The GDELT Project

Comparing Portland And Kenosha Television News Coverage

Kenosha received a burst of television news attention after several protesters were shot, lasting from Aug. 24 to around Sept. 5, with a week-long tail-off after. In contrast, Portland experienced a long initial leadup of low-level coverage from Fox News, with CNN and MSNBC paying little attention. Fox began sharply ramping up its coverage from July 14, but it wasn't until four days later that MSNBC and Fox News began their own surge of coverage, though CNN covered the initial wave far less than its peers. Fox continued to cover events while MSNBC and CNN moved on. The shooting of a Trump supporter by an alleged Antifa member caused a one-day burst of coverage on CNN that quickly dropped off over the following 72 hours on both CNN and MSNBC, while Fox News continued to cover the story for the following two weeks. The split in America's media is starkly visible in this graph. Fox News viewers have been seeing the unrest in Portland for more than three months, while CNN and MSNBC viewers have seen just two brief glimpses.

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