, we know that it\'s a surveillance pballo. we have clearly communicated that this balloon is violating u.s. air space and international law and that this is unacceptable. >> reporter: china says the balloon deviated far from its planned course, but the pentagon questioning that as well, saying the balloon can be maneuvered. a senior u.s. official telling abc news, it\'s likely being navigated with spy satellites. this all happening as secretary of state antony blinken prepared for a weekend trip to beijing.

Unfortunately, with a temperature of 0.4 it fixates on the balloon story:

– Chinese spy balloon hovering over the U.S.
– China claims it is a weather balloon that blew off course.
– U.S. authorities believe this is a surveillance balloon being maneuvered by China, likely using spy satellites.
– The balloon was spotted over Missouri today.
– The Pentagon is considering whether or not to shoot it down.
– Secretary of State Antony Blinken has postponed his high-stakes trip to Beijing.
– China is insisting that the balloon is not a spy vessel at all but a civilian airship used for research, mainly meteorological purposes.
– The Pentagon flatly rejects that claim.

Let's go back and try the 5 minute rolling with a temperature of 0.0 that yields:

* **Story 1: Chinese Spy Balloon**

– The Chinese spy balloon is hovering over the U.S.
– The balloon is 60,000 feet above the ground and heading east.
– The balloon is believed to be headed towards North Carolina.
– The balloon is equipped with high-resolution cameras and solar panels.
– The Pentagon has considered shooting down the balloon, but has decided not to do so for now.
– President Biden has agreed with the Pentagon's decision.

* **Story 2: Deadly Cold**

– The National Weather Service is calling the cold weather a once-in-a-generation arctic blast.
– 25 million Americans in multiple states are affected by the cold weather.
– Wind-chill readings in Maine are expected to reach 60 below zero.
– The wind chill is already 106 degrees below zero in Massachusetts.
– The cold weather is causing power outages and transportation disruptions.

* **Story 3: ER Doctor Assault**

– An ER doctor was assaulted while riding his mountain bike.
– The suspect allegedly hit the victim with his car and then got out and attacked him.
– The victim is in critical condition.

* **Story 4: Plane Clipping Incident**

– Two passenger jets clipped wings at Newark Airport.
– One plane was full of passengers.
– No one was injured.

* **Story 5: Alex Murdaugh Double Murder Trial**

– The defense team in the Alex Murdaugh double murder trial acknowledged that a ballistics expert was wrong.
– The expert had testified that the same gun was used to kill both victims.
– The defense team says the expert was mistaken.

* **Story 6: Alex Murdaugh's Housekeeper's Death**

– Alex Murdaugh's housekeeper died in a fall at the home.
– Prosecutors say Murdaugh got a $5 million payout from a policy that covered the housekeeper's fall.
– The jury may not hear about the payout.

* **Story 7: Robin Roberts' Bungee Jump**

– Robin Roberts will jump from the tallest building in the Southern Hemisphere.
– The jump is from the Sky Tower in Auckland, New Zealand.
– Roberts says the jump is a lesson in conquering fear.

And the next 5 minute window with a 0.0 temperature:

- Chinese Spy Balloon:
    - China claims it is a weather balloon that blew off course.
    - U.S. authorities believe this is a surveillance balloon being maneuvered by China, likely using spy satellites.
    - The balloon was spotted over Missouri today.
    - The Pentagon is considering whether or not to shoot it down.
    - Secretary of State Antony Blinken has postponed his high-stakes trip to Beijing.
- Deadly Assault on ER Doctor:
    - A doctor was riding his mountain bike when he was hit by a car.
    - The driver got out of the car and attacked the doctor.
    - The doctor is in critical condition.
- Another Scare at the Airport:
    - Two passenger jets clipped wings at Newark Airport.
    - One plane was full of passengers.
    - There were no injuries.
- Stunning and Unexpected Jobs Report:
    - President Biden is celebrating the numbers.
    - The unemployment rate is not this low since 1969.
- Alex Murdaugh Double Murder Trial:
    - The defense team acknowledged that a ballistics expert made a mistake.
    - The housekeeper died in a fall at the home.
    - Prosecutors say Murdaugh got a $5 million payout from a policy that covered the housekeeper's fall.
- Robin Roberts' Epic Jump:
    - Robin Roberts will jump from the tallest building in the Southern Hemisphere.
    - She is the first person to do this.

