The GDELT Project

Can 'Cahoots' Be Anything Other Than 'In Cahoots'?

The Wall Street Journal's Ben Zimmer yesterday traced how the word "cahoots" has evolved over time, noting among other things that it is almost always used in the context of "in cahoots". Using our massive Web Part Of Speech dataset, can we identify any instances of cahoots appearing in other contexts?

While "in cahoots" is the most common usage, it appears other words are often interjected between the two to describe the relationship:

Sometimes the word "in" is replaced with "into" or equivalent in a slightly different formulation:

The word can also appear on its own. Entertainment news outlet Deadline offers an example of "cahoots" sans any form of "in":

Similarly, the Edmonton Sun had this article:

While Khaleej Times uses "cahoot" similarly without "in":

Pakistan's The News also uses it in an unusual context:

These examples just scratch the surface of what's possible with this powerful new dataset!