The GDELT Project

A Glimpse At One Day In The Life Of Television News From Around The World

Television news around the world is both extremely similar and incredibly different. Some countries lean towards professional newsreaders in studios, while others are oriented more towards political and religious leadership, panel discussions or interviews with ordinary citizens. Some feature commercial advertising while others intersperse music, public service announcements or religious statements between segments. What does one 24-hour period of television news look like around the world?

To explore just how different television news can look around the world, we've selected two shows from June 20th and 21st from a few international television news channels from around the world and rendered them as thumbnail grids: GB News (United Kingdom), Jordan TV (Jordan), Palestinian Satellite Channel (Palestine), RTP Internacional (RTPi) (Portugal), Sharjah TV, Southern Sudan Television (SSTV) (South Sudan), Sudan State TV (Sudan), Télé Congo (Republic Of Congo) and Canal Algérie (Algeria) (listed last on the page below because of the length of the two shows selected that require heavy scrolling). Click on each preview image to see a larger version.

GB News (United Kingdom)

Jordan TV (Jordan)

Palestinian Satellite Channel (Palestine)

RTP Internacional (RTPi) (Portugal)


Sharjah TV

Southern Sudan Television (SSTV) (South Sudan)

Sudan State TV (Sudan)

Télé Congo (Republic Of Congo)

Canal Algérie (Algeria)