And the next:

Make a bulleted list of the stories found in the following text. For each story provide a title and a brief three sentence summary of it and then copy-paste as-is all of the sentences from the text below that relate to that story. Use only the text provided:\n\n prosecutors say murdaugh got a $5 million payout from a policy that covered the housekeeper\'s fall. but will the jury hear about it? eva pilgrim reporting. robin roberts tonight and her epic jump. robin from new zealand, the birthplace of the bungee jump. you\'ll see her jump from the tallest building in the southern hemisphere. tonight, the lesson on conquering fear. good evening. it is great to have you with us on a friday night. almost to the weekend, but it will be brutally cold, dangerous, life-threatening cold. the readings coming in right now, and where the wind chill is already more than 100 degrees below zero. that\'s in a moment here. but we begin with the chinese spy balloon hovering over the u.s. tonight. china claiming it is a weather balloon that blew off course. u.s. authorities believe this is a surveillance balloon being maneuvered by china, likely using spy satellites. today the balloon was spotted over missouri. so where is it tonight, and where u.s. authorities believe it\'s headed. among the first sightings over billings, montana. that intelligence bay hanging beneath the balloon, that\'s the size of three busses. the pentagon tonight on discussions over whether or not to shoot it down, and will there be a small window of opportunity to do just that? what we\'re learning tonight. secretary of state antony blinken postponing his high-stakes trip to beijing, calling china\'s actions unacceptable. so, will this be shot down? if so, where? and what china is saying tonight. mary bruce at the white house, and abc\'s mola lenghi leading us off tonight in montana. >> reporter: tonight, the pentagon confirming the massive chinese spy balloon is on the move 60,000 feet above the ground and heading east. >> the balloon continues t move eastward and is currently over the center of the continental united states. >> what the heck is that? >> reporter: a senior u.s. official tells abc news the balloon now appears headed towards north carolina. across the country today, americans with their eyes on the skies, posting images like this one, the balloon floating over missouri. commercial pilots radioing in. >> we got that balloon in sight also. looks like it\'s way up there, maybe 50,000 feet or so. >> reporter: the balloon is huge with a technology bay attached below that is itself the size of three busses, loaded with high resolution cameras, according to a senior u.s. official, equipped with what appear to be solar panels on the side that could power its technology. it first entered american airspace over alaska, then flying into southwest canada before dipping down over billings, montana. >> this thing is up in the sky. >> what the heck is that? >> that thing is not the moon. >> any help would be appreciated. >> reporter: montana republican congressman ryan zinke was blunt, tweeting \\"shoot. it. down.\\" the pentagon today sayig that option was considered and rejected, for now. >> we assessed that currently it does not pose a physical or military risk to people on the ground. for now we are continuing to monitor and review options. >> reporter: the white house today saying president biden agreed with the pentagon\'s strong recommendation. the risks involved with shooting down the balloon just too great. >> any potential debris field would be significant and potentially cause civilian injuries or deaths or significant property damage. >> reporter: for its part, china insisting today the balloon is not a spy vessel at all but a civilian airship used for research, mainly meteorological purposes. the pentagon flatly rejecting that claim. >> we are aware of the prc\'s statement. however, the fact is, we know that it\'s a surveillance pballo. we have clearly communicated that this balloon is violating u.s. air space and international law and that this is unacceptable. >> reporter: china says the balloon deviated far from its planned course, but the pentagon questioning that as well, saying the balloon can be maneuvered. a senior u.s. official telling abc news, it\'s likely being navigated with spy satellites. this all happening as secretary of state antony blinken prepared for a weekend trip to beijing. windchill ever recorded in the u.s., including alaska. snow squalls along with that arctic chill. a time lapse from vermont. a cold emergency in place in boston. this is through sunday now. rob marciano standing by to time this out, and abc\'s victor oquendo in boston where the wind chill is 13 below zero right now. >> reporter: tonight, millions of families are in the midst of what the national weather service is calling a \\"once in a generation\\" arctic blast. >> we\'re seeing wind chills right now which are already below zero and before the night\'s over with, these are going to drop even more. >> reporter: parts of new england expecting wind chills at or near 60 below zero. outside springfield, massachusetts, as winds gusted above 50 miles per hour, a tree crashing onto a car, killing a 6-month-old girl inside. the woman driving rushed to the hospital. in boston, pilots battling high winds as they landed at logan airport. >> we\'re going to load food and stuff in here. >> reporter: and outreach teams hitting the streets to care for the needy. >> if anyone is out and sees someone else who might be in distress, please call 911.


* **Story 1: Chinese Spy Balloon**

– China claims the balloon is a weather balloon that blew off course.
– U.S. authorities believe the balloon is a surveillance balloon being maneuvered by China, likely using spy satellites.
– The balloon was spotted over Billings, Montana.
– The Pentagon is considering shooting down the balloon, but the risks involved are too great.
– China insists the balloon is not a spy vessel but a civilian airship used for research.
– The Pentagon flatly rejects that claim.

* **Story 2: Brutal Cold**

– The National Weather Service is calling the cold snap a "once in a generation" arctic blast.
– Wind chills are below zero and will drop even more overnight.
– Parts of New England are expecting wind chills at or near 60 below zero.
– A tree crashed onto a car in Springfield, Massachusetts, killing a 6-month-old girl inside.
– Pilots are battling high winds as they land at Logan Airport.
– Outreach teams are hitting the streets to care for the needy.

And the next:

Make a bulleted list of the stories found in the following text. For each story provide a title and a brief three sentence summary of it and then copy-paste as-is all of the sentences from the text below that relate to that story. Use only the text provided:\n\n today the balloon was spotted over missouri. so where is it tonight, and where u.s. authorities believe it\'s headed. among the first sightings over billings, montana. that intelligence bay hanging beneath the balloon, that\'s the size of three busses. the pentagon tonight on discussions over whether or not to shoot it down, and will there be a small window of opportunity to do just that? what we\'re learning tonight. secretary of state antony blinken postponing his high-stakes trip to beijing, calling china\'s actions unacceptable. so, will this be shot down? if so, where? and what china is saying tonight. mary bruce at the white house, and abc\'s mola lenghi leading us off tonight in montana. >> reporter: tonight, the pentagon confirming the massive chinese spy balloon is on the move 60,000 feet above the ground and heading east. >> the balloon continues t move eastward and is currently over the center of the continental united states. >> what the heck is that? >> reporter: a senior u.s. official tells abc news the balloon now appears headed towards north carolina. across the country today, americans with their eyes on the skies, posting images like this one, the balloon floating over missouri. commercial pilots radioing in. >> we got that balloon in sight also. looks like it\'s way up there, maybe 50,000 feet or so. >> reporter: the balloon is huge with a technology bay attached below that is itself the size of three busses, loaded with high resolution cameras, according to a senior u.s. official, equipped with what appear to be solar panels on the side that could power its technology. it first entered american airspace over alaska, then flying into southwest canada before dipping down over billings, montana. >> this thing is up in the sky. >> what the heck is that? >> that thing is not the moon. >> any help would be appreciated. >> reporter: montana republican congressman ryan zinke was blunt, tweeting \\"shoot. it. down.\\" the pentagon today sayig that option was considered and rejected, for now. >> we assessed that currently it does not pose a physical or military risk to people on the ground. for now we are continuing to monitor and review options. >> reporter: the white house today saying president biden agreed with the pentagon\'s strong recommendation. the risks involved with shooting down the balloon just too great. >> any potential debris field would be significant and potentially cause civilian injuries or deaths or significant property damage. >> reporter: for its part, china insisting today the balloon is not a spy vessel at all but a civilian airship used for research, mainly meteorological purposes. the pentagon flatly rejecting that claim. >> we are aware of the prc\'s statement. however, the fact is, we know that it\'s a surveillance pballo. we have clearly communicated that this balloon is violating u.s. air space and international law and that this is unacceptable. >> reporter: china says the balloon deviated far from its planned course, but the pentagon questioning that as well, saying the balloon can be maneuvered. a senior u.s. official telling abc news, it\'s likely being navigated with spy satellites. this all happening as secretary of state antony blinken prepared for a weekend trip to beijing. windchill ever recorded in the u.s., including alaska. snow squalls along with that arctic chill. a time lapse from vermont. a cold emergency in place in boston. this is through sunday now. rob marciano standing by to time this out, and abc\'s victor oquendo in boston where the wind chill is 13 below zero right now. >> reporter: tonight, millions of families are in the midst of what the national weather service is calling a \\"once in a generation\\" arctic blast. >> we\'re seeing wind chills right now which are already below zero and before the night\'s over with, these are going to drop even more. >> reporter: parts of new england expecting wind chills at or near 60 below zero. outside springfield, massachusetts, as winds gusted above 50 miles per hour, a tree crashing onto a car, killing a 6-month-old girl inside. the woman driving rushed to the hospital. in boston, pilots battling high winds as they landed at logan airport. >> we\'re going to load food and stuff in here. >> reporter: and outreach teams hitting the streets to care for the needy. >> if anyone is out and sees someone else who might be in distress, please call 911. >> reporter: doctors say hypothermia can set in in just minutes. >> this weather can be deadly. it\'s life threatening. this is something that people have to really take seriously. >> reporter: the arctic front visible in the form of powerful snow squalls pushing from upstate new york through new england. here in boston, a brutal night ahead. a cold emergency is in place. winds will gust to 40 miles per hour, so there\'s a real concern about power outages, and it will feel like at least 30 below. david? >> victor oquendo in boston. victor, thank you. let\'s get to rob marciano who\'s timing this out for us tonight. hey, rob. >> reporter: hi, david. if you live in the northeast, you\'ve felt it all day long. temperatures have been dropping. now these winds are really ripping, measured over 40 miles per hour already. and the wind chill advisory is pretty much everywhere north of new york city. here you see it on the map. it\'s no picnic south of here either. minus 23 for a wind chill right now in albany. minus 13 in boston. but numbers in the morning will be even more dangerous, and that red spot blizzard warning, that\'s for blowing snow on the ground.


– Story 1: Chinese Spy Balloon

– The Chinese spy balloon is on the move 60,000 feet above the ground and heading east.
– The balloon is huge with a technology bay attached below that is itself the size of three busses, loaded with high resolution cameras.
– The Pentagon says that the balloon does not pose a physical or military risk to people on the ground and that they are continuing to monitor and review options.
– China insists that the balloon is not a spy vessel but a civilian airship used for research, mainly meteorological purposes.
– The Pentagon flatly rejects that claim and says that they have clearly communicated that this balloon is violating U.S. air space and international law and that it is unacceptable.

– Story 2: Arctic Blast

– Millions of families are in the midst of what the National Weather Service is calling a "once in a generation" arctic blast.
– Parts of New England expecting wind chills at or near 60 below zero.
– Outside Springfield, Massachusetts, as winds gusted above 50 miles per hour, a tree crashing onto a car, killing a 6-month-old girl inside.
– In Boston, pilots battling high winds as they landed at Logan Airport.
– Doctors say hypothermia can set in in just minutes.

And the next:

Make a bulleted list of the stories found in the following text. For each story provide a title and a brief three sentence summary of it and then copy-paste as-is all of the sentences from the text below that relate to that story. Use only the text provided:\n\n commercial pilots radioing in. >> we got that balloon in sight also. looks like it\'s way up there, maybe 50,000 feet or so. >> reporter: the balloon is huge with a technology bay attached below that is itself the size of three busses, loaded with high resolution cameras, according to a senior u.s. official, equipped with what appear to be solar panels on the side that could power its technology. it first entered american airspace over alaska, then flying into southwest canada before dipping down over billings, montana. >> this thing is up in the sky. >> what the heck is that? >> that thing is not the moon. >> any help would be appreciated. >> reporter: montana republican congressman ryan zinke was blunt, tweeting \\"shoot. it. down.\\" the pentagon today sayig that option was considered and rejected, for now. >> we assessed that currently it does not pose a physical or military risk to people on the ground. for now we are continuing to monitor and review options. >> reporter: the white house today saying president biden agreed with the pentagon\'s strong recommendation. the risks involved with shooting down the balloon just too great. >> any potential debris field would be significant and potentially cause civilian injuries or deaths or significant property damage. >> reporter: for its part, china insisting today the balloon is not a spy vessel at all but a civilian airship used for research, mainly meteorological purposes. the pentagon flatly rejecting that claim. >> we are aware of the prc\'s statement. however, the fact is, we know that it\'s a surveillance pballo. we have clearly communicated that this balloon is violating u.s. air space and international law and that this is unacceptable. >> reporter: china says the balloon deviated far from its planned course, but the pentagon questioning that as well, saying the balloon can be maneuvered. a senior u.s. official telling abc news, it\'s likely being navigated with spy satellites. this all happening as secretary of state antony blinken prepared for a weekend trip to beijing. windchill ever recorded in the u.s., including alaska. snow squalls along with that arctic chill. a time lapse from vermont. a cold emergency in place in boston. this is through sunday now. rob marciano standing by to time this out, and abc\'s victor oquendo in boston where the wind chill is 13 below zero right now. >> reporter: tonight, millions of families are in the midst of what the national weather service is calling a \\"once in a generation\\" arctic blast. >> we\'re seeing wind chills right now which are already below zero and before the night\'s over with, these are going to drop even more. >> reporter: parts of new england expecting wind chills at or near 60 below zero. outside springfield, massachusetts, as winds gusted above 50 miles per hour, a tree crashing onto a car, killing a 6-month-old girl inside. the woman driving rushed to the hospital. in boston, pilots battling high winds as they landed at logan airport. >> we\'re going to load food and stuff in here. >> reporter: and outreach teams hitting the streets to care for the needy. >> if anyone is out and sees someone else who might be in distress, please call 911. >> reporter: doctors say hypothermia can set in in just minutes. >> this weather can be deadly. it\'s life threatening. this is something that people have to really take seriously. >> reporter: the arctic front visible in the form of powerful snow squalls pushing from upstate new york through new england. here in boston, a brutal night ahead. a cold emergency is in place. winds will gust to 40 miles per hour, so there\'s a real concern about power outages, and it will feel like at least 30 below. david? >> victor oquendo in boston. victor, thank you. let\'s get to rob marciano who\'s timing this out for us tonight. hey, rob. >> reporter: hi, david. if you live in the northeast, you\'ve felt it all day long. temperatures have been dropping. now these winds are really ripping, measured over 40 miles per hour already. and the wind chill advisory is pretty much everywhere north of new york city. here you see it on the map. it\'s no picnic south of here either. minus 23 for a wind chill right now in albany. minus 13 in boston. but numbers in the morning will be even more dangerous, and that red spot blizzard warning, that\'s for blowing snow on the ground. minus 57 in caribou. we get to that figure or less, that\'s an all-time record. minus 11 in new york. this is hypothermic stuff, frostbite in minutes. but a rapid rebound in temperatures coming during the day sunday. we\'ll start in single digits in many spots all the way into the 40s for sunday, monday, and tuesday. so it\'s just a matter of survival for the next 36 hours. david? >> whiplash for sure, but take saturday seriously. rob, we thank you. get back inside. we\'re going to turn next to the doctor struck by a car. police say he was then attacked. he did not survive. that emergency room doctor riding his bike on the pacific coast highway, struck by a driver. police say the driver then got out of the car and stabbed the doctor. bystanders taking the attacker down. here\'s our chief correspondent matt gutman from california tonight. >> reporter: tonight, an e.r. doctor is dead after police in california say a motorist slammed into him, then got out of his car and stabbed him.

Yielding the following. Something strange has happened here. Instead of beginning with an extracted story, the output begins with a few extra sentences, would would complicate downstream processing. Yet, far more serious is that those first few sentences and the third story are hallucinated. There is no Richard Ramirez mentioned in the passage, nor is there a Thomas Huang or Camarillo. Could it be that the LLM has memorized those details from seeing this broadcast before? It turns out that, no, they are not mentioned anywhere in the broadcast. What about in other coverage of the story from the time period? Could the model have learned those details from other stories it saw? The name of the slain doctor is given in the very next minute of the transcript as Dr. Michael John Mammone, not Thomas Huang. The individual arrested was Vanroy Evan Smith, not Richard Ramirez. And the city it occurred in was Dana Point, not Camarillo. Once again we have hallucination. Unfortunately, an embedding-based hallucination detector would likely improperly pass this as a non-hallucination depending on its fixation on the names due to the overall gist of the hallucinated story being accurate. In other words, this is a "directed hallucination" in which the model used the actual text as inspiration. Interestingly, a web search for any pages containing both "richard ramirez" "thomas huang" on the same page returns zero results, suggesting this was not simply a case of the story being conflated with a similar one.

the attack happened on the pacific coast highway in the city of camarillo. police say the driver, 32-year-old richard ramirez, was arrested and charged with murder. the victim, 32-year-old thomas huang, was riding his bike home from work when he was hit by a car. police say ramirez got out of his car and stabbed huang multiple times. bystanders intervened and held ramirez down until police arrived. huang was taken to a hospital where he died. ramirez is being held on $1 million bail. police have not released a motive for the attack. **Story 1: China's Mysterious Balloon Refuses to Go Away**

The Pentagon says it is monitoring a Chinese balloon that has been floating in U.S. airspace for days. The balloon is huge, with a technology bay attached below that is itself the size of three busses. It is equipped with high resolution cameras and solar panels. The Pentagon says it does not pose a physical or military risk to people on the ground, but the White House says it is unacceptable that it is violating U.S. airspace. China insists that the balloon is a civilian airship used for research, but the Pentagon says it is a surveillance balloon.

**Story 2: Arctic Blast Brings Record-Low Temperatures to Northeast**

Millions of people in the Northeast are bracing for a "once in a generation" arctic blast that is bringing record-low temperatures. Wind chills are expected to be at or near 60 below zero in parts of New England. A tree crashed onto a car in Springfield, Massachusetts, killing a 6-month-old girl inside. In Boston, pilots are battling high winds as they land at Logan Airport. Outreach teams are hitting the streets to care for the needy. Doctors say hypothermia can set in in just minutes.

**Story 3: California Doctor Stabbed to Death After Being Hit by Car**

A California doctor is dead after police say he was hit by a car and then stabbed by the driver. The attack happened on the Pacific Coast Highway in the city of Camarillo. The driver, 32-year-old Richard Ramirez, has been arrested and charged with murder. Police have not released a motive for the attack.

Of course, a temperature of 0.0 means that the model must necessarily follow the most probable word sequence. In this case we used it to ensure more structured and deterministic output, but what if we increase the temperature to the 0.2 standard used in freeform summarization tasks? Strangely we again see a passage of text appearing before the start of the first story. This time the model hallucinates that the attack occurred in Monterey.

the attack happened on the pacific coast highway in the city of monterey. the doctor was riding his bike when he was hit by a car. police say the driver got out of his car and stabbed the doctor multiple times. bystanders intervened and held the driver down until police arrived. the doctor was taken to a hospital where he died. the driver is in custody. police have not released a motive for the attack. **Story 1: China's Mysterious Balloon Refuses to Go Away**

The Pentagon says it is monitoring a Chinese balloon that has been floating in U.S. airspace for days. The balloon is huge, with a technology bay attached below that is itself the size of three busses. It is loaded with high resolution cameras and equipped with what appear to be solar panels on the side that could power its technology.

The balloon first entered American airspace over Alaska, then flying into southwest Canada before dipping down over Billings, Montana. Commercial pilots radioed in, saying "we got that balloon in sight also. looks like it's way up there, maybe 50,000 feet or so."

Montana Republican Congressman Ryan Zinke was blunt, tweeting "shoot. it. down." The Pentagon today said that option was considered and rejected, for now.

The White House today said President Biden agreed with the Pentagon's strong recommendation. The risks involved with shooting down the balloon just too great.

For its part, China insists today the balloon is not a spy vessel at all but a civilian airship used for research, mainly meteorological purposes. The Pentagon flatly rejects that claim.

**Story 2: Arctic Blast Brings Record-Low Temperatures to Northeast**

Millions of families are in the midst of what the National Weather Service is calling a "once in a generation" arctic blast. Wind chills right now which are already below zero and before the night's over with, these are going to drop even more.

Parts of New England expecting wind chills at or near 60 below zero. Outside Springfield, Massachusetts, as winds gusted above 50 miles per hour, a tree crashing onto a car, killing a 6-month-old girl inside. The woman driving rushed to the hospital.

In Boston, pilots battling high winds as they landed at Logan Airport. And outreach teams hitting the streets to care for the needy. Doctors say hypothermia can set in in just minutes.

**Story 3: California Doctor Stabbed to Death After Being Hit by Car**

An emergency room doctor is dead after police in California say a motorist slammed into him, then got out of his car and stabbed him. The attack happened on the Pacific Coast Highway in the city of Monterey.

The doctor was riding his bike when he was hit by a car. Police say the driver got out of his car and stabbed the doctor multiple times. Bystanders intervened and held the driver down until police arrived. The doctor was taken to a hospital where he died. The driver is in custody. Police have not released a motive for the attack.

What if we run a second time? Once again we get hallucination. This time the victim is a Thomas Mahan at St. John's Hospital in Oxnard and the suspect a Richard Brandon McBride, with the attack once again occurring in Camarillo. Interestingly, there really is a St. John's Hospital in Oxnard that is a short drive from Camarillo, making this at least a plausible combination. Google returns no results for a "richard brandon mcbride", though it does return at least one with a medical degree who lives in Winter Park. FL – quite a distance from St. John's in Oxnard. That two different runs yielded two different hallucinated sets of murderers and murdered raises key questions about what happens as LLM-generated text proliferates on the web and even in journalism as newsrooms increasingly explore its use. What happens when a person is suddenly thrust into the limelight as a claimed murderer? Note too that the spy balloon is hallucinated as being seen over Mexico as well.

the attack happened on the pacific coast highway in the city of camarillo. police say the driver, 32-year-old richard brandon mcbride, was arrested and booked for murder. the victim, 38-year-old thomas mahan, was a doctor at st. john's hospital in oxnard. he was riding his bike home from work when he was hit by a car. police say mcbride got out of his car and stabbed mahan multiple times. bystanders intervened and held mcbride down until police arrived. mahan was pronounced dead at the scene. mcbride is being held on $1 million bail. police have not released a motive for the attack. **Story 1: China's Mysterious Balloon Raises Concerns**

* China's mysterious balloon is raising concerns in the U.S and was recently seen flying over Mexico.
* The balloon is huge and loaded with high-resolution cameras.
* The Pentagon says it is monitoring the balloon and considering its options.
* China insists the balloon is a civilian airship used for research.

**Story 2: Arctic Blast Brings Dangerously Cold Temperatures to Northeast**

* The Northeast is bracing for a dangerous arctic blast.
* Wind chills are expected to be below zero, and some areas could see wind chills as low as 60 below zero.
* The cold weather is expected to cause power outages and transportation disruptions.
* People are being urged to stay indoors and to take precautions to stay warm.

**Story 3: Doctor Stabbed to Death After Being Hit by Car**

* A doctor was stabbed to death after being hit by a car in California.
* The driver, who has been arrested, is suspected of intentionally hitting the doctor with his car.
* The doctor was riding his bike home from work when he was hit.
* The doctor's name was Thomas Mahan and the suspect is Richard Brandon McBride.

What about a third time? Once again we see preceding text and once again the model hallucinates details of the murder. Ramirez is back, but this time it is Thomas Stryker who is the victim. Once again, Mexico is hallucinated as an overflight country of the balloon.

the attack happened on the pacific coast highway in the city of camarillo. police say the driver, identified as 23-year-old richard ramirez, then got out of his car and stabbed the doctor multiple times. bystanders intervened and held ramirez down until police arrived. the doctor, identified as 54-year-old thomas stryker, was taken to a hospital where he died. police say ramirez is being held on suspicion of murder. they have not released a motive for the attack. Story 1: China's Mysterious Balloon
– A large balloon has been spotted flying over the United States, Canada, and Mexico.
– The balloon is believed to be a Chinese spy vessel.
– The Pentagon has said that it will not shoot down the balloon because it does not pose a threat to people on the ground.
– China has denied that the balloon is a spy vessel and says that it is a civilian airship used for research.
Story 2: Arctic Blast
– The Northeast is experiencing a "once in a generation" arctic blast.
– Wind chills are expected to be at or near 60 below zero in parts of New England.
– A tree crashed onto a car in Springfield, Massachusetts, killing a 6-month-old girl.
– Pilots are battling high winds as they land at Logan Airport in Boston.
– Outreach teams are hitting the streets to care for the needy.
Story 3: Doctor Stabbed to Death
– A doctor named Thomas Stryker was struck by a car and then stabbed to death by Richard Ramirez in Camarillo on the Pacific Coast Highway in California.
– The driver, identified as 23-year-old Richard Ramirez, is being held on suspicion of murder.
– Police have not released a motive for the attack.

What about a fourth time? We're back to Huang and Ramirez in Camarillo. This time the balloon went as far as Texas.

the attack happened on the pacific coast highway in the city of camarillo. police say the driver, identified as 23-year-old richard ramirez, was arrested and booked for murder. the victim, identified as 32-year-old thomas huang, was riding his bike when he was hit by a car. police say ramirez got out of his car and stabbed huang multiple times. bystanders intervened and held ramirez down until police arrived. huang was taken to a hospital where he died. police say they are still investigating what led to the attack. **Story 1: China's Mysterious Balloon Raises Concerns**

The Pentagon is monitoring a Chinese balloon that entered U.S. airspace over Alaska and flew into Canada before dipping down over Montana and then to Texas. Commercial pilots have spotted the balloon, which is huge and has a technology bay attached below. The Pentagon says it does not pose a physical or military risk to people on the ground, but the White House says it is unacceptable that the balloon is violating U.S. airspace and international law. China insists that the balloon is a civilian airship used for research, but the Pentagon says it is a surveillance balloon.

**Story 2: Arctic Blast Brings Dangerously Cold Temperatures to Northeast**

Millions of people in the Northeast are bracing for a "once in a generation" arctic blast that is bringing dangerously cold temperatures. Wind chills are expected to be at or near 60 below zero in parts of New England. A tree crashed onto a car in Springfield, Massachusetts, killing a 6-month-old girl inside. In Boston, pilots are battling high winds as they land at Logan Airport. Outreach teams are hitting the streets to care for the needy. Doctors say hypothermia can set in in just minutes.

**Story 3: California Doctor Stabbed to Death After Being Hit by Car**

A California doctor is dead after police say he was hit by a car and then stabbed by the driver. The attack happened on the Pacific Coast Highway in the city of Camarillo. The driver, identified as 23-year-old Richard Ramirez, was arrested and booked for murder. Police are still investigating what led to the attack.

What if we completely drop our request for it to output the underlying sentences and just use a vanilla summarization request with a temperature of 0.2?

Make a bulleted list of the stories found in the following text. For each story provide a title and a brief three sentence summary of it:\n\n commercial pilots radioing in. >> we got that balloon in sight also. looks like it\'s way up there, maybe 50,000 feet or so. >> reporter: the balloon is huge with a technology bay attached below that is itself the size of three busses, loaded with high resolution cameras, according to a senior u.s. official, equipped with what appear to be solar panels on the side that could power its technology. it first entered american airspace over alaska, then flying into southwest canada before dipping down over billings, montana. >> this thing is up in the sky. >> what the heck is that? >> that thing is not the moon. >> any help would be appreciated. >> reporter: montana republican congressman ryan zinke was blunt, tweeting \\"shoot. it. down.\\" the pentagon today sayig that option was considered and rejected, for now. >> we assessed that currently it does not pose a physical or military risk to people on the ground. for now we are continuing to monitor and review options. >> reporter: the white house today saying president biden agreed with the pentagon\'s strong recommendation. the risks involved with shooting down the balloon just too great. >> any potential debris field would be significant and potentially cause civilian injuries or deaths or significant property damage. >> reporter: for its part, china insisting today the balloon is not a spy vessel at all but a civilian airship used for research, mainly meteorological purposes. the pentagon flatly rejecting that claim. >> we are aware of the prc\'s statement. however, the fact is, we know that it\'s a surveillance pballo. we have clearly communicated that this balloon is violating u.s. air space and international law and that this is unacceptable. >> reporter: china says the balloon deviated far from its planned course, but the pentagon questioning that as well, saying the balloon can be maneuvered. a senior u.s. official telling abc news, it\'s likely being navigated with spy satellites. this all happening as secretary of state antony blinken prepared for a weekend trip to beijing. windchill ever recorded in the u.s., including alaska. snow squalls along with that arctic chill. a time lapse from vermont. a cold emergency in place in boston. this is through sunday now. rob marciano standing by to time this out, and abc\'s victor oquendo in boston where the wind chill is 13 below zero right now. >> reporter: tonight, millions of families are in the midst of what the national weather service is calling a \\"once in a generation\\" arctic blast. >> we\'re seeing wind chills right now which are already below zero and before the night\'s over with, these are going to drop even more. >> reporter: parts of new england expecting wind chills at or near 60 below zero. outside springfield, massachusetts, as winds gusted above 50 miles per hour, a tree crashing onto a car, killing a 6-month-old girl inside. the woman driving rushed to the hospital. in boston, pilots battling high winds as they landed at logan airport. >> we\'re going to load food and stuff in here. >> reporter: and outreach teams hitting the streets to care for the needy. >> if anyone is out and sees someone else who might be in distress, please call 911. >> reporter: doctors say hypothermia can set in in just minutes. >> this weather can be deadly. it\'s life threatening. this is something that people have to really take seriously. >> reporter: the arctic front visible in the form of powerful snow squalls pushing from upstate new york through new england. here in boston, a brutal night ahead. a cold emergency is in place. winds will gust to 40 miles per hour, so there\'s a real concern about power outages, and it will feel like at least 30 below. david? >> victor oquendo in boston. victor, thank you. let\'s get to rob marciano who\'s timing this out for us tonight. hey, rob. >> reporter: hi, david. if you live in the northeast, you\'ve felt it all day long. temperatures have been dropping. now these winds are really ripping, measured over 40 miles per hour already. and the wind chill advisory is pretty much everywhere north of new york city. here you see it on the map. it\'s no picnic south of here either. minus 23 for a wind chill right now in albany. minus 13 in boston. but numbers in the morning will be even more dangerous, and that red spot blizzard warning, that\'s for blowing snow on the ground. minus 57 in caribou. we get to that figure or less, that\'s an all-time record. minus 11 in new york. this is hypothermic stuff, frostbite in minutes. but a rapid rebound in temperatures coming during the day sunday. we\'ll start in single digits in many spots all the way into the 40s for sunday, monday, and tuesday. so it\'s just a matter of survival for the next 36 hours. david? >> whiplash for sure, but take saturday seriously. rob, we thank you. get back inside. we\'re going to turn next to the doctor struck by a car. police say he was then attacked. he did not survive. that emergency room doctor riding his bike on the pacific coast highway, struck by a driver. police say the driver then got out of the car and stabbed the doctor. bystanders taking the attacker down. here\'s our chief correspondent matt gutman from california tonight. >> reporter: tonight, an e.r. doctor is dead after police in california say a motorist slammed into him, then got out of his car and stabbed him.

We still can't outrace the hallucination:

it happened on the pacific coast highway in the city of monterey. police say the driver, 32-year-old timothy de la torre, is now in custody. they say he was driving erratically before the crash. the victim, 38-year-old richard tsimerman, was riding his bike home from work. he was taken to a hospital where he died. police say de la torre is being held on suspicion of murder.
– China's giant spy balloon in US airspace: The US says it is monitoring a Chinese balloon that entered US airspace from Alaska and is flying over Canada. The Pentagon says it is considering shooting it down, but the White House says that would be too risky.
– Arctic blast: The US is bracing for a "once in a generation" arctic blast that will bring record-breaking cold to the Northeast. Wind chills in some areas are expected to be as low as 60 below zero.
– California doctor stabbed to death: A California doctor was killed after being struck by a car and then stabbed by the driver. The driver is in custody.

How about 0.4? Still hallucinating:

it happened on the pacific coast highway in the city of camarillo. the doctor, identified as 59-year-old thomas mahan, was riding his bike when he was hit by a car. police say the driver, 23-year-old nathan schmidt, got out of his car and stabbed mahan multiple times. bystanders intervened and held schmidt down until police arrived. mahan was taken to a hospital where he died. schmidt is facing charges of murder, attempted murder, and assault with a deadly weapon. he is being held on $1 million bail. police have not released a motive for the attack. **Stories:**

* **China's giant spy balloon in U.S. airspace:** The U.S. government is monitoring a giant Chinese spy balloon that has been floating in U.S. airspace for days. The balloon is equipped with high-resolution cameras and solar panels, and it is believed to be gathering intelligence on the U.S. military. The Pentagon has said that it does not pose a threat to the U.S., but it is considering shooting it down.
* **Arctic blast hits Northeast U.S.:** The Northeast U.S. is experiencing a major winter storm that is bringing freezing temperatures and snow. The storm is expected to bring wind chills as low as 60 degrees below zero in some areas. The storm has already caused power outages and transportation disruptions.
* **Doctor stabbed to death on California highway:** A doctor was stabbed to death on a California highway after he was struck by a car. The driver of the car, who has been arrested, is facing charges of murder and attempted murder.

What if we boost our temperature all the way to 0.99?

it happened on the pacific coast highway in the city of manhattan beach. police say 33-year-old thomas kron became enraged when he saw the doctor riding his bike in the bike lane. >> the suspect got out of his vehicle, walked up to the victim, and stabbed him multiple times. >> reporter: witnesses say several people chased the suspect down and held him until police arrived. the victim, 32-year-old edward huang, was taken to a hospital where he later died. huang was an e.r. doctor at the little company of mary hospital. the suspect, who has not been identified, is being held on a $1 million bail.
* China's giant spy balloon in US airspace: The Pentagon says it is monitoring and reviewing options after commercial pilots spotted a giant Chinese spy balloon in US airspace. The balloon is thought to be 200 feet in diameter and is equipped with high-resolution cameras.
* 'Once in a generation' arctic blast: The National Weather Service has issued a blizzard warning for parts of New England as a powerful arctic front moves through the region. Wind chills are expected to be at or near 60 below zero in some areas.
* California doctor stabbed to death: A 33-year-old man has been arrested after police say he ran over an e.r. doctor on his bike, then stabbed him multiple times. The victim, 32-year-old Edward Huang, died at a hospital